Friday, May 28, 2010

CONFERENCES: Expert Meeting on the "Big Two", call for proposal due July 10th

Dear colleagues,
below please find an announcement and call for papers for an expert meeting on the "Big Two: Agency and Communion" that will take place in October 2010 in Germany (near Munich), which may be of interest to APA Division 20 members .
Best regards
Frieder R. Lang
Professor of Psychology and Gerontology
Director   Institute of Psychogerontology
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
Naegelsbachstr 25, D-91052 Erlangen, Germany
Phone: +49 9131 85-26526, Fax: +49 9131 85-26554,
GeroPsych -- The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry
GEROTEST Online studies on Ageing

Expert Meeting: The ³Big Two² Content Dimensions in Social Cognition and Behavior.
Neuendettelsau, Germany, October 13th to 16th 2010
Sponsored by ESCON and German Research Foundation (DFG)

One of the very significant developments in psychology is the realization that the same two fundamental content dimensions underlie judgments of the self, of others, social groups, nations, and cultures. At the positive end of the warmth/communion dimension are characteristics such as warm, friendly, honest, and caring, while those at the negative end include deceitful, cold, and callous. Positive characteristics associated with the competence/agency dimension include competent, intelligent, ambitious, and self-confident, while those at the negative end included inefficient, indecisive, and lazy. These fundamental content dimensions might constitute a meta-theoretical basis for combining different fields of psychology and beyond.
The conference aims to bring together a group of about 25 scholars who are concerned with the ³Big Two² in their research. We plan to publish conference proceedings.
We invite contributions to the following topics:
- biological basis of processing information belonging to one of the fundamental dimensions;
- measurement issues both within and across languages; psycholinguistic aspects; relationship between both dimensions;
- the Big Two in personality research; self-presentation; self-esteem; relationship to other personality constructs, etc.
- the Big Two in social psychological research; self-other differences, group perception, stereotyping, gender issues, face perception, interpersonal behavior, etc;
- the Big Two in work and organizational psychology; impact on career development; leadership issues; mentoring; relationship to proactivity, core self-evaluations, etc.;
- the Big Two in economic psychology; impact on decision making and choice;
- the Big Two in health psychology; impact on health-related behaviour, on symptom reporting, etc.
- the Big Two in life-span psychology; changes over the life span, relationship to well-being and longevity, etc.

The conference will be held from October 13th to October 16th in Neuendettelsau, Germany. The place is small and quiet and is located Nuremberg and Munich (nearest airport is Nuremberg). Surrounding the presentations the schedule will allow enough time for informal discussions.
Conference participation will be partly funded (accommodation, meals). Please send an extended abstract of the work you would like to present to

Deadline for submissions: July, 10th, 2010

After review the scientific committee will notify authors about the acceptance of their submitted abstract by the end of July.

Scientific committee:

Andrea E. Abele, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Institute of Psychology, Bismarckstr. 6, D 91054 Erlangen, Germany. Email:

Charles M. Judd, Department of Psychology, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309; USA; Email:

Frieder R. Lang, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Institute of Psychogerontology, Naegelsbachstr. 49b, D 91052 Erlangen, Germany. Email:

Bogdan Wojciszke, Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Chodakowska 19/31, 03-815 Warsaw, Poland. Email:

Oscar Ybarra, University of Michigan, USA, Department of Psychology, 530 Church Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Email:
Vincent Yzerbyt, Université catholique de Louvain, Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education, Institut des Sciences Psychologiques, Place du Cardinal Mercier, 10; B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve; Belgium. Email:

JOBS: 2 Three-Year Doctoral Positions, Internat. Normal Aging and Plasticity Imaging Center, University of Zurich

Dear colleagues,

please forward the following job post for two doctoral positions at the International Normal Aging and Plasticity Imaging Center (University of Zurich) to suitable candidates.

Thank you and best regards,

Christina Roecke


The International Normal Aging and Plasticity Imaging Center INAPIC of the University of Zurich is seeking applicants for two 3-year


The positions are integrated into a collaborative research project, entitled "Prospective Cognitive Training Study to Examine Developmental Plasticity in Old Age". The project defines one of the leading research areas at the newly founded INAPIC and involves the longitudinal study of cognitive and senso-motoric training effects and their structural and functional neural correlates in old age. The main part of the study seeks to understand the plasticity of cognitive and motor processes in old age evoked through an intensive training approach and what compensational processes are underlying the stable or increasing performance of old adults.

