Thursday, February 16, 2012

JOBS: Lab manager position at Duke University

Lab manager position in Cognitive Neuroscience of Episodic Memory and Aging
Lab manager position available in the laboratory of Roberto Cabeza
( at the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience of Duke
University ( fMRI scanning ( and
TMS ( facilities are located
within a few hundred yards. Research focuses on the neural mechanisms
of visual memory and emotional memory in young and older adults using
fMRI, functional connectivity, DTI, EEG/ERP, and TMS. Duties include
recruitment and neuropsychological testing of young and older
participants, MRI scanning and analysis, supervision and training of
undergraduate students, and general laboratory administration. The
position includes opportunities for research and co-authorship of
abstracts and papers. Qualifications: B.A. or equivalent with
background in psychology, neuroscience, or computer science. All
candidates should have excellent interpersonal and organizational
skills, good computer skills, and some research experience. Experience
in computer programming and familiarity with statistic are desirable.
Two-year commitment is required. Send a cover letter and a CV to