Monday, June 06, 2011

AWARDS: Reviewers Needed for Division 20 Student Awards Program

Dear Division 20 Colleagues,

The D20 Awards Committee is seeking reviewers for its student awards program.  

We have received a number of applications for the various student awards (which includes the Walter G. McMillen Memorial Award for Parkinson's Disease Research and the Retirement Research Foundation Student Awards for Completed Research at the masters, doctoral and postdoctoral level).  As a reviewer, you will be asked to read and rate approximately 2 – 5 student applications. We would like to complete this process by July 8, 2011. If you are interested in being a reviewer, please send an email by Monday, June 13th with your name and contact information to Cory Bolkan at

You will be contacted by email with further details about participation. More information about each specific award can be found on the Division 20 website:

Thank you in advance for your willingness to serve the division and for your support of the student research awards!

Cory Bolkan & Lisa McGuire
Awards Committee Co-Chairs