Friday, July 14, 2006

CONFERENCES: Member action needed, Dinner and CE workshop

Hi Folks:

Please register for the APA convention if you haven't already done so. Time is running out!

Money may be running out too :) We do depend on you to ensure that we don't suffer financial losses on Division 20 events so please do two things, today, if at all possible:

1) register for the dinner by sending your money in to Bob Intrieri for the APA Div 20 + Div 12/2 social event.

Click on

2) register for our CE event soon and tell colleagues who might benefit from this workshop to register

Click on

Both should be great events (and remember that for the social event, students pay half price).

As the social psychological literature suggests (Gollwitzer and colleagues), forming an intention to perform the activity should help you to complete it successfully, so.. imagine how you are going to find your check book, write that check, find and address the envelope, put a stamp on it, and walk to the nearest post box today to mail it... Decide which colleagues to forward this e-mail to and then send it.


----------------------------------------------------------------- Neil Charness, President Division 20 of American Psychological Association (Adult Development and Aging)

Room A205, Department of Psychology, Florida State University, 1107 W Link Call St., Tallahassee, FL 32306-4301 Phone (offices): 850-644-6686; 850-644-8571 Fax: 850-644-7739 E-mail: WWW:

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

CONFERENCES/AWARDS: 2006 Division 20 Award Winners

Below is the list of the 2006 Division 20 Award Winners.

Distinguished Research Achievement Award

  • Ellen Langer, PhD

Springer Early Career Achievement Award in Research on Adult Development and Aging

  • Derek Isaacowitz, PhD

Retirement Research Foundation Award (Master Mentor)

  • David Hultsch, PhD

Retirement Research Foundation Award (Mentor)

  • Wendy Rogers, PhD & Robin West, PhD (co-winners)

Margret M. Baltes Doctoral Dissertation Award in the Psychology of Aging

  • Jochen Ziegelmann, PhD

Honorary Member, Division 20

  • John Santos, PhD

Retirement Research Foundation Completed Research Awards

  • David McCabe, PhD (Postdoctoral) Washington University,
  • Cory Bolkan (Doctoral) Oregon State University
  • [Honorable Mention Kate Fiori, University of Michigan],
  • Paul Cernin, (Master's) Wayne State University

Retirement Research Foundation Proposed Research Awards

  • Christie Chung (Postdoctoral) Massachusetts Institute Of Technology,
  • Matthew Shake (Doctoral) University of Illinois,
  • Joe Dzierzewski (Master's) University of Florida,
  • [Honorable Mention: Eric Allard, Brandeis University],
  • Melissa Wright (Undergraduate) Fairfield University

Neil Charness, President Division 20 of American Psychological Association (Adult Development and Aging)

Psychology Department Copeland Street Phone (offices):850-644-6686; 850-644-8571 Florida State University Fax: 850-644-7739 Tallahassee, FL. 32306-4301 WWW:


APA Public Policy Office

Older Americans Act/Positive Aging Act Update

June 28, 2006

Recently, the Senate HELP Committee passed their bill to reauthorize the Older Americans Act (S. 3570), which included significant language from Title I of the Positive Aging Act (S. 1116). This language would authorize grants to states for the development and operation of:

  1. systems for the delivery of mental health screening and treatment services for older adults
  2. programs to increase public awareness, reduce stigma, and reduce age-related prejudice and discrimination regarding mental disorders in older adults.

We are delighted that this language was included in the Senate bill and are grateful to the Positive Aging Act co-sponsors, Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Susan Collins for their ongoing commitment to mental health and aging issues. We are also pleased to note that tomorrow, APA member, Donna Rasin-Waters, Ph.D., will participate as a mental health and aging expert during Senator Clinton's press conference regarding this legislation.

APA's efforts will now focus on supporting the Senate language (which is more comprehensive than the language in the House bill) as the House and Senate negotiate the final legislation. We look forward to continuing to work with you on this important issue!

