Tuesday, April 10, 2007

INFO: The Lawton Digital Archive is available for gerontological researchers

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These documents represent presentations that Dr. Lawton made throughout his career at conferences for researchers on aging. The principles Dr. Lawton developed in his studies in environmental psychology influenced design innovations in nursing homes, special dementia units, and community-based programs all over the world.

A survey about users' opinions about the collection will be available through October 2007 at


This online collection is a project of the library of the Polisher Research Institute. The planning and implementation were partially funded with federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds administered by the Pennsylvania Office of Commonwealth Libraries. A poster describing the project was presented the 59th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America in Dallas, Texas in November. The poster is scheduled to be presented on May 7-9 at the Evidence-based Library & Information Practice Conference (EBLIP4) in Chapel Hill-Durham, N.C.; and at the Medical Library Association Annual Conference in Philadelphia, Pa. on Sunday, May 20 from 2-3 p.m.

At the time of his death in 2001, Dr. Lawton was director emeritus of Polisher Research Institute. A program of the Madlyn and Leonard Abramson Center for Jewish Life (formerly Philadelphia Geriatric Center), the Institute was the first nursing-home sponsored gerontological research institute. During his 40-year tenure, Dr. Lawton grew the Institute's reputation for pioneering research into the psychological, social, and medical aspects of aging. He created assessment tools to measure morale, instrumental activities of daily living, affect, emotion and other facets of aging. His body of work includes more than 100 books that he wrote, edited or contributed to, and more than 100 professional journal articles. He received many awards from professional societies and universities, and often presented at conferences. He served as editor-in-chief, on editorial boards and as a reviewer for several gerontology journals. He also served the national government as a peer reviewer for research studies. He was principal investigator of nearly 30 studies dealing with housing, mental health and quality of life for the elderly.

Dr. Lawton also served as President of the Gerontological Society of America. In 2002, the GSA created an award in his honor. The distinction recognizes a significant contribution in gerontology that has led to an innovation in gerontological treatment, practice or service, prevention, amelioration of symptoms or barriers, or a public policy change that has led to some practical application that improves the lives of older persons. Additionally, the American Psychological Association and the Retirement Research Foundation also present awards in his memory. The Philadelphia Corporation on Aging has created both an award and a conference to memorialize Dr. Lawton's accomplishments.

The Library of Polisher Research Institute at the Madlyn and Leonard Abramson Center for Jewish Life is one of the oldest and largest gerontological collections in the United States, supporting research about the aged and the aging process, Alzheimer's disease and dementