Friday, April 25, 2008

CONFERENCES - Women's Leadership Institute Applications Due May 15th--please distribute

Dear Colleagues:

The American Psychological Association Committee on Women in Psychology (CWP) announces its inaugural Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology to be held on Tuesday, August 12, 2008, from 9:00am to 5:00pm, at the Boston Marriott Copley Place in Boston, Massachusetts. This inaugural one-day Institute will target approximately 30 mid-career women psychologists who are APA members and who work in academic or academic medicine settings. Future Institutes will focus on women psychologists who work in other professional settings.

To read the official Call for Applications, please visit:

To submit your application, please visit:

If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our office at 202.336.6044 or send an e-mail to

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

AWARDS: Upcoming deadlines for APA Div 20 Awards

Hi Everyone, On behalf of my APA Division 20 awards co-chair, Dr. Becca Levy, we wanted to remind you of the upcoming deadlines for the APA Division 20 student and faculty-level awards. The earliest deadline is a week away, May 1. A listing of the awards on offer this year, as well as award applications and additional information, is available on the Division 20 website ( If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. All the best, Brent

******************************************************************** Brent J. Small, PhD Associate Professor Director of Undergraduate Studies School of Aging Studies, MHC1346 University of South Florida 4202 East Fowler Ave., Tampa, FL 33612 Tel: 813-974-9746; Fax: 813-974-9754 Email: Webpage: *********************************************************************

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

CONFERENCES: Division 20 Social Event at APA

Hi everyone:

I know that August seems like a long way off, but it is actually time to start making your plans for the APA Convention in Boston. We will be having a joint Division 20/Division 12-II dinner on Saturday, August 16, at SkipJack's seafood restaurant in Boston. The restaurant is walking distance from the hotels, and as a local I can tell you their food is quite good (and having seafood in Boston is an excellent idea).

A reservation form is available online. (It is a fillable form in Adobe, for those of you who prefer to do everything on the computer.)

The form has a direct link at

It can also be reached through our division convention portal,

Please return your reservation form and payment by August 1 to Jon Rose (his information is on the form) -- but don't wait too long (as the capacity is somewhat limited)!

Looking forward to seeing you in Boston in August! Derek

-- Derek M. Isaacowitz, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Psychology and Volen National Center for Complex Systems Brandeis University MS 062 Waltham, MA 02454-9110 Phone: (781) 736-3308 Fax: (781) 736-3291