Thanks for your all of your wonderful work, Diane

Diane Elmore, Ph.D. Senior Legislative and Federal Affairs Officer Public Policy Office American Psychological Association 750 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20002 (202) 336-6104 (202) 336-6063 Fax

JOBS: Wesleyan Univ. - Biological Job Ad

Cathy Race, Adm. Asst. / // Wesleyan Univ., Psychology Dept. Ofc: 860-685-2343/Judd Hall 218; Fax: 860-685-2761/207 High St., Middletown, CT 06459-0408

Biological Psychology. The Department of Psychology at Wesleyan University seeks to appoint, at the tenure-track Assistant Professor level, a broadly trained biopsychologist/psychophysiologist studying human populations. Although specific area of research is open, topics of study might include: developmental disabilities, psychopathology, attention and executive functioning, addictive processes, neurocognitive disorders (e.g. dementia), aging, emotion regulation, sleep and circadian rhythms or the neuroscience of social behavior. Research methods employed by the successful candidate might include: psychophysiology, ERP/ EGG, or stress reactivity studies (e.g. startle). The ideal candidate should have a competitive research program which incorporates undergraduates, and be prepared to teach an introductory course in the department's neuroscience and behavior area, a course in research methods, and upper-level psychology courses in his/her area of expertise. At present the department has 14 faculty in the areas of neuroscience, cognitive, developmental, psychopathology, social, cultural and feminist, gender, and sexuality studies. The department has a Masters Program and contributes to Wesleyan's interdisciplinary programs in Neuroscience and Behavior, Science and Society, and Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Faculty at Wesleyan have a strong commitment to scholarship and undergraduate teaching. The appointment would begin July 2007. Wesleyan University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and applications from women and members of minority groups are actively encouraged. Send vita, reprints, statement of research and teaching interests, and three letters of recommendation by October 16, 2006, to Chair, Neuroscience Search Committee, Department of Psychology, 207 High Street, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT 06459-0408.

AWARDS: 2006 CONA Award for the Advancement of Psychology and Aging

On behalf of the APA Committee on Aging, I am pleased to announce that the 2006 recipient of the Committee on Aging Award for the Advancement of Psychology and Aging is Antonette Zeiss, PhD. Toni will receive the award at the CONA Conversation Hour to be held on Thursday, August 10th from 6:30 - 7:30 pm in Mardi Gras Ballroom G, New Orleans Marriott Hotel. The award presentation will take place at the beginning of the Hour.

Come join us in congratulating Toni and to give your input on aging policy issues at the 2006 CONA Conversation Hour: No Older Adult Left Behind: Public Policy and Aging. If you are able to attend, respond to so we can plan for refreshments. Thank you.

Deborah DiGilio Director, Office on Aging American Psychological Association 750 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20002-4242 (202) 336-6135 (202) 336-6040 FAX


Come Party with Friends!!

Joint Division 12 (Section 2) and Division 20 Social Event!

Where: Gordon Biersch Restaurant, 200 Poydras St. When: Saturday, August 12th, 6:30 pm (cocktails), 7:15 (dinner)

Cost: $45 for faculty, $22.50 for student

Send checks by August 5th to:

Robert C. Intrieri, Ph.D. Department of Psychology 1 University Circle Western Illinois University Macomb, IL 61455-1390 309-298-1336 -- Office 309-298-2179 -- FAX -- EMAIL

Please indicate if you would like the vegetarian meal.


Division 20/12(2) Social Event Menu (Gordon Biersch Restaurant):

Starter (choose one):

  • Chicken and Andouille Gumbo
  • Classic Caesar Salad with Parmesan Cheese and Croutons

Entrees (choose one):

  • Chicken Marsala sauteed with shallots and mushrooms in a Marsala wine sauce served with linguini and string vegetables
  • Prime Rib slow roasted with garlic and seasonings, topped with mushroom ragout, and served with garlic mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables
  • Pan Seared Red Snapper topped with a shrimp dill cream sauce and served with roasted potatoes and asparagus
  • Asian Vegetable Stir Fry -a mixture of vegetables including baby bok choy, baby corn, snow peas, water chestnuts, onions and red peppers stir fried with our house made hoisin sauce, topped with sesame seeds and served with jasmine rice

Carolyn M. Aldwin, Ph.D. Chair, Dept. of Human Dev't & Family Sciences Oregon State University 324 Milam Hall Corvallis, OR 97331-5102 541-737-2024; 737-1076 (fax)

CONFERENCES: Steve Zarit to win M. P. Lawton Award at APA; please mark calendar

Dear Colleagues,

I want to announce that the M. Powell Lawton Award winner Steven H. Zarit, Ph.D. will receive the award prior to the Presidential address. The Presidential address is scheduled for Friday August 11 @ 9:00 AM in the Morial convention center. Steve will make a few remarks following presentation of the Award. Please make to be there.

