Wednesday, September 30, 2009

JOBS: Visual or Cognitive Neuroscience at North Dakota State University


Visual or Cognitive Neuroscience


The Department of Psychology at North Dakota State University announces a tenure track position (rank open) in VISUAL OR COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE beginning August 16, 2010. Applicants with research interests in the electrophysiological (i.e., high-density EEG) investigation of visual or cognitive processes, psychophysical or computational approaches to vision, multisensory integration, attention processes, executive function, or social neuroscience are especially encouraged to apply. We offer a low teaching load, doctoral programs in Visual/Cognitive Neuroscience and Health/Social Psychology, an NIH-sponsored Center for Visual and Cognitive Neuroscience, and a supportive and dynamic research environment. The minimum qualifications for the position are: Ph.D. degree, evidence of research accomplishment, excellent potential for external funding, ability to teach courses in our curriculum, ability to interact effectively with colleagues and students, and effective oral and written communication skills. For more information go to To apply send a cover letter describing research and teaching interests, a CV, copies of representative publications, and available summaries of teaching evaluations. Also include the names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three potential references. Submit materials electronically to Direct inquiries to Mark E. McCourt, Ph.D., Chair of Visual/Cognitive Neuroscience Search Committee, at or (701) 231-8625. Applications will be reviewed beginning December 15, 2009 and will be accepted until the position is filled. NDSU is an Equal Opportunity Employer.



Linda K. Langley, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Center for Visual and Cognitive Neuroscience

Department of Psychology (2765), P.O. Box 6050

North Dakota State University

Fargo, ND 58108-6050

(701) 231-7343 (office)

(701) 231-8426 (fax)