CONFERENCES:: It’s About Time: LGBT Aging in a Changing Worl d

CALL FOR PROPOSALS IT'S ABOUT TIME: LGBT AGING IN A CHANGING WORLD SAGE's Fourth National Conference on LGBT Aging Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) is calling for proposals for its Fourth National Conference on LGBT Aging, entitled It's About Time: LGBT Aging in a Changing World. The Conference, presented by AARP, will be held October 12-14, 2008 at the Marriott New York at the Brooklyn Bridge. Proposals are due no later than May 15th. Multiple submissions are welcome. Goals of the Conference are to: * Increase awareness of the diversity of LGBT people ages 50 and older for professionals and policymakers working in aging services, LGBT programs, HIV areas, and related fields. * Provide concrete, tangible examples of replicable work that will build capacity in agencies providing or seeking to provide services to LGBT seniors. * Provide an interactive and educational setting where experts share information with attendees on the latest issues, services, programs, policies, research and trends addressing the future of LGBT aging. * Offer "skills-building" training for professionals seeking to begin or increase their capacity to provide services and programs that look to the future of LGBT aging in the United States. * Offer "best practices" or "lessons learned" in the development of programs and services for underserved senior populations that have applicability to LGBT seniors. Conference organizers welcome proposals focusing on: · Service & Program. We are seeking presentations on effective service delivery systems and program/service models; outreach techniques, needs assessments and other developmental tools; best practices/lessons learned; reaching underserved populations, and more. Capacity-building sessions that offer staff and board development, fundraising approaches, event development, marketing/communications and other "nuts and bolts" components for creating LGBT services and programs in senior settings especially welcome. · Effective Policy Strategies/Removing Barriers. We are seeking presentations from policymakers, funders and agency professionals which address successful partnerships within and between LGBT and aging service programs; working with AAA's and offices for aging; cultural competency curricula and training programs; policy and legal sessions on barriers affecting LGBT seniors; funding and fiscal strategies, and more. · Health, Wellbeing & Sexuality. We are seeking proposals for sessions that will increase competency in the areas of health, mental health, sexuality, and spirituality. The graying of the AIDS epidemic; trans-health issues; substance abuse; developmental and physical disabilities; elder abuse; and other specialized areas are welcome. · Role of Research/Research to Practice. We are seeking research (completed and in development) on or affecting LGBT aging; HIV over 50 and other health research; translating research into practice, practice-based research, effective evaluation and outcome measurement practices; and analyses of current issues in aging. Presentation formats: · Symposium. A paper presentation and/or panel focusing on an area related to aging, LGBT aging, or capacity-building in agencies who serve this population. Symposia may report on completed research, describe innovative program experiences, or present an analysis of a current issue. Symposia should allow for presentation and a Q&A session within a 1 hour and fifteen minute time period. (Please note: paper presentations may be grouped together into a symposia by the Conference's Program Committee.) · Workshop. A workshop session should be designed for an exchange of ideas and the demonstration and application of techniques and skills that offer a learning experience for the attendees. These sessions should last one hour and fifteen minutes. · Trainings. A half-day (3 to 3-1/2 hour) training using an established or recently completed curriculum with the goal of improving service delivery to underserved senior populations. · Poster Session. Poster sessions offer visual descriptions of information on specific programs, services, or points of interest related to LGBT aging. Poster sessions will be grouped in a large room and displayed for a designated 1-2 hour session for viewing by conference attendees and discussion with the poster author. · Roundtable Facilitator. Facilitators for roundtable discussions will generate discussion among professionals working in agencies/programs that serve or hope to serve LGBT seniors. Roundtables can be offered around specific thematic topics or by types of service provision, and should last 1 hour and fifteen minutes. Completed application proposals must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. EST on May 15, 2008 in hardcopy or electronic version to Karen Taylor, Director of Advocacy & Training, Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE), 305 Seventh Avenue, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10001, Phone: (212) 741-2247 PROPOSAL APPLICATION FORM Please complete the information below to be considered for IT'S ABOUT TIME: LGBT AGING IN A CHANGING WORLD SAGE's Fourth National Conference on LGBT Aging sponsored by October 12-14, 2008 at the Marriott New York Brooklyn Bridge Name: Title (if any): Organization (if any): Is your organization a sponsoring organization of the Conference? If not, would you like information on how to become an organizational sponsor? Business Address: Home Address (if no business address): Telephone: Fax: Mobile Phone: Email address: Website (if any): Please indicate if this application is for ______ Symposia ______ Workshop ______ ½ Day Training ______ Poster Session ______ Roundtable (see cover sheet for description of session types) Section One: Title of Session, Training or Roundtable NOTE: This title will be used in printing of the event program and may be edited by SAGE. Section Two: List each presenter/panelist/facilitator's name, title & organization. NOTE: This information will be used in printing of the event program. Section Three: Symposium, Training, Workshop or Poster Session Description (150 Word Max). Address how your proposal will meet the goals of the conference as listed on the Call for Proposals. If interested in facilitating a Roundtable Affinity Group, please give a description of types of questions/discussion you will bring to that facilitation. NOTE: This information will be used in the printing of the event program and may be edited by SAGE. Section Four: Identify which area(s) your session is prepared to address □ Research to Practice □ Programs & Services □ Health Wellness & Sexuality □ Removing Barriers Completed application proposals must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. EST on May 15, 2008 in hardcopy or electronic version to Karen Taylor, Director of Advocacy & Training, Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE), 305 Seventh Avenue, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10001, Phone: (212) 741-2247 Deborah DiGilio, MPH Director, Office on Aging American Psychological Association 750 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20002-4242 (202) 336-6135 (202) 336-6040 FAX


This is a position open immediately in the laboratory of Dr. Liz Zelinski, in the Andrus Gerontology Center of the University of Southern California. It offers the opportunity to analyze longitudinal data from the Long Beach Longitudinal Study (LBLS) on cognitive abilities, language, personality, and health in adults aged 30 - 100. The research associate is expected to contribute to ongoing analyses, manuscripts, and grant proposals; to develop new research using available data; to assist in the collection of new data, and to supervise archiving of LBLS data for public use.

