Tuesday, October 30, 2012

FUNDING: Letters of Intent Due Nov 7, Impact of The Purpose Prize

Dear APA Division 20 members,

My name is Cal Halvorsen and I'm the research manager at Encore.org, the new name for Civic Ventures. I am contacting you to let you know about our newest research project to evaluate the impact of our flagship program, The Purpose Prize. (To learn more about The Prize, visit www.encore.org/prize.)

The Prize, now in its seventh year, is the nation's only large-scale investment in people over 60 who are combining their passion and experience for the social good. Although there have been some previous studies on The Prize, we are now interested in conducting research that measures the accumulated impact of The Prize over the life of the program. We have released a Call for Letters of Intent, which you can view by visiting the following webpage: www.encore.org/files/PrizeResearchLOI.pdf

The three-page maximum Letters of Intent are due by Wednesday, November 7, by 5 p.m. Eastern. A more detailed timeline and description of the work is in the document.

Please forward this Call for Letters of Intent to anyone who might be interested in applying. If you have any questions about the process, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. With warm regards,

Cal Halvorsen, MSW
Project and Research Manager
(202) 642-5854