Sunday, January 31, 2010

CONFERENCES: 2010 APA CWP Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology

From Kari Hill,


Due March 1, 2010


American Psychological Association Committee on Women in Psychology

3rd Annual Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

San Diego, California


The American Psychological Association Committee on Women in Psychology (CWP) announces its third annual Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology to be held on Tuesday, August 10, 2010, from 8:00am to 6:00pm, in San Diego, California.  This one-day Institute will target approximately 30 mid-career women psychologists who are APA members and who work full time in academic or academic medicine settings


The overall mission of the CWP Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology is to empower, prepare, and support women psychologists as leaders to promote positive changes in institutional and organizational life and to increase the diversity, number, and effectiveness of women psychologists as leaders.  The program’s mission supports APA’s goal to advance psychology as a science and profession and as a means of promoting health, education and human welfare.


The CWP Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology has several objectives:

  • Ensure that mid-career and senior women in psychology have the knowledge and skills necessary to compete for and be successful in leadership/management positions in academic and other professional settings.
  • Enhance the number and effectiveness of female psychologists holding institutional leadership positions in academic and other professional settings.
  • Increase the diversity of women psychologists in institutional leadership positions.
  • Create networks of women psychologists in senior management/leadership positions in varied professional settings.


Who Should Attend?

Mid-career (10-20 years post doctoral degree) women psychologists who are APA members with demonstrated leadership experience and capabilities holding full-time, paid faculty appointments at the associate professor or clinical associate professor level or above in academic or academic medicine settings.  Women of color, lesbian and bisexual women, transgender women, and women with disabilities are encouraged to apply.


Program components:

Highly interactive, skills-focused workshops with experts in the field.  The core curriculum includes:

  • Leadership Models
  • Mid-Career Management, Goal Setting and Planning
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Mentoring Networks, including gender and diversity issues


Previous Institutes have also addressed:

  • Sustaining and Funding a Research Program
  • Fiscal, Program, and Personnel issues
  • Managing Work-Life Balance
  • Strategic Planning
  • Dealing with Difficult People


Individuals who participate will leave with clearly defined professional goals, identify next steps towards promotion and leadership positions, and have the opportunity to join a monthly mentoring forum for mid-career women in psychology.


Applications and supporting materials (CV and letter of recommendation) are due by 5:00 pm eastern time on Monday, March 1, 2010.


Please visit  to complete the electronic application form.  You may also print out the completed application and (1) fax it with accompanying documents to the Women’s Programs Office at 202.336.6117 or (2) e-mail it to


If selected, participants will be asked to pay a $250 fee, which covers registration, program materials, and food (breakfast, lunch and snacks).  In addition, participants will be invited to attend a follow-up leadership program in March 2011 at the APA headquarters in Washington, DC.


Selections will be announced by Monday, May 3, 2010.


For additional information, please visit to review frequently asked questions or contact Shari Miles-Cohen, PhD, Senior Director, Women’s Programs Office:

1. Via snail-mail at American Psychological Association, 750 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20002

2. Via phone at 202.336.6044

3. Via e-mail

The American Psychological Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology has been generously funded by APA Board of Directors, the APA Council of Representatives, the APA Women’s Programs Office, the National Institutes of Health Office of Research on Women’s Health, the Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Psychology, the Society for the Psychological Study of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Issues, the Society for the Psychology of Women, and the Women’s Caucus of the APA Council of Representatives.











Shari E. Miles-Cohen, Ph.D. | Senior Director, Women’s Programs Office
Public Interest Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: (202) 336-6156 |  Fax: (202) 336-6117

email: |

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

CONFERENCES: 2010 APA Advanced Training Institutes

The APA Science Directorate is pleased to sponsor four Advanced Training Institutes (ATIs) in the summer of 2010.  These intensive training programs are held each summer at major research institutions across the country.  ATIs expose advanced graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, new and established faculty, and other researchers to state-of-the-art research methods and emerging technologies. 