The position is for two years with the possibility of extension. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in psychology or related field, and strong skills in longitudinal data modeling. Stipend will be commensurate with experience. Send cv and letter of interest to

The University of Southern California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

Liz Zelinski, Ph.D. Rita and Edward Polusky Chair in Education and Aging Professor of Gerontology and Psychology Leonard Davis School of Gerontology University of Southern California Los Angeles CA 90089-0191

Voice: 213.740.1354 Fax: 213.740.5694

JOBS: Research scientist in neuroimaging, Aging Research Center, Karolinska Institutet

JOBS: Research scientist in neuroimaging, Aging Research Center, Karolinska Institutet

4-year position as research scientist in neuroimaging (with possible tenure after 4 years) is available at the Aging Research Center (ARC), NVS department, Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden ( <> ).

ARC is a multidisciplinary academic environment, representing psychology, sociology, and various branches of medicine (e.g., neurology, epidemiology, psychiatry, geriatrics). A large part of our empirical activities is based on population-based longitudinal studies. In an ongoing study (Swedish National Study on Aging and Care-Kungsholmen or SNACK), a large population of 60+ old individualsis is followed att regular time intervals. The protocol includes extensive assessment of social, medical, biological, and genetic factors as well as a comprehensive cognitive battery. A subsample (n = 552) undergoes structural magnetic resonance imaging at each measurement occasion, including diffusion tensor imaging. A key project examines how vascular risk factors (e.g., atherosclerosis, hypoperfusion) are related to white-matter alterations and subsequent deleterious outcomes (e.g., cognitive decline, dementia). For further information, see <>

Major tasks for the research scientist will be to manage, analyze, and publish data from the brain-imaging part of SNACK. The person will be working in the interface between epidemiological and clinical research, with the aim to detect early brain alterations and to relate these to previous vascular conditions and cognitive performance. The incumbent is expected to be an independent researcher, to have extensive hands-on experience in using and interpreting neuroimaging data as well as relevant software (i.e., SPM, FSL) skills and a strong conceptual background. The person will be part of the multidisciplinary team directing the SNACK project, and act as a connecting player between the neuroimaging lab and the epidemiological center.

Contacts: Professor Lars Bäckman, tel:+468690 5826; <> , or Professor Laura Fratiglioni; tel: +4686905818; <>

Send your application, marked with reference number 5048/2007 no later than June 1, 2008. Three sets of the following documents must be submitted with your application, and written in English:

Curriculum Vitae; your qualifications and a description of your research plans; a selection of five scientific papers; and three letters of recommendation.

The regulations of the Swedish National Archives require us to keep records of one round of applications for two years after the appointment decision has gained legal force. This does not apply, however, to appended documents that have been printed or otherwise published.

Address for application: Karolinska Institutet, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, ATT: Anna Önnestig, Novum, plan 4, SE-141 86 Stockholm, email: <>

INFO: Working with Older Adults in Monitor

In the April Monitor on Psychology, working with older adults is included as one of psychology's growth areas: <> . Also note the side-story on CONA chair-elect, Merla Arnold, "A geropsychologist in assisted living settings," <>

Have a nice weekend!

Deborah DiGilio, MPH Director, Office on Aging American Psychological Association 750 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20002-4242 (202) 336-6135 (202) 336-6040 FAX <> <>

CONFERENCES: 2008 Summer Institute on Research Methodology, Oregon State University

2008 Summer Institute on Research Methodology, Oregon State University July 8-9: Introduction to Latent Growth Curve Modeling and Mplus July 10-11: Advanced Latent Growth Curve Modeling using Mplus

Website: <>

About the Summer Institute The Summer Institute on Research Methodology will be held July 8 to 11, 2008 on the Oregon State University campus, hosted by the College of Health and Human Sciences (HHS). Research methodology is central to the health and human sciences. The complexity of developmental, social, and health processes require rigorous attention to measurement, sampling, design, and statistical analysis.

