Thursday, July 12, 2012

INFO: Helping Sara Qualls

From: Carolyn Aldwin []:

Dear all:


Our friend and colleague, Sara Qualls, has been extraordinarily generous in her volunteering for Division 20 committees and projects.  Unfortunately, her house burned down in the Colorado fires on the same day as her mother’s funeral.  The UCCS faculty are arranging for Sara to purchase furniture and/or artwork at a local gallery to help replace some of her losses, and would welcome contributions from her friends and colleagues.  Checks should be sent to:


Edie Greene

Chair, Dept. of Psychology

University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway

Colorado Springs, CO  80918


Edie asks that the checks be sent to her before 7/31, and that individuals identify themselves so that Sara can thank them.


Alternatively, people can donate to the Alzheimer’s Association in her mother’s name, Berniece Honn, at




Carolyn M. Aldwin, Ph.D.

Professor, Human Development & Family Sciences

Director, Gerontology Program

Editor, Research in Human Development

President, APA Division 20

424 Waldo Hall

Oregon State University

Corvallis, OR  97331

541.737.2024; f:541.737.1076