Wednesday, June 17, 2009

CONFERENCES: Div 20 APA conference information

APA 2009 Division 20 Program Blurb for Newsletter-June Version

Please join your Division 20 colleagues at the APA convention in Toronto, which will take place August 6-9th. In addition to the presidential address (Dr. Elizabeth Zelinski –Saturday August 8th 3:00 to 3:50 pm) and the Baltes address (David Hultsch - Friday August 7th 3:00 to 3:50 pm), four outstanding scientists will be giving invited addresses covering topics illustrating the breadth of interests within Division 20. We also have six symposia presentations, with one co-sponsored by Division 55 (American Society for the Advancement of Pharmacotherapy) and one co-sponsored by Division 21 (Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology).

The Division 20 Social Event will take place on Friday August 7th at a Toronto Blue Jays baseball game (7 pm). This will allow more interaction among Division 20 colleagues and graduate students than a traditional restaurant setting would permit—and it is more inexpensive than many Toronto restaurants. The cost is $20 (US) per ticket. To obtain this special rate, we need to purchase at least 50 tickets, and preferably over 100. Please send in your requests and checks by June 30, 2009 to Philip Allen, Department of Psychology, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325-4301 (this covers the ticket price but not food such as hot dogs or soda). We hope to see you in Toronto on August 7th at the game!

Helena Chui and Kevin Petway, Division 20’s graduate student representatives, have secured Dr. Michael Gilewski (a Division 20 fellow who practices in neuropsychological rehabilitation and who is also involved in multisite applied research) as the guest speaker for the Graduate Student Conversation Hour on Friday August 7th from 5-5:50 pm

We hope to see you in Toronto in August! ---Phil Allen and Becky Allen (Division 20 Program co-chairs).