Introductory and advanced courses are offered by the Methodology Core over a period of four days (two days each) during the summer months. The 2008 introductory course provides instruction in the concepts of multilevel models, and their implementation in the form of growth curve modeling. Introductory Mplus instruction is also included. Participants are expected to be comfortable with the General Linear Model. The advanced course focuses on the analysis of change using Mplus and will require some degree of prior experience in multilevel and growth modeling, which may be obtained in the introductory course offering. These two courses can be taken independently or combined. The courses are team taught and draw on the faculty expertise in the College of Health and Human Sciences at Oregon State University. Applied examples are used throughout the workshops, with hands-on analysis experience making use of several available data sets.

July 8-9: Introductory Course: Growth Curve Modeling and using Mplus (Alan Acock, Lesa Hoffman, Sam Vuchinich). Participants will learn how to use the Mplus software for the analysis of longitudinal data.

July 10-11: Advanced Course: Latent Growth Curve Modeling using Mplus (Alan Acock, Terry Duncan, Lesa Hoffman, Scott Hofer). This workshop will review latent growth curve modeling using the Mplus software and feature the extension of these basic models for multivariate outcomes, time-varying predictors, growth models with ordered categorical outcomes, and analysis of growth mixtures (i.e., group differences in trajectories).

Registration The registration fee for each of the basic and advanced courses is $300, or $500 for the combined courses ($200 and $350 for graduate students). These fees include all workshop materials, use of a laptop computer containing all relevant software and programs (each shared between two individuals), lunch and coffee breaks every day, and one dinner reception per two-day workshop. Please register using the online form available on the website.

Please see the 2008 Summer Institute website ( for details regarding course material, faculty, registration, travel and accommodation, and contact information.

Further information regarding the College of Health and Human Sciences Methodology Core can be found at: .


Andrea M. Piccinin

Research Associate Professor

Human Development and Family Sciences

322 Milam Hall

Oregon State University

Corvallis, OR 97331-5102

Tel: 541-737-2078

Fax: 541-737-1076

Email: <>

JOBS: Cognitive aging/psychogerontology, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Assistant/Associate professor Cognitive ageing/Psychogerontology The School of Psychology and Artificial Intelligence and the Nijmegen Insitute for Cognition and Information (NICI), part of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Radboud University Nijmegen, are looking for an assistant or associate professor of cognitive ageing and psychogerontology. At our university, cognitive neuroscience is one of the main topics, with strong collaborating groups at the NICI, the F.C. Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics and the Maartenskliniek rehabilitation centre. You will have access to the infrastructure of these institutes. The NICI offers excellent research facilities, such as advanced EEG and eye movement registration, excellent access to fMRI facilities, an internal workshop and an animal laboratory. Base-funded PhD students are awarded each year in a competitive internal grant round. The successful candidate's research is part of the newly formed chair in neuropsychology. The research topics of this new chair focus on learning, memory and executive control in people with brain injury or disease, as well as nonpathological ageing. The research is aimed at cognitive ageing and can be linked to clinical and neuropsychological aspects of psychogerontology. He/she is expected to actively obtain grant-based and contract funding. The successful candidate should be an excellent teacher. He/she is involved in bachelor and master courses on psychogerontology as part of the School of Psychology and Arti. cial Intelligence. He/she will be teaching about normal age-related cognitive development and cognitive impairments in later life and supervise students on papers and master theses. Teaching is embedded within the psychogerontology track of our psychology bachelor and master programme. The position offers excellent possibilities for career development, in which past and present performance are directive for your future career. Maximum salary is €5798 gross/month. Closing date is May 31, 2008 More information For more information on the vacancy, the NICI and the application procedure, see