This year’s programs are listed below.  Complete information about these programs can be viewed on the Advanced Training Institutes website.


  • Structural Equation Modeling in Longitudinal Research
    May 25-29, University of Virginia


  • Exploratory Data Mining in Behavioral Research
    June 14-18, University of Southern California


  • Non-Linear Methods for Psychological Science
    June 21-25, University of Cincinnati


  • Research Methods with Diverse Racial & Ethnic Groups
    June 21-25, Michigan State University


Note that application deadlines begin March 3, 2010.  Applications are available at the ATI website and must be submitted electronically through each program's webpage.  Tuition for ATIs is substantially lower than for other similar summer academic programs.  For more information, contact Nicolle Singer via email or telephone at (202) 336-6000.





INFO: JEPA Special Issue on Human Performance in Health Care

SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY: APPLIED on HUMAN PERFORMANCE IN HEALTH CARE. Manuscripts that address issues related to applied experimental psychology and human performance in all aspects of health care will be considered.

Human error and safety in health care systems has been a focus of national concern since the 1999 Institute of Medicine report. That report also emphasized the critical role of human factors issues as both a contributor to medical error that threatens safety, and as an approach to mitigating error and improving safety. Theories and methods related to human performance and cognition have played an increasingly important role in guiding research related to health care, error, and system safety.

We invite manuscripts that describe empirical research that investigates any aspect of health care with implications for understanding and improving health care processes and practices. An ideal submission will describe work that meets the following criteria:

1) The work is motivated by and contributes to theories of human performance (relevant to cognitive or other psychological processes);

2) The work is experimental in the sense that it provides evidence for causal influences underlying the findings and provides the reader some certainty in the interpretation of the causal influences; multi-experiment studies may be important for providing such evidence. Observational methods may also be appropriate, so long as the study design provides compelling suggestions of causal factors.

3) The work produces findings that have immediate and obvious practical relevance. Employing participants (e.g., providers or patients) and tasks that are representative of actual health care contexts are especially sought.

Topics of interest for the special issue are not constrained and might include: the impact of information technology on practitioner workload, evaluation of the design of health care displays (e.g., patient monitoring), impact of operator factors (e.g., fatigue, situation awareness) or task-related factors (e.g., interruptions) on error or other aspects of performance, teamwork processes in critical care, or patient self-care.

If you are interested in contributing to this special issue, please email both of the editors for the special issue: Dan Morrow ( and Frank Durso ( by May 15, 2010. Include a tentative title and brief summary of the planned manuscript. The letter of intent is optional. All solicited manuscripts will be peer-reviewed and required to meet the standards of any JEP:A manuscript. The deadline for submissions is September 1, 2010. The special issue will be published mid 2011.

Papers should be submitted through the JEP:Applied online web portal:
Please indicate in your cover letter that you wish for the paper to be considered as part of the special issue on Human Performance in Health Care

Dan Morrow, Professor
Beckman Institute
Human Factors Division

Willard Airport-One Airport Road, Q5, MC-394
Savoy, IL 61874
Tel. 217-244-8757 (HFD)
217-244-1828 (Beckman)
Fax 217-244-8647

INFO: Help Division 20 membership grow!


As a long-time and proud member of Division 20 I have enjoyed a multitude of professional benefits of Division 20 including job opportunities, faculty development, research training, professional mentorship, and networking contacts.  These benefits have helped me throughout my career, and that is why serving as Membership Chair for Division 20 has been such a special privilege.

I hope that you are willing to share the benefits of Division 20 membership with your students and colleagues.  One of our goals on the Executive Committee has been to try and identify 2-3 new members each!  If you are not already a member, please visit the APA Division 20 membership page ( and fill out an application.  The membership page provides a wealth detail of why membership in Division 20 is such a great professional opportunity.  You will become a member upon our receipt of your online application and a payment fo $44 payable to Division 20.  If you are already a member, please feel free to share the APA Division 20 membership page link with your colleagues or students.

