Wednesday, February 29, 2012

CONFERENCE: APA new opportunity - it's not too late!

Dear colleagues,


We’d like to make you all aware of a new opportunity to submit your work for presentation at APA 2012 in Orlando. APA is creating a new format for presentations of “late-breaking” psychological research findings. The point is to allow the convention to showcase high impact findings that were not completed in time for the general submission date, findings of high importance to NON-PSYCHOLOGISTS and MEDIA OUTLETS ,and findings related to contemporary events (natural disasters, political conflicts, etc.). The poster session will take place Friday August 3, at 4pm.


The details are in the attached document, but here are the basics: The submission window is April 1 to May 15 at the convention website. Our division program chairs will review submissions and forward our top 2-3 nominations to APA, who will select the final line-up for the poster session.


Let me know if you have any questions, and definitely help us showcase what a timely, important, and late-breaking-worthy division we have!






Monisha Pasupathi, PhD

Associate Professor and Area Coordinator

Developmental Psychology

University of Utah