You can also contact Roy Kessels, PhD for more information: +31 24-3612541 / +31 24-3666196 of the leading academic communities in the Netherlands. Established in 1923 and situated in the oldest city of The Netherlands, it has nine faculties and enrols over 17.500 students in 107 study programmes. One of the main strengths of research at our university is the way we forge cooperative links across national and disciplinary boundaries. Our top people are not buried away in their research groups – they derive their strength from a continuous exchange of ideas and results with others working in related areas. Our 21 highquality research institutes, which rank at the forefront of a number of . elds, offer unique opportunities to undergraduates, postgraduates and PhD students alike.

***************************************************************************************************************** Gerben J. Westerhof, Ph.D. Centre for Psychogerontology Behavioral Science Institute Radboud University Nijmegen P.O.Box 9104 6500HE Nijmegen T: +31.24.361.5729 F: +31.24.361.2698 E:

CE: Free 20 hour CE program on End of Life Issues for Mental Health Providers

Dear colleagues,

This initiative came out of APA's Ad Hoc Committee on End of Life Issues that I was a part of. We received an SBIR grant to develop 10 modules for psychologists interested in end of life care.

We are looking for people to participate in the evaluation study, participants will be randomly assigned to receive either a web based version of the modules, versus a more traditional home study approach.

We have an excellent lineup of presenters who prepared these modules.

If you are interested see below, there will be a limited number of participants included in this free phase of the CE program, eventually it will be offered online for a fee.

Bill Haley

PS-the announcement says Masters Level but they want Masters Level and above.

Do you provide psychological care to

dying patients and their families?

Are your skills up-to-date with the latest

research on end-of-life care?

eNURSING llc and the American Psychological Association (APA)

are seeking master's level counselors, psychologists, nurses, psychiatric

nurses, and other mental health providers to compare the effectiveness of a

Web-based interactive program and a traditional home study program on

End of Life Issues for Mental Health Providers. Study participants will be

randomly assigned to one of the two learning conditions.

The APA will offer 20 continuing education credits for completing the

entire 10-module program. Module titles are:

* Overview of End-of-Life Issues for the Mental Health Provider

* Diagnosis & Treatment of Psychological Distress Near the End of Life

* Diagnosis and Treatment of Pain at the End of Life

* Diagnosis and Treatment of Cognitive Changes at End of Life

* Grief & Bereavement

* Spiritual Issues at the End of Life

* Family Caregiving Issues at the End of Life

* Teamwork in End-of-Life Care

* Law & Ethics Associated With Care at the End of Life

* Advance Care Planning at the End of Life

CE fees will be waived for study participants.

If you are interested in participating, please contact Laura Werling,

EOL Curriculum Project Coordinator, at

For additional information about this study, contact Martha

Mihaly, Project Director, at


William E. Haley, Ph.D.

Professor, School of Aging Studies, MHC 1343

College of Arts and Sciences

University of South Florida

Tampa, FL 33620

Direct phone: 813-974-9739; Email: <>

Dept. phone: 813-974-2414; Dept. Fax : 813-974-9754


CONFERENCES: GIS and Psychology Training Program

Dear Division 20 Colleague,

The Science Directorate of the American Psychological Association is excited to announce an Advanced Training Institute (ATI) on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Behavioral Research. Through this listserv message, we hope to increase awareness about this great training opportunity for faculty, post-docs, and graduate students. Please consider this program for yourself and forward this announcement widely to colleagues and students.

The ATI on Geographic Information Systems for Behavioral Research will be held on July 16-18, 2008, at the University of California, Santa Barbara. It is an expanded version of a one-day ATI offered in 2007 at the APA Convention. Full information about the ATI, including application materials, can be found at the APA website: Applications are being accepted until April 30 or until seats are filled.

Researchers in the social sciences and in public health have made significant advances using GIS methods, and now psychologists are beginning to make use of GIS as well. GIS provides tools that support the precise description and analysis of the behavior of individuals and groups in relation to their spatial and geographic contexts. It also opens up new approaches for investigating spatial cognition and for developing assistive perceptual and navigational technologies. More information on the role of GIS in psychological research can be found in a recent article in Psychological Science Agenda:

This ATI is one of five that the APA Science Directorate will sponsor in 2008. Information on the entire ATI program can be found at: Feel free to contact me with any questions.


-Nicolle Singer Advanced Training Institute Coordinator

------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------

The American Psychological Association Science Directorate 750 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20002-4242 Phone: 202.336.5954 Email:


JOBS: CDC Healthy Aging Program


A health scientist position (GS 13) in CDC's Division of Adult and Community Health (DACH) Healthy Aging Program was posted on Monday (3/24). The position will be posted for two weeks and will close Friday April 4, 2008. Please see the information below for more information.

Health Scientist, GS-601-13, JR# 065421, Announcement # HHS-CDC-T2-2008-0413 and HHS-CDC-D2-2008-0147.

You may access this announcement by clicking on the following link: <> ; put in the announcement number which is

HHS-CDC-T2-2008-0413 and HHS-CDC-D2-2008-0147 , and click on "announcement and questions"; then click on preview.

To learn more about CDC's Healthy Aging Program and our activities, please visit our website



Lisa C. McGuire, Ph.D. Healthy Aging Program Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Division of Adult and Community Health 4770 Buford Highway Mailstop K-45 Atlanta, GA 30341

770-488-6350 (Direct) 770-488-5360 (Office) 770-488-8488 (Fax)

AWARDS: GSA BSS Distinguished Career

The Behavioral and Social Sciences section of the Gerontological Society of America seeks nominations for the Distinguished Career Award.

The Distinguished Career Contribution Award is presented annually to an individual whose contributions over the course of her or his career have articulated a novel theoretical or methodological perspective or synthesis that addresses a significant problem in the literature.

I've attached a list of prior Distinguished Career Award recipients. Although this list represents many of our most distinguished colleagues, you will find that many important psychologists also are missing! A nomination remains in the pool for 3 years- so it is certainly worth the effort to nominate these colleagues who have contributed so much to gerontology.

To simplify the nominating process, we request only:

a) GSA nomination form (available at

b) one letter of nomination

c) nominee's c.v.

Nominations are due to the GSA office May 5, 2008.

Awards Coordinator The Gerontological Society of America 1220 L Street, NW, Suite 901 Washington, DC 20005

Please send in nominations!





Judith Rodin


Virginia Olga B. Emery


Matilda White Riley


M. Powell Lawton


Mildred M. Seltzer


Bernice L. Neugarten


Lillian Troll


Joe Hendricks


Gunhild O. Hagestad


Gordon F. Streib


Richard T. Campbell


George L. Maddox


Robert Atchley


Jaber Gubrium


Paul Baltes


James Birren


John Nesselroade


Leonard Pearlin


Linda Noelker


Laura Carstensen


Nancy Pedersen

************************************* Karen L. Fingerman Berner Hanley University Scholar and Associate Professor Child Development & Family Studies 1200 W. State Street Purdue University West Lafayette , IN 47907-2055 Email: Fax: 765-494-0503 Telephone: 765-496-6378 <> ************************************************** Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old. -- Franz Kafka

JOBS: Life Span Institute, University of Kansas


The University of Kansas (KU) is seeking a director for its Schiefelbusch Institute for Life Span Studies (LSI). The LSI is the largest research center at KU with a long history of research, training, and service on important societal problems related to human development and intellectual development and disabilities across the life span. LSI consists of 12 major centers acquiring an average of 110 externally funded projects shared by more than 120 investigators across the Lawrence and Medical Center campuses and two community sites. The Director oversees eight research cores, 350 personnel and a total budget of $30M. The primary responsibility of the Director is to sustain and enhance the environment for creative research and service; maintain an awareness of significant developments in research related to human development and intellectual and developmental disabilities across the life span; coordinate efforts to establish policies, interdisciplinary training, and service goals and objectives; foster positive working relationships with other divisions of the University, state/federal agencies, the private sector and the public; serve on committees and advisory boards as appropriate; ensure that the objectives and goals of the University's affirmative action program are carried out and that equal opportunity policies are met in the daily Institute operations; and fosters philanthropic development related to the Friends for the Life Span Institute. Required qualifications include the ability to facilitate creative funded research, interdisciplinary training, and service by other people, as well as conduct one's own research program; work and communicate effectively with a wide constituency; achievement of wide, national recognition in research related to human development and intellectual developmental disabilities; demonstrated ability to attract and obtain financial support from NIH or equivalent sources; demonstrated management, leadership and administrative skills; and a terminal degree and eligibility for tenure in a discipline related to human development. This is a 12-month appointment which reports and serves at the pleasure of the Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Studies. An appointment with tenure in an academic department will be made available to the successful candidate with the consent of the appropriate department and dean. Review of applications begin May 1, 2008, and will continue until filled. For information go to <> and search position #00065779. To apply, send a letter, full curriculum vitae, and contact information of three references to:

Joshua Rosenbloom

Associate Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Studies

2385 Irving Hill Road

Lawrence KS, 66045

Email: <>


The University of Kansas is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. The University encourages applications from underrepresented group members. Federal and state legislation prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, disability, and veteran status. In addition, University policies prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, marital status, and parental status.

STUDENTS: Interns at the United Nations


The American Psychological Association (APA) is seeking applications for two student interns to assist with APA’s work as an NGO at the United Nations. These are volunteer positions for psychology students who have an interest in international issues. The interns will work with the 6 members and 2 associate members of APA’s United Nations team to help plan and implement activities such as the annual Psychology Day, the annual International Day of Older Persons, and other psychology-related events. Interns will have UN – NGO badges for entry into UN buildings and events, and will have an opportunity for a close-up look at the workings of the UN.

Responsibilities of the position include:

• Attending briefings organized by the UN Department of Public Information. These briefings typically occur on Thursday mornings.

• Meeting with the APA UN team at its 2-hour monthly meetings on the last Thursday of each month from September through June.

• Spending 5-10 hours a week working with APA UN NGO team members in information gathering and dissemination.

Advanced undergraduate psychology majors and psychology graduate students are welcome to apply. Ideal qualities are being culturally aware and sensitive; enjoying working collaboratively with others; and having effective communication skills. Interns must live in or very close to New York City.


Applications must be submitted electronically to the APA Main Representative, Florence Denmark ( with a copy to the APA international office (

Applications consist of (1) Your statement; (2) Your CV; (3) Two letters of recommendation, each gathered into one WORD file, that is submitted as your application. Please label your application UN-“YOURLASTNAME”-INTERNAPP. Also please be sure each segment of the application begins on a separate page.

Please type your application in WORD and include the following information:


• Name, Contact Address

• Current Educational Setting and Course of Studies

• A brief statement of your interest in the position. In particular, describe any relevant international and/or relevant culturally diverse experiences.



Two letters of recommendations from faculty members. One letter should be from a faculty member who knows you well. If this position will be part of a course such as independent study, have the faculty member indicate how the experience will relate to the course, and who will supervise this course.

Applications are due on May 15 2008. If you have any questions, please contact the APA’s Main UN Representative Florence Denmark ( or APAs office of international affairs (

CONFERENCES: CE at APA on Suicide Across the Lifespan

Assessment and Management of Suicide Risk Across the Lifespan CE Workshop at the APA Convention

Did you know that 1 in 4 psychologists eventually has a patient who commits suicide? And that suicidal behavior differs across age groups? Expand your expertise in this area by attending a CE workshop that will provide you with a developmental framework for assessing and managing suicide risk in adults of all ages. Topics include the prevalence and risk factors for suicidal behavior across age groups, differentiating acute from chronic risk for suicide, conducting risk assessment and managing acute and chronic suicide risk, and documenting with legal considerations in mind. Videotapes, examples, and structured role-plays will illustrate the process of gathering information, formulating risk, and taking steps to reduce risk.

