Monday, December 10, 2012

INFO: Wed is Eldercare Workforce Alliance Call-in Day!

I am forwarding a message I have received from the Eldercare Workforce Alliance (of which APA is a member).  Please take a moment on Wednesday to utilize the very user friendly EWA Rally Congress site to call (for free) your Congress person to relay the important message:  Tell Congress: Don't Let Older Adults and the Eldercare Workforce Fall Off the Fiscal Cliff! 

Everything you need including brief talking points is on the EWA Rally Congress site.  Oh, it wouldn’t hurt to get the word “psychologist” is your message too!! 


Thanks for your help and please forward this message to your collegues.




Deborah A. DiGilio| Director, APA Office on Aging

Public Interest Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: 202-336-6135 |  Fax: 202-336-6040





P Please consider the environment before printing this email.

















Dear EWA Members,


Wednesday is the Eldercare Workforce Alliance Call-in Day to urge Congress to reject cuts to eldercare workforce programs, Medicare, and Medicaid and to pursue a balanced approach that protects these essential programs.  Our aim is to supplement and support the great advocacy efforts your organizations are already doing, and to provide an additional opportunity for advocacy on these important issues. 


This alert is currently live through EWA’s Rally Congress site.  Once they arrive to the page, each visitor then identifies his/her Senators and Representative by typing in their zip code.  They can then type in their phone number in order to receive a call that will connect them with their member of Congress for free.  The alert provides talking points for advocates on eldercare workforce and other issues affecting older adults, which are based on our approved language from the EWA Sequestration Issue Brief. 


Please feel free to send out this alert  to your members and encourage them to participate!







Caitlin Connolly

Eldercare Workforce Alliance



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