The ideal candidate has an M.Sc. in psychology or a related field, solid knowledge in cognitive neuroscience and cognitive changes in aging as well as in neuroscientific, experimental research methods, a strong interest in scientific work, and speaks and writes English on a good proficiency level. Experience with conducting empirical studies (experiment programming, data collection and management, statistical analyses) and with using at least one of the main neuroimaging methods used at the INAPIC (i.e., (f)MRI or EEG) is highly desirable.

The position allows tackling challenging research questions in a stimulating environment. The PhD student will be part of an international research team and short stays abroad for doctoral training are part of the project. Further, the PhD student will join the doctoral school at the Department of Psychology of the University of Zurich, which offers an excellent doctoral training program.

Review of applications starts immediately and will continue until the position is filled. The first round of application reviews will take place June 20, 2010. Earliest starting date is September 1, 2010. Contact Lutz Jäncke or Mike Martin for further information on the position and the project. Please send your application (CV, motivation letter, letter of recommendation, and – if applicable – own work such as Master Thesis or publication/s as a single PDF file) to one of the following:

Prof. Lutz Jäncke, Department of Psychology, University of Zurich, Binzmühlestrasse 14/Box 25, CH-8050 Zurich, Switzerland

Prof. Mike Martin, Department of Psychology, University of Zurich, Binzmühlestrasse 14/Box 24, CH-8050 Zurich, Switzerland

International Normal Aging and Plasticity Imaging Center INAPIC, University of Zurich, Sumatrastrasse 30, CH-8006 Zurich, Switzerland

Dr. Christina Röcke
Scientific Program Manager

University of Zurich
International Normal Aging and Plasticity Imaging Center (INAPIC)
Sumatrastrasse 30
8006 Zurich

Ph.: +41 (0)44 635 7495

Thursday, May 27, 2010


From Robert Sellers,


The Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues (APA
Division 45) will be hosting its first-ever conference outside of the
APA convention on June 17-19, 2010. The conference will be held on the
campus of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. There will also be a
pre-conference professional development opportunity for ethnic minority
graduate students and early career professionals on Thursday, June 17,

Conference Highlights Include:

· Daily plenary sessions on such topics as: Racism; Racial/Ethnic
Identity; and Culture and Mental Health.
· More than 35 symposia, panel discussions, and workshops.
· Over 130 poster presentations.
· Preconference professional development workshops for ethnic
minority graduate students and early career professionals.
· Plenty of opportunities to network at free receptions every night
of the conference.

Distinguished Plenary Speakers include:

William Cross, UNLV; Joseph Gone, University of Michigan; Derald Wing
Sue, Columbia University; James Jackson, University of Michigan; James
Jones, University of Delaware; Norah Mulvaney-Day, Harvard University;
Stephen Quintana, University of Wisconsin; Robert Sellers, University of
Michigan; David Takeuchi, University of Washington; Tiffany Yip, Fordham

Early registration ends on May 30, 2010 at 11:59 EST. You must register
in Ann Arbor after that date at onsite rates. Register today to get the
lowest conference rates

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

INFO: Interesting movie on aging and retirement

Dear Colleagues:


For my Work, Retirement, and Leisure class students have to complete a film review related to the topics in the class. They usually choose popular films such as About Schmidt, The Out of Towners, Lost in America, On Golden Pond, etc.


One student used the 1-hour documentary film at the link below. I thought it might be of interest to Div 20 members and your students.


BTW, about every 15 minutes or so it does show a short (10 seconds or so) commercial from one of its sponsors.






Kenneth S. Shultz, Ph.D.

Professor of I/O Psychology

Department of Psychology

California State University, San Bernardino

5500 University Parkway

San Bernardino, CA  92407-2397

(909) 537-5484 (phone/voicemail)

(909) 537-7003 (FAX)


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

CONFERENCES: State Society on Aging of NY Abstract Submission Closes 7/1/10

Call for Papers

State Society on Aging of New York – 38th Annual Conference

October 27th to 29th

The Ritz-Carlton Westchester

White Plains, New York

Our theme for 2010 is “Aging in Place: Services and Supports for Older New Yorkers.”  We invite you to submit an abstract for a paper, workshop, poster or artistic work on a gerontological topic.   This conference is co-sponsored by the Westchester Public/Private Partnership for Aging Services, Westchester County Department of Senior Programs and Services, and The Westchester Alliance of Academic Institutions.  For more information on SSA, the conference, Abstract Submission and Exhibitor or Sponsorship opportunities visit: .    The deadline for abstract submissions is July, 1st.   