We extend special membership fees for students.  Student affiliates who do not want the Journal receive their first year of membership free.  Student affiliates who want the journal should send $26.  After the first year, the student affiliate rate is $12 without the journal and $27 with the journal.

We are also pleased to announce a new membership benefit!  Springer Publishing Company is now providing APA Division 20 members with a 20% discount for any book at  We thank Sheri W. Sussman at Springer for working with us to provide this benefit to D20 members.  For more information, please contact Please feel free to contact me to acquire the special discount code.

Please note that we have designed attractive new brochures to help stimulate our outreach efforts.  If you would like some brochures to post in your office or share with colleagues, please let me know and I would be happy to mail you some.

If you have any questions, or if there is anything I can do to help facilitate your membership or others in APA Division 20, please do not hesitate to contact me!


Joe Gaugler
Membership Chair
APA Division 20
Joseph E. Gaugler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, School of Nursing, Center on Aging
McKnight Presidential Fellow
Coordinator of Research Initiatives, Center for Gerontological Nursing
University of Minnesota
6-153 Weaver-Densford Hall,1331
308 Harvard Street S.E.
Minneapolis, MN  55455
Phone: 612-626-2485
Cell Phone: 651-605-5611
Fax: 612-625-7180
Electronic messages can be misdirected or intercepted by unintended parties.  The University of Minnesota can not and does not guarantee the confidentiality of messages sent over the Internet.  Messages sent to or received from work e-mail accounts also may be monitored or viewed by your employer.  If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the information.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

INFO: Call for Submissions - A Special Issue of the Journal of Trauma and Dissociation

Call for Submissions

Trauma, Dissociation, and Intimate Relationships
A Special Issue of the Journal of Trauma and Dissociation

Special Issue Guest Editors:  Eileen L. Zurbriggen, Ph.D., Robyn L. Gobin, M.S., and Laura Kaehler, M.S.

Email for guest editors:


We are inviting submissions on the associations among trauma, dissociation, and intimate relationships for a special issue of the Journal of Trauma and Dissociation.

In addition to its impact on individual psychological well-being, trauma creates barriers to healthy interpersonal functioning.    This is not limited to romantic relationships because intimate connections with family members, friends, co-workers, and community members can also be affected.   Given the importance of healthy relationships for psychological health, it is imperative that research addressing these issues for survivors of trauma be made available to the research and clinical communities, and to the general public. We primarily are seeking reports of original research and comprehensive reviews/meta-analyses of existing research, but case studies, clinical conceptualization, and theoretical papers also will be considered.  All submissions will undergo peer review.  Submissions will be evaluated for topic relevance, methodological rigor, scientific and/or clinical value, and implications for application. 

Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:  demographic correlates, attachment, psychopathology, trust and betrayal, attributions and appraisals in intimate relationships, risk detection, intimate partner functioning, parenting and family functioning, revictimization, disclosure, relationship satisfaction, sexuality, post traumatic responses, risk factors, post traumatic growth, resiliency, and intervention.  Submissions including the topic of dissociation are welcome, but it is not necessary to address this topic.

Complete submissions will be accepted until December 1, 2010. Please refer to the journal website for specific submission requirements (including a required author assurance/ submission checklist) and more information about the Journal of Trauma and Dissociation:

Inquiries and submissions should be sent to the special issue editors at






Robyn L. Gobin, M.S.

Doctoral Candidate

Department of Psychology

1227 University of Oregon

Eugene, OR 97403-1227

Phone:  541.346.3936



Thursday, January 21, 2010

AWARDS: Florence Denmark Women and Aging Award - Deadline April 30, 2010

Announcement of New Award and Call for Nominations: Florence L. Denmark Award for Contributions to Women and Aging

Sponsored by Division 35 of the American Psychological Association, Society for the Psychology of Women

The Society for the Psychology of Women announces a new award initiated by Division 35’s Committee on Women and Aging, in honor of Dr. Florence L. Denmark for her tireless work over many years on both gender and aging issues. The new award is the Florence L. Denmark Award for Contributions to Women and Aging, and its purpose is to recognize scholarly or public policy accomplishments, or both, in the area of women and aging.

