Wednesday, April 25, 2012

INFO: Division Dialogue

From: Rummel, Chad []


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April 2012

A Publication of the APA Division Services Office



CASE STUDY: Division 13 and DSO meeting planning

A partnership between Division 13 and the Division Services Office has opened the door for all divisions to receive meeting/conference planning support through the DSO (Read More)


For Division Leaders


Organizers petition for two new divisions
Financial Psychology and Implementation Science in Psychology are two new areas of member interest that organizers hope to add to the list of APA divisions.


Conventions programs due
Divisions are reminded to send convention programs to the Division Services Office by June 1.


2012 Division/SPTA elections began April 16
Ballots mailed in April for Spring elections.


Tech tip for Divisions
The free tools below are easy-to-use time-savers that might make managing your division easier, freeing your time to focus on the initiatives that mean the most to you.


Help for Divisions
APA Staff and members of the Committee on Division/APA Relations are here to help divisions and division leaders.

Share With Your Members


A Presidential Task Force on Immigration releases new report
The American Psychological Association is pleased to announce the release of "Crossroads: The Psychology of Immigration in the New Century," the report of the 2011 APA Presidential Task Force on Immigration.


CE at APA Convention
Continuing Education (CE) preconvention workshopsâ€"APA Annual Convention, Orlando, FL, August 1, 2012


Upcoming APF deadlines
APF has four upcoming award deadlines.

Call for Nominations/Awards


Call for Nominations: Committee on Early Career Psychologists
The Committee on Early Career Psychologists (CECP) is seeking nominations for two representatives to serve a 3-year term (2013-2015): Deadline: August 1, 2012


Call for Nominations: Committee on Aging (CONA)
CONA seeks two full APA members with specialization in aging issues to begin three-year terms on January 1. Deadline: September 1, 2012


Call for Nominations: Committee on Disability Issues in Psychology
APA's Committee on Disability Issues in Psychology (CDIP) seeks nominations from individuals, APA Committees, Boards, and Divisions, as well as self-nominations, for two new members to begin three-year terms on January 1. Deadline: August 20, 2012


Committee on Aging Award for the Advancement of Psychology and Aging
This award for outstanding achievement is presented annually to recognize psychologists and friends of psychology who have made significant contributions in one or more of the areas of the CONA Mission . Deadline: Jun 30, 2012

From the APA Directorates


Updates for April 2012
These updates are provided as possible content for sharing in Division newsletters, Web sites, online communities, etc. Contact information for each department or directorate is provided.

About the Dialogue


The Dialogue is an eNewsletter provided by the Division Services Office and is sent to Division Leaders. To be added or removed from distribution, contact Chad Rummel. Submissions for the May Dialogue are due by May 16, 2012.

Published by the American Psychological Association, 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002