Mark Brennan, PhD


The State Society on Aging of New York



AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (ACRIA)

ACRIA Center on HIV and Aging

230 West 38th Street, 17th Floor

New York, NY 10018

(212) 924-3934 ext. 131

(212) 924-3936 [fax]


Please consider SSA for your charitable gifts with a tax-deductible contribution to the SSA Endowment Fund at our web site: .



Thursday, May 20, 2010

INFO: A film for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day



Deborah DiGilio| Director, Office on Aging
Public Interest Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: (202) 336-6135 |  Fax: (202) 336-6040
email: |

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Dear Colleagues,


As you may be aware, over the past 18 months, NCOA has been working with the international human rights organization WITNESS on a video advocacy project with the goal of helping to pass the Elder Justice Act. We trained 17 advocates to join us in amassing over 100 videos from elder abuse survivors and their families; APS, ombudsmen, attorneys and other advocates; members of law enforcement and the judiciary; and many others.  Through the Elder Justice Now campaign ( we used the individual stories to generate traditional and social media, advocate with Members of Congress, and enlist and energize advocates.


A key component of a video advocacy effort constructed by WITNESS is dissemination. Last Fall, WITNESS and NCOA released a documentary, An Age for Justice: Confronting Elder Abuse in America. While An Age for Justice was initially edited to help advocate for passage of the EJA, it has since been retooled to be used for education and awareness efforts. To that end, we have created a package that features  a DVD with the documentary and 11 additional videos from across the country, as well as a screening kit with tips for organizing a local event.


With World Abuse Awareness Day fast approaching, we thought these resources may be helpful for you and your networks. It is also our belief that this package, if used to create an local event with press attention, could be a valuable tool for current and future advocacy.


Below is additional information about the documentary and the screening guide, as well as links to more information and an order form for the DVD.


On behalf of my colleague at WITNESS, Kelly Matheson, and myself, we hope you find this to be a useful tool for your organization and your partners. We hope you will share this information broadly. And, if you are interested in embedding the documentary or any of the Elder Justice Now information, please let me know.


All the best, and please let us know if you need any further information.




Marci Phillips

Director of Public Policy and Advocacy

National Council on Aging

1901 L Street NW, 4th Floor

Washington, DC 20036

Phone: (202) 479-6658

Fax:  (202) 479-0735




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Elder Justice Now Screening Initiative



An Age for Justice is a 16-minute documentary that brings you into the homes of courageous American elders to hear their poignant and real stories about the abuse, neglect and financial exploitation they have experienced. To view this 16-minute documentary that takes you into the homes of abused and neglected seniors, please go to:



To Preview the video and learn more at:

To Access a comprehensive Screening Guide:

To order a DVD, please go to: If you like the film and would like to screen it, the DVD is available for purchase on line at Please pay close attention to  the pricing details that follow as we are doing everything we can to get this film out there in an affordable way



If you are an elder rights advocacy organization or provide direct service to elders and have limited funding, enter the coupon code: elderjusticenow at checkout to receive the DVD at cost + shipping ($7.00).


If you are an academic institute or have funding and can purchase the DVD at the regular pricing, we much appreciate this as it will expand our opportunities to get it on more screens and in turn further this critical discussion on an issue that effects all Americans.


If you can't afford to purchase the film, please contact Kelly Matheson at to organize a loaner copy. But please know that if you can purchase the DVD at cost, it will make it possible for us to continue to distribute this video broadly


–  Eleven videos from our ‘100 Stories’ project, in which elders and elder rights advocates from across the country shared video messages confronting elder abuse in America.

      A comprehensive Screening Guide so you can host a screening with your community. This guide is also found at



The film produced by NCOA & WITNESS takes the issue of elder abuse out of the closet and into the light of day. It discusses the different forms of abuse revealed by the victims themselves in such a powerful way. Our seniors were moved by the film and up many a discussion followed that brought underlying fears in our members. I congratulate NCOA, WITNESS and their talented crew on their achievement. This film must be shown widely, since this issue is widespread and cuts across all segments of our society.  