Award and Nomination Details

The awardee will receive a plaque and be recognized at Division 35’s Awards Ceremony during the 2010 APA convention in San Diego, CA.

Nominations should include:

       a letter of nomination,

       a 500-word statement describing the nominee’s contributions to scholarship or public policy, or both, on women and aging, and

       the nominee’s current CV.

The nomination may also include letters of support. Self-nominations are acceptable.

The deadline for nominations is April 30, 2010. Please submit nominations/self-nominations and materials via e-mail as Word or PDF attachments to: Jamila Bookwala, Ph.D., Chair, Florence L. Denmark Award for Contributions to Women and Aging, <>


Jamila Bookwala, PhD

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology

305 Oechsle Hall

Lafayette College

Easton, PA 18042

610-330-5285 (voice)

610-330-5349 (fax) (electronic) (webpage) 

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

INFO: Division 20 Executive Committee Elections

Dear Colleagues,

I¹m writing to ask you to nominate someone or consider running yourself for
an elected office of the Executive Committee of Division 20. This is an
important and meaningful way to serve your division. We are seeking
nominations for the following offices of the Executive Committee:

Members-at-Large (2)
Council Representative

Visit the Division website for descriptions of the positions, their
responsibilities, and terms at

If you would like to nominate someone or self-nominate, please send your
name and contact information to me at and use ³D20
Nominee² as subject header.

Thanks you for your attention to this important function of Division 20!


Jane Berry
D20 Elections Chair
Jane M. Berry
Associative Professor and Chair
Department of Psychology
University of Richmond
Richmond, VA 23173

INFO: Weill Cornell New Dementia Home Safety Website

Interesting new resource for caregivers…



Deborah DiGilio| Director, Office on Aging
Public Interest Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: (202) 336-6135 |  Fax: (202) 336-6040
email: ddigilio |

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Weill Cornell Medical College

Home Safety for Dementia Care



This award-winning website was created to provide information on best practices and home safety for dementia care.


It also provides social networking so caregivers can share information, ask questions, and find support from the online community. This new resource will help caregivers learn new strategies that enhance the safety and well-being of their loved ones.  The website also provides information to help the person they care for live a healthier, more meaningful life.


A unique and beneficial part of this website is its Home Safety-Virtual Care Section that allows visitors to explore research-based solutions to home safety and daily care issues by a simple mouse click over a room.


Prepared by experts over four years at Weill Cornell Medical College, this multimedia website features videos, animations, and photographs, as well as expert reviews of home furnishings, smart technologies, and homecare products.


This website was funded by grants from several foundations including the Alzheimer's Association, Helen Bader Foundation, NEC Foundation, Retirement Research Foundation, and the Wallerstein Foundation for Geriatric Life Improvement.


For more information, contact Rosemary Bakker, Director,,


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

TRAINING: NIH Summer Institute on RCTs involving Behavioral Interventions -- Applications Deadline Extended to 1/27/2010

Please post and distribute
(Apologies for multiple emails to you!)


JULY 11-23, 2010



To provide a thorough grounding in the conduct of randomized clinical trials to researchers and health professionals interested in developing competence in the planning, design, and execution of randomized clinical trials involving behavioral interventions. The curriculum will enable participants to:

* Describe the principles underlying the conduct of unbiased clinical trials.
* Identify the unique challenges posed by behavioral randomized clinical trials (RCTs).
* Evaluate alternative RCT designs in terms of their appropriateness to scientific and clinical goals.
* Select appropriate strategies for enrollment, randomization, and retention of participants.
* Understand methods for monitoring, coordinating, and conducting RCTs.
* Develop strategies for appropriate statistical analyses of RCT data.
* Evaluate the quality of behavioral RCTs and interpret their results.
* Design a RCT research project in collaboration with a scientific team.