The Presidential Address is titled: "Pragmatism, Purpose, & Passion = Clinical Geropsychology".



Robert C. Intrieri, Ph.D. 1 University Circle Department of Psychology Western Illinois University Macomb, IL 61455-1390 Office -309/298-1336 Fax - 309/298-2179

CONFERENCES/FUNDING: Pre-GSA NIA Technical Assistance Workshop - Applications due July 17

On November 16-17, 2006, the National Institute on Aging (NIA) will hold the Technical Assistance Workshop for Minority and Emerging Scientists and Students, a two-day interactive forum where minority and emerging scientists and students receive feedback from NIA staff on their current or planned research as well as general information about applying for NIA grants. The workshop will be held immediately prior to the annual scientific meeting of the Gerontological Society of America in Dallas, Texas. Participation is by competitive application.

NIA encourages applications from members of groups under-represented in aging research and investigators committed to research careers related to minority aging issues. Applicants should be pre- or post-doctoral students or recent recipients of Ph.D., M.D. or related doctoral degrees; new to the NIH application process and/or embarking on an independent program of research; investigators with less than five years of research experience; and U.S. citizens, non-citizen nationals or permanent residents.

Applications are due by July 17, 2006. For information and application forms, please contact Jamie Gulin at 301-496-0765 or

Lyn Neil Program Analyst Behavioral and Social Research Program National Institute on Aging National Institutes of Health 7201 Wisconsin Avenue, GW 533 Bethesda, Maryland 20892-9205 301-496-3131 Phone 301-402-0051 Fax

NIH is in the process of converting to SF424 Research and Related [R&R]) forms and electronic submission through Information on this plan and on registering for electronic submission is available at Updates regarding the transition process are at

CONFERENCES: APA sessions on aging booklet for websites

This is a summary of aging sessions at the upcoming APA convention.

The Word document is linked at

CONFERENCES: APA, Psychology Volunteers for New Orleans Animals

Dear Colleague,

Dr. Doug Haldeman and I are co-chairs of a community outreach activity at the APA convention in New Orleans, "Psychology Volunteers for New Orleans Animals and Their People."

We are hoping that we can enlist your support for our volunteer recruitment by sending a notice about this volunteer activity through your listserv.

Detailed information can be found at or by going to, then clicking on "complete convention details," next "special events" and "community outreach." "Psychology Volunteers for New Orleans Animals and Their People" is listed under "Other Volunteer Events and Opportunities.

Working with ARNO, the local animal rescue group in New Orleans, this project will offer three volunteer activities: helping at the feeding stations located throughout New Orleans; interacting with sheltered animals and helping with their rehabilitation; and offering workshops to ARNO staff and volunteers on "Building Resiliency."

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. We hope you can help us with this very worthwhile activity and we look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!


Mary Lou

Mary Lou Randour, Ph.D. Co-Chair, Psychology Volunteers for New Orleans Animals and Their People -- 301-656-4425 (home) 301-806-1436 (cell)

CONFERENCES: APA, Town Hall Meeting: Needs of Psychology


Exploring the Needs of Psychology and Psychologists in the 21st Century Your Chance to Shape the Future in an Open Exchange


  • GERALD P. KOOCHER, Ph.D., APA President
  • SHARON STEPHENS BREHM, Ph.D., APA President-elect

Join a free-spirited discussion with APA Leaders and Members to brainstorm about the future for psychology and psychologists. What do you think APA must do to prepare itself for the needs and opportunities of the upcoming decades? What should APA's role be in responding to disasters? Should APA place more emphasis on international psychology? Would APA benefit from forging stronger ties with other psychological organizations? Are there segments of the membership that require more APA attention?

