Monday, October 24, 2011

INFO: Your support for Division 20!

Division 20 Needs Your Votes!

In early November you will receive an apportionment ballot from APA that will determine YOUR representation at APA. You will have 10 votes to allocate. We’re very fortunate in having two council representatives, Sue Whitbourne and K. Warner Schaie, who have taken very important leadership roles in APA.  Having two representatives allows our Division to better promote aging issues at APA, but we are at risk of losing one rep.  It is absolutely crucial that you contribute as many of your ten votes to Division 20 as possible.  While we applaud the fact that many in our community belong to multiple divisions, THIS YEAR, GIVE A LITTLE MORE TO DIVISION 20!

Carolyn Aldwin

President, APA Division 20



Carolyn M. Aldwin, Ph.D.
Professor & Director, Gerontology Program
Dept. of Human Development & Family Sciences
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR  97330
541 737-2024; 541 737-1076 (fax)

“Everything is connected with everything else; but not all things are connected by the short and straight roads we expected.” -- C. S. Lewis