Eligibility Requirements for Summer Fellows

Priority will be given to individuals who have received their PhD or MD (or equivalent degrees) not later than July 2008. Applicants must have at least two years of subsequent research experience. Applicants should not yet have achieved a tenured position at their institution. (The typical past participant has had 4-5 years of research experience.) Beyond these eligibility criteria we are seeking researchers who have demonstrated research potential and experience and who will clearly benefit from behavioral randomized controlled trial training. The ideal candidate will have prior experience, and will be actively pursuing an independent research career, in behavioral randomized clinical trials.

Further, those who have extensive research experience will only be considered after more junior investigators have been evaluated. Preference is also given to individuals who are not employees of NIH. While we will consider and may even accept exceptional applicants who do not meet the above criteria, priority will go to those who do.

Due to the limited number of spaces in the course, applicants must be citizens or non-citizen nationals of the United States, or must have been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence (i.e., possess a currently valid Alien Registration Receipt Card I-551, or other legal verification of such status). Women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Reasonable Accommodations for Disabilities: If you are accepted to attend the summer institute and require reasonable accommodations for disabilities to participate in this activity, at least 60 business days before the course begins please contact Ms. Sidnitra Bates at 301.577.0244, extension 64 or

Costs and Stipend Dana Sampson <SampsonD@OD.NIH.GOV>s
Patty Mabry <>
The Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research, NIH, will pay for domestic (USA) travel to and from the Summer Institute site, room and board, and for course materials. Family members may accompany participants at their own costs.

Application Procedures and Deadline

All application materials must be submitted online and are due by midnight (EST) January 27, 2010. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Instructions and the application form are posted at

This course will be offered in 2011 and most likely subsequently.

Ronald P. Abeles, Ph.D.
Special Assistant to the Director
Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
Office of the Director
National Institutes of Health
Bldg. 31C, Rm. B1C19, MSC 2027
31 Center Drive
Bethesda, MD 20892-2027

(Courier Services Zip Code 20814)

Phone: 301-496-7859 Fax: 301-435-8779
Mobile: 301-792-3749

Major changes for grant applicants!
Shorter page limits ... restructured forms ... new instructions
For application submissions due on or after January 25, 2010,
the time is now to find out how --

Friday, January 15, 2010

CONFERENCES: Inaugural APA Division 45 Conference

From Keith Cooke,


One month remaining for the deadline for the call for papers!


The Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues (APA Division 45) will be hosting its first-ever conference outside of the APA convention on June 17-19, 2010.  The conference will be held on the campus of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. There will also be a pre-conference professional development opportunity for ethnic minority graduate students and early career professionals on Thursday, June 17, 2010.

The goals of this meeting are to provide a forum for:

1)     The presentation of state-of-the-art research related to the psychological condition of individuals from all ethnic minority groups within the United States;

2)     The professional development of ethnic minority researchers (students and professionals);

3)     Greater networking and collaboration among researchers conducting research on ethnic minority issues across various fields of psychology.

There will be an opportunity to present posters, symposia, panel discussions and workshops.  The Call for Proposals ends on February 15, 2010 at 11:59 EST. Early registration ends on May 30, 2010 at 11:59 EST. You must register in Ann Arbor after that date at onsite rates. For more information and to register for the conference go to the conference website (

Thursday, January 14, 2010

INFO: Good News Regarding Geriatric Mental Health Workforce!

From Dr. Diane Elmore, APA Senior Legislative and Federal Affairs Officer

Happy New Year,

I wanted to share some exciting news on the geriatric mental health workforce front!