     - Jane Barry, LMSW, Executive Director, Stein Senior Center, NY




Wednesday, May 19, 2010

INFO: NCSU Statistical Modeling Workshop

This 4-day workshop is designed for the researcher who wishes to expand their statistical toolkit to include advanced modeling techniques but who may feel intimidated by statistics or may not have the time or resources to devote to a week long class. The 4-day workshop is divided into two different but complementary workshops: days one and two focus on Multilevel Modeling and days three and four focus on structural equation modeling including confirmatory factor analysis and latent growth curve modeling. Both workshops will be conducted in computer labs and consist of lecturing and hands-on practice with running models. The overarching goal of both classes is straightforward and pragmatic: You will learn when, why, and how to do each of the analyses using your own data.

JOBS: Assistant professorship in Plasticity and Learning in Healthy Ageing, University of Zurich

Dear colleagues,

please forward the following job post to suitable candidates (see also attached document).

Thank you and best regards,

Christina Roecke


The University of Zurich invites applications for an Assistant Professorship in "Plasticity and learning in healthy ageing" to be filled by January 1st, 2011 or the earliest possible date, for a period of 6 years.

The applicant should have proof of his or her academic skills through publications or other work in the field of Cognitive Neuroscience and Cognitive Psychology. The publications should be in the area of ageing, learning, and plasticity research. Preferred are candidates who have successfully worked internationally in at least one of the following research areas: expertise, music and speech perception, memory and learning, sensorimotor control or bi- or multilingual processes. The candidate should also be able to foster international cooperations. The methodological know-how is required for longitudinal research in the domains of ageing and learning, excellent knowledge in neuroanatomy of the human brain, and excellent knowledge of brain imaging methods and related techniques (fMRI, TMS, and EEG).

The University of Zurich is seeking to increase the proportion of female researchers and academic teachers. Especially qualified female researchers and teachers in this field are therefore encouraged to apply. It is expected that international applicants are able to give lectures and/or seminars in German (partly in English).

Applications including the usual material (CV, list of publications and a list of courses offered in the past, but without sending copies of papers) should be sent to the Dekanat der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Zürich, Rämistr. 71, CH-8006, Switzerland. In addition, please send all files electronically (as pdf files) to the following Email address:

Closing date: June 15, 2010

Please also visit for more information on the International Normal Aging and Plasticity Imaging Center, with which the Assistant Professor position will be mainly affiliated.

Dr. Christina Röcke
Program Manager

University of Zurich
International Normal Aging and Plasticity Imaging Center (INAPIC)
Sumatrastrasse 30
8006 Zurich

Ph.: +41 (0)44 635 7495

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

INFO: Seeking Qualified Mentors and Mentees for APA Mentorship Program

From Cherie Mitchell, 



Seeking Qualified Mentors and Mentees for APA Mentorship Program

The American Psychological Association Office on AIDS is seeking qualified mentors and mentees to participate in a 2-year Cyber Mentor Program—a distance-learning, mentorship program designed to prepare doctoral-level behavioral and social scientists for careers as independent researchers in the area of HIV/AIDS and communities of color.

This program, funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), uses state-of-the-art distance-learning technologies (e.g., webcasts, online classrooms, etc.) to assist mentees in achieving three major goals:

  • Create and implement a career development plan focused on building the capacity to conduct independent research in the area of HIV/AIDS and communities of color.
  • Conceptualize, draft, and submit a high-quality research application to an appropriate National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding mechanism.
  • Establish a mutually supportive network of professional colleagues with common research interests.

Want to be a Mentor? Application information is here.

Want to be a Mentee? Application information is here.

The deadline for application materials is June 1, 2010

For further information, please contact the APA Office on AIDS (202-336-6042).






Office on AIDS
The American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242
(202) 336-6042
(202) 336-6198 (fax)

Your e-mail address was obtained from the APA Office on AIDS Database and the Office of Minority Ethnic Affairs Office Database. You are receiving this message to inform you about general information relevant to HIV and psychology. 

We are making greater use of electronic communications in our correspondence to save the high costs of printed and mailed materials. This is not a promotion and you will receive this notice only once. To unsubscribe to promotional email correspondence, send your request to the Office on AIDS at or you may call the Office on AIDS at 202-336-6042.