Workshop leaders are Amy Fiske, PhD, West Virginia University, and David Rudd, PhD, ABPP, Texas Tech University. The workshop will be held at the Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel on Wednesday, August 13 from 8:00 - 4:00.

Further information and registration details are available at:

This workshop is jointly sponsored by Division 20 (Adult Development and Aging) and the APA Office of Continuing Education in Psychology. This workshop is also supported by APA Division 12.2 (Society for Clinical Geropsychology).

CONFERENCES: Division 20 program at APA 2008

Hi everyone:

We now have the Division 20 schedule for APA 2008 available online on the Division 20 convention portal:

Specific files are as follows:

Brief program summary (Event titles, times and places)

Detailed program summary (includes talk titles and speakers)

Listing of all posters and their coauthors

We're looking forward to seeing you at the APA Convention in Boston in August!

Mara Mather Derek Isaacowitz

Division 20 program co-chairs

Monday, April 21, 2008

JOBS-University of Utah

Please post the following on the Division 20 listserve. Thank you. Cindy Berg

Post-Doctoral Fellow needed for projects examining health and developmental psychology across the life span. Projects include 1) a longitudinal project examining parental involvement in diabetes care across adolescence, 2) treatment decision making in couples dealing with prostate cancer, and 3) cardiovascular health among married couples. Ideal candidates would have background and interests in one or more of the following: pediatric psychology, diabetes self-management, parent-child transactions, adult development and aging, health and public policy, and longitudinal research and analysis. Strong quantitative skills are desirable in longitudinal data analysis and multi-level modeling. Position involves working closely with an interdisciplinary team of investigators in clinical, health, and developmental psychology, pediatrics, endocrinology, and cardiology. Responsibilities include working closely with Dr. Berg on data analysis and preparation of manuscripts and the initiation of new projects. Applications will be accepted until position is filled; position would start August 15, 2008. Applications include a vita, three letters of recommendation, and relevant (p)reprints and can be sent to Dr. Berg at Department of Psychology, 380 S. 1530 E. Room 502, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 (An Equal Opportunity Employer) or ( See

--  Cynthia Berg Professor 390 S. 1530 E. University of Utah Department of Psychology Salt Lake City, UT 84112  Phone:  801-581-8239 FAX:    801-581-5841  email: 

Sunday, April 20, 2008

JOBS: Assistant Professor of Psycholog, St. Cloud State University

Position available: Assistant Professor of Psychology, Fixed-term

Salary: Dependent upon qualifications & experience

Date of appointment: August 19, 2008

Responsibilities: To teach 4 courses per semester: lifespan development, introduction to psychology, child psychology, personality, or psychology of adulthood and aging . There is the possibility to teach other classes related to the candidate's expertise.

Qualifications and experience: Required: Earned Ph.D., Psy.D. or ABD (developmental psychology preferred).

Desired: demonstrated effective teaching at the undergraduate level; experience using instructional technology; history of working with students on research; ability to teach and work with women and persons from culturally diverse backgrounds.

Apply to: Leslie A. Valdes, Ph. D. Chair, Department of Psychology, WH102, St. Cloud State University, 720 Fourth Avenue South, St Cloud, MN 56301-4498


Application information and deadline: Send a letter outlining teaching philosophy, evidence of teaching effectiveness, a current vita, three letters of recommendation, and graduate transcripts (copies are acceptable for initial screening). Applications received by May 2 will be given priority consideration; position will remain open until filled. For inquiries about this position, contact Leslie Valdes at

SCSU is committed to excellence and actively supports cultural diversity. To promote this endeavor, we invite individuals who contribute to such diversity to apply including minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and veterans. SCSU is an affirmative action/equal opportunity educator and employer. In accordance with INS regulations, successful applicants must be legally able to accept work in the United States. This material can be given to you in an alternative format such as large print, Braille, etc., by contacting the department listing this vacancy. TDD/TTY: The Minnesota Relay Service (612) 297-5353 or 1-800-627-3529.

Marlene R. DeVoe, Ph.D.,

St. Cloud State University

Psychology, Whitney House 204

720 Fourth Avenue South

St. Cloud, MN 56301-4498