Following a year-long advocacy campaign, the Public Interest Government Relations Office (PI-GRO) (in conjunction with other professional associations) successfully worked with Representatives Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and Patrick Kennedy (D-RI), to designate $900,000 in the report language that accompanied the Fiscal Year 2010 Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act (H.R. 3293) to fund an Institute of Medicine (IOM) study focused on the geriatric mental health workforce.

Specifically, this new study will provide 1) a systematic and trend analysis of the current and projected mental and behavioral healthcare needs of the American people, particularly for aging and growing ethnic populations; and 2) policy recommendations for achieving a competent and well-trained mental health workforce to address those needs. This new mental health focused study will serve as a welcome companion to the April 2008 IOM report on broader geriatric health care workforce issues.

For a comprehensive background regarding our activities related to the 2008 and the upcoming IOM geriatric workforce studies please see the March 2010 APA Communiqué <> or the April 2010 issue of the APA Aging Issues Newsletter <> .

In the coming weeks, PI-GRO, along with representatives of other key mental health organizations, will be meeting with leaders from the Department of Health and Human Services to discuss the implementation of the upcoming study and learn more about how APA and our members can serve as resources. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Many thanks,


Diane Elmore, PhD, MPH

Senior Legislative and Federal Affairs Officer

Director, Congressional Fellowship Program

Government Relations Office
Public Interest Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: (202) 336-6104 | Fax: (202) 336-6063
Email: <>

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Friday, January 08, 2010

STUDENTS: Undergraduate Summer Research Opportunity

APA Summer Research Opportunity for Undergraduates -- Applications due February 12

The APA Science Directorate is pleased to announce a partnership with the George Mason University Department of Psychology to host the 2010 Summer Science Fellowship (SSF). SSF aims to immerse advanced undergraduate students in the science of psychology by exposing them to the excitement and promise of the best of psychological science. Our principal objective is to inform these students about the science of psychology and its promise for the future, and help prepare them for the rigors of graduate study in psychological science.

An expenses-paid, intensive summer training program, the SSF will place up to 10 talented students in the psychology laboratories of some of the most outstanding researchers in the Washington, DC area. The lab experience will be six weeks in length. The SSF program gives students an opportunity to explore the intellectual, personal, and social processes of scientific inquiry and to experience cutting-edge psychological research through hands-on laboratory activities. SSF offers promising students the opportunity to equip themselves with skills essential to succeed in graduate school, and gives students who plan to pursue advanced degrees in psychological science the opportunity to be mentored by nationally-known faculty.

The 2010 program is expected to run from June 20 to July 31. APA will pay students a summer salary, as well as cover all travel and living expenses. This should make the program financially feasible for most college students.

Eligibility is strictly limited to students who are currently juniors at US or Canadian colleges and universities. Applicants should be psychology majors, although students with related preparation may apply if they expect to enter a psychological science graduate program. International students enrolled in US or Canadian colleges are eligible; US citizenship is not required. Students from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.

In 2010, placements may be available in the following areas of psychology. Final word on the involvement of specific faculty and labs will be made closer to the time of student selection.

  • Applied Developmental Psychology
  • Biopsychology
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Human Factors and Applied Cognitive Psychology
  • Industrial Organizational Psychology
  • School Psychology

For more information, including the application, visit   



Thursday, January 07, 2010

CONFERENCES: E-blast for listserv regarding violence summit

From Keith Cooke, 

National Summit on Interpersonal Violence and Abuse
Across the Lifespan: Forging A Shared Agenda
February 24-26, 2010
Sheraton Dallas Hotel, Dallas, Texas