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Cherie D. Mitchell, MHS | Manager

Office on AIDS
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: 202.336.6052 |  Fax: 202 336.6198

email: |

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Monday, May 17, 2010

JOBS: Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)

From Shaun Musselman:

Account Coordinator

The David Group

Direct: 216.685.4427

Fax: 216.687.0107



Title: Assistant Professor


Position Description: The Department of Psychology at The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) invites applications for a non-tenure-track, 12-month position to begin July 15, 2010. Academic Rank will be Assistant Professor. The department has 30 primary faculty and 53 secondary faculty.


Position Requirements: The person selected for this position must have a Ph.D. (Psychology), will be required to conduct research and teach courses. The successful candidate will have training and experience necessary to assist the Chair with administrative oversight and coordination of the UAB Center for Translational Research on Aging and Mobility (overseeing funded projects, writing papers, helping students, analyzing data, etc.). The candidate will be expected to openly communicate and collaborate with other social and behavioral scientists and programs at UAB and the community. The salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.


Company Overview: UAB is a young, dynamic university that thrives on pushing the frontiers of science, medicine, the arts and humanities and in doing so, has garnered national and international respect. 

·         UAB…

o        is ranked among the top 15 percent of U.S. colleges and universities by The Princeton Review;

o        attracts over $400 million annually in external research funding and ranks consistently in the top 25 in funding from the National Institutes of Health;

o        was named among the Top 5 Best Places to Work in Academia by The Scientist;

o        has 8 hospital specialty programs that are among the nation's top 50 (and six are in the top 25) as ranked by U.S. News & World Report;

o        is located in Birmingham, Alabama, which has been listed by Partners for Livable Communities as one of America's best places to live, work, and play.


Response Information: Send letter of interest, CV, and three letters of recommendation to Dr. Karlene Ball, Chair, Department of Psychology, 1530 3rd Avenue, South, Campbell Hall Suite 415, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 35294-1170.


Please visit our department Web site at


UAB  is dedicated to broadening the diversity of its faculty,, staff, and students. We serve a multicultural student body. UAB is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

AWARD: ASPP Student Travel Award



ASPP Student Travel Award: Learn How APA Governance Works


The Assembly of Scientist/Practitioner Psychologists (ASPP) is providing an expense paid trip to the February 2011 Council meeting in Washington DC for a doctoral student in psychology to become familiar with the governance structure of the APA Council and the caucuses and how they work. At the COR meeting the student who receives the award will be mentored by the Chair of the ASPP.


The ASPP Board will review all submissions, select a student, and announce the recipient during the August 2010 ASPP Board meeting.


Interested students may send (a) their CV, (b) 100-word statement explaining their reason for applying for the award, and (c) a letter of endorsement from their advisor talking about their plans as a Scientist-Practitioner to the Chair of the ASPP, Dr. Valerie Holms at Deadline for submission is July 15, 2010





Deborah DiGilio| Director, Office on Aging
Public Interest Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: (202) 336-6135 |  Fax: (202) 336-6040
email: |

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INFO: Advisors to APA Treatment Guideline Development Committee



Deborah DiGilio| Director, Office on Aging
Public Interest Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: (202) 336-6135 |  Fax: (202) 336-6040
email: |

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From: DiGilio, Deborah
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 9:58 AM
Subject: Advisors to Treatment Guideline Development Committee


I sent this Call for Nominations to the list serve previously and would like to follow-up for two reasons:


1)      If you have submitted a nomination for yourself or another, please let me know.

2)      If you did not submit a nomination BUT ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING IN THE LESS TIME CONSUMING ROLES OF Technical Advisor and/or on a Treatment Guidelines Development Panel, and have expertise in the areas outlined below, please let me know and send me your CV and I will forward to the Practice Directorate.


At the recent CONA meeting, we were told that depression, anxiety, and ADHD may be the first APA treatment guidelines embarked upon. I think it will be important to have scientists and practitioners with expertise in geriatric depression and anxiety available to advise this Steering Committee.  


Deborah DiGilio| Director, Office on Aging
Public Interest Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: (202) 336-6135 |  Fax: (202) 336-6040
email: |

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Call For Nominations

Advisory Steering Committee for Development of Clinical Treatment Guidelines
American Psychological Association

At its February 2010 meeting, the APA Council of Representatives voted to approve APA development of clinical treatment guidelines and, as a first step, creation of an Advisory Steering Committee that will finalize details of the development of clinical treatment guidelines. 

