Friday, September 18, 2009

AWARDS: 2010 ASA Leadership Awards Program

FYI… I have no additional knowledge of these awards…


ASA Is Now Accepting Nominations for the 2010 ASA Leadership Awards Program. Each year, the American Society on Aging recognizes a number of individuals and organizations for their contributions to ASA, to the field of aging, and to older adults. Honors are granted for career accomplishments at all levels, innovative ideas, promising practices and model programs.

Awards will be presented at Aging in America, the 2010 Conference of the National Council on Aging and the American Society on Aging, held in Chicago, Illinois, March 15-19. DEADLINE:  OCTOBER 15, 2009


Awards Open to All Professionals in the Field of Aging

¨       Graduate Student Research Award -- Endowed by the AARP Foundation

¨       ASA Award

¨       Hall of Fame Award -- Endowed by The Atlantic Philanthropies

¨       Gloria Cavanaugh Award for Excellence in Training and Education


Awards Open to ASA Members Only

¨       Religion, Spirituality and Aging Award

¨       Mental Health and Aging Award

¨       MindAlert Awards -- Sponsored by MetLife Foundation

¨       NOMA Award for Excellence in Multicultural Aging -- Sponsored by AARP Foundation


For descriptions of all the awards and to make your nomination for an outstanding individual or organization, visit the ASA Awards Homepage, .



Deborah DiGilio| Director, Office on Aging
Public Interest Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: (202) 336-6135 |  Fax: (202) 336-6040
email: |

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