The conference will be organized around eight thematic threads. These threads represent different aspects of interpersonal violence.
Plenary speakers and symposia will represent an interweaving of two or more of these threads, with the aim of fostering a more integrative
 overall perspective of the critical issues to address in eliminating interpersonal violence.
THREADS: (1) Intimate Partner Violence (2) Child Maltreatment (3) Youth Violence (4) Community Violence
(5) Sexual Assault (6) Children Exposed to Violence (7) Substance Abuse (8) Diverse/Cross Cutting Issues
or go to
Sheraton Dallas Hotel (Conference Venue)
400 North Olive Street. Dallas, TX 75201, United States
Phone: (214) 922-8000
Conference Rate: $119+ (Single or Double)
Hotel Cut-off Date: February 1, 2010 (5:00 pm EST)
or go to:
Or Call: 1-888-627-8191 (Reference: National Summit on Violence and Abuse)
Super Shuttle
Conference Rate: $15 per person one way or $28.00 roundtrip
Reference Group Code: CMBG3

or go to:
or call: 1-800-258-3826
National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence (NPEIV)
10065 Old Grove Road, Suite 101, San Diego, CA 92131
858-527-1860 ext 4030
NPEIV Co-Chairs:
Jackie White, Ph.D. at
Bob Geffner, Ph.D. at
Alan Kazdin, Ph.D. at

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

AWARDS: Master Lectures and Distinguished Scientist Lecturers

From Rachel Martin,


Master Lecturers and Distinguished Scientist Lecturers: Call for Nominations

These programs support psychological scientists to speak at APA’s convention and regional psychological association meetings.

The APA Board of Scientific Affairs (BSA) is soliciting nominations for speakers for the 2011 Master Lecture Program and the 2011 Distinguished Scientist Lecture Program. 

The Master Lecture Program supports up to five psychological scientists to speak at the APA Annual Convention.  For the 2011 Convention, to be held August 4-7 in Washington, DC, speakers will be selected in the following areas:

- applied psychology
- biopsychology
- cognition & perception
- health psychology & behavioral medicine
- personality & individual differences

The Distinguished Scientist Lecture Program supports up to three psychological scientists to speak at Regional Psychological Association meetings to be held in 2011.  Speakers must be actively engaged in research, with expertise in any area. 

Selected speakers receive an honorarium of $500 and up to $1,000 reimbursement for travel expenses.  All nominees should be excellent public speakers.  BSA will review all nominations at its 2010 spring meeting.  Nominations may be for either or both the Distinguished Lecture Program or the Master Lecture Program.  See the BSA website for lists of previous Master Lecture speakers and Distinguished Lecture speakers.

To nominate a psychologist for either or both programs, please submit the name of the nominee and their CV by e-mail or fax to Rachel Martin (e-mail:; fax: 202-336-5953).  Self-nominations are welcome.  Nominations must be received by February 15, 2010.



Monday, January 04, 2010

JOBS: Yale School of Public Health

Tenure-Track Faculty Position in

  Social Gerontology and/or Epidemiology of Aging


The Social and Behavioral Sciences Program and the Division of Chronic Disease Epidemiology in the Yale School of Public Health seek a scholar of social gerontology and/or epidemiology of aging for an Assistant or non-tenured Associate Professor position.  Applicants with a research interest in psychosocial factors, inequalities, or cardiovascular health are especially encouraged to apply.  The Search committee will consider applicants with interests in other areas as well.  Opportunities exist to collaborate with investigators in the Yale School of Public Health (, and other departments at Yale, such as psychology, sociology, psychiatry, and medicine.  The successful candidate can take advantage of a number of resources, including those available through the Yale Program on Aging (


Applicants should have a doctoral degree in psychology, epidemiology, sociology or a related field, with a specialization in mental and/or physical health of older individuals.  Also, applicants should have teaching experience, a record of research and scholarly accomplishments, and will be expected to develop an externally funded research program.


Review of applications will begin no later than March 15, 2010 and will continue until a successful candidate is identified.  Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, statement of research and teaching interests, three reprints, and three reference letters to:


                        Becca R. Levy, Ph.D.

Chair, Search Committee 

                        Yale School of Public Health

                        60 College Street, Room 408

P.O. Box 208034

                        New Haven, CT 06520-8034


Yale University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action and equal access employer that values and actively seeks diversity in the work force. Minorities and women are strongly encouraged to apply.