Wednesday, September 02, 2009

FUNDING: Int'l Conference on Aging funding announcement - application due Nov 30, 2009

Call for a Conference Proposal -
Margret M. and Paul B. Baltes International Conference on Aging 2010/11
The Margret M. and Paul B. Baltes Foundation has now opened the opportunity to submit a scientific conference proposal on the theme of aging,  covering the disciplines central to Margret M. and Paul B. Baltes’ work (psychology, gerontology and behavioral sciences). 
The successful applicant (university, research institution) will receive a lump sum of EURO 35,000 to be spent on the conference according to the NSF conference grant policy  (1).  Preference will be given to applicants whose team composition and/ or conference program includes both German and US based scholars.  The organizers will be fully responsible for all conference matters. 
The submission of the conference proposal (conference to be held in 2010 or 2011) should entail
 -  a brief description of the goal of the conference (max. 2 pp.), 
 -  session outlines, 
 -  a suggestion of (a) key speaker(s) and 
 -  a summarized budgetary and spending plan for the awarded sum. 
 -  The key organizers should indicate previous experience with organizing conferences and enclose a brief CV.
The proposals will be evaluated by the board of the Margret M. and Paul B. Baltes Foundation: Ursula M. Staudinger, Boris B. Baltes,  Christine Windbichler and Ulman Lindenberger.
Electronic submissions, to, are due no later than 30 November, 2009.  The successful applicant will be notified by January 15, 2010.

 (1)  Allowability of costs, 625 Meetings and conferences


Prof. Dr. Ursula M. Staudinger
President German Psychologcal Society DGPs
Founding Dean Jacobs Center on Lifelong Learning and Institutional Development
Vice President Jacobs University Bremen

Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
Campusring 1
28759 Bremen

Tel +49 421 2004700
Fax +49 421 2004703