The scope of the Advisory Steering Committee includes, among others (1) finalizing the process whereby APA will develop clinical treatment guidelines; (2) establishing criteria whereby clinical treatment guidelines will be identified for development; (3) formulating criteria whereby clinical treatment guidelines panels will be appointed; (4) determining the scope of clinical treatment guidelines and commissioning independent systematic reviews of the relevant empirical research so as to inform the development of evidence-based clinical treatment guidelines by clinical treatment guideline panels; and, (5) providing progress reports to the Association on a regular basis and as needed.  The Advisory Steering Committee will oversee the process, and collaborate with governance and staff as appropriate.  The Advisory Steering Committee will not write clinical treatment guidelines nor will it be charged with conducting systematic reviews. 

The Board of Professional Affairs (BPA), Board of Scientific Affairs (BSA) and Committee for the Advancement of Professional Practice (CAPP) are seeking nominations for psychologists to serve on the Advisory Steering Committee that will oversee APA’s process to develop clinical treatment guidelines. 

The Advisory Steering Committee will be composed of six (6) members, each serving a 3-year term.  Advisory Steering Committee members can serve two 3-year terms, for a maximum of six consecutive years.  Initial terms will be staggered in length so that only two members will be replaced every year.   Initially, two members will be appointed to 2-year terms, two members will be appointed to 3-year terms and two members will be appointed to 4-year terms.

All nominees should have ten (10) or more years of professional experience in clinical practice or clinical research (or combination thereof), and documented expertise in the arena of guidelines or evidence-based treatment development or implementation.  Additionally, nominees should be nationally recognized via peer reviewed publications, professional awards, advanced credentials, or involvement in national professional organizations.  As always, nominees who will enhance the diversity of the Advisory Steering Committee are desirable. 

In addition to the qualifications above, candidates should have a strong background or expertise in one or more of the following:

·         Clinical treatment guidelines development 

·         Direct provision of psychological care in diverse practice settings or with diverse populations 

·         Systematic reviews 

·         Federal agency policies and programs related to guidelines 

·         Contemporary methods for evaluation of psychotherapy and assessment processes 

·         Experience applying clinical treatment guidelines in practice settings 

·         Experience applying evidence-based practices in clinical settings 

·         Dissemination/implementation research 

·         Health care systems finance or administration 

·         Relevant expertise in research design and statistical analysis 

·         Public health issues and settings 

·         Experience with clinical trials 

·         Comparative effectiveness research

Candidate material will be reviewed by the BPA, BSA and CAPP.  A final list of qualified candidates from which the Advisory Steering Committee will be selected will be provided to the Board of Directors for appointment.  BPA, BSA and CAPP will develop the final list of qualified candidates by attending to multiple areas of expertise, as well as experience working with diverse patient populations (across race, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, gender, age, disability, class status, education, religious/spiritual orientation, and other cultural dimensions, as well as adult, adolescent and child patient populations) and within a wide array of clinical settings.

The Advisory Steering Committee will initially work closely with the Clinical Treatment Guidelines Staff Working Group (comprised of APA staff from the Practice and Science Directorates) to finalize details of the development process and address any outstanding concerns posed by BPA, BSA, CAPP and/or the Board of Directors.  The work of the Advisory Steering Committee will include: identification of priority areas for clinical treatment guidelines, development of the format for guidelines, and determination of the scope of scientific reviews needed.  The Advisory Steering Committee will work closely with governance to create guideline development panels for specific disorders.  Communication of progress and milestones to the Board of Directors and governance is anticipated on a regular basis. 

Letters of nomination should clearly describe the candidate's specific expertise and qualifications relative to the criteria provided above.  Nomination materials should include a letter from the nominee indicating willingness to serve a minimum 3-year term, a brief statement of the nominee's qualifications relative to criteria provided, and a current curriculum vita.  Candidates should demonstrate a clear commitment to translation of research into practice.  Advisory Steering Committee members are expected to travel to Washington, DC for at least two (2) face-to-face meetings yearly and commit additional time and effort to the Committee in between these meetings.  Current members of BPA, BSA and CAPP are not eligible to serve on this committee.  Self-nominations are welcome.  Nominations and supporting materials should be directed to Sheila Kerr, Governance Operations Associate, Practice Directorate via email correspondence by May 1, 2010.  

Note: Candidates with relevant expertise but not selected for the Advisory Steering Committee will be considered for participation as Technical Advisors and/or on Treatment Guidelines Development Panels.  Details on how these groups will be formed, interface and function will be finalized by the Advisory Steering Committee.