  • Let YOUR voice be heard.
  • ASK questions.
  • TELL others what you think.

Come to the town hall meeting to let leaders and other members of APA hear your opinions. We will have a suggestion box on site just in case we don't get a chance to hear from everyone.

  • Save this date: Saturday, August 12, 2006
  • 2:00-2:50 P.M.
  • Presented by the Policy & Planning Board
  • Morial Convention Center, Rm 353
  • New Orleans, Louisiana

Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology University of Massachusetts Amherst 611 Tobin Hall Amherst MA 01003 413-545-4306 (O) 413-545-0996 (F)

CONFERENCES/STUDENTS: Div 20 Student Events at APA

Dear Students & Post-docs:

As the APA conference in New Orleans approaches (August 10 - 13), we want to remind you about the Graduate Student/Postdoc Conversation Hour and two fun social events that you will not want to miss!

The Graduate Student/Postdoc Conversation Hour has been scheduled for Friday, August 11th from 5:00 - 5:50pm. For this session, we have organized a roundtable discussion entitled "Securing a career in aging: Post-doctoral and academic positions". This session will include interactive talks by three distinguished professors: Drs. Anderson Smith and Christopher Hertzog, both from Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Psychology, and Dr. Carolyn Aldwin, from Oregon State University, College of Health and Human Sciences. These speakers, who are actively hiring for post-doctoral and professorship positions, will provide valuable insight, and address your questions about the application processes for jobs and grants in the aging field. This is a great opportunity for Division 20 students and postdoctoral fellows to consider and to prepare for the job market.

After a long day at the conference, be sure to join your fellow students for cocktails and appetizers at the Crescent City Brewhouse (527 Decatur Street; )

on Friday, August 11th at 7:00 pm! NOTE LOCATION AND TIME CHANGE from those indicated in our current newsletter article. All Division 20 students, postdocs, family, and friends are welcome to attend. There is no cost for this event, but we do ask that you kindly RSVP to either Cory ( or Christie (chung_c@MIT.EDU) as soon as possible so that we can make appropriate arrangements for food and drinks.

On Saturday (August 12th), come mingle with psychology and aging researchers at the Joint Division 12 (section 2) and Division 20 social event at Gordon Biersch Restaurant (200 Poydras Street;

Cocktails will be available starting at 6:30pm and dinner will be served at 7:15pm. The cost for students for this event is only $22.50 (50% discount!). Please mail your checks before August 5th to Robert C. Intrieri, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, 1 University Circle, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL 61455 - 1390. He can also be reached at 309-298-1336 (office), 309-298-2179 (fax), or through email: (Please indicate if you would like a vegetarian meal - see menu below).

Division 20/12(2) Social Event Menu (Gordon Biersch Restaurant):

Starter (choose one):

  • Chicken and Andouille Gumbo
  • Classic Caesar Salad with Parmesan Cheese and Croutons

Entrees (choose one):

  • Chicken Marsala sauteed with shallots and mushrooms in a Marsala wine sauce served with linguini and string vegetables
  • Prime Rib slow roasted with garlic and seasonings, topped with mushroom ragout, and served with garlic mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables
  • Pan Seared Red Snapper topped with a shrimp dill cream sauce and served with roasted potatoes and asparagus
  • Asian Vegetable Stir Fry -a mixture of vegetables including baby bok choy, baby corn, snow peas, water chestnuts, onions and red peppers stir fried with our house made hoisin sauce, topped with sesame seeds and served with jasmine rice


  • Key Lime Cheesecake

All of these events will be enjoyable and great for meeting and networking with other students and professionals with similar research interests as you. We encourage you all to attend. We look forward to meeting you in New Orleans!!

Cory Bolkan & Christie Chung 2006 Division 20 Student & Post-doctoral representatives

Cory Bolkan, PhD Human Development & Family Sciences Oregon State University 322 Milam Hall Corvallis, OR 97331 541-737-0954 (office) 541-737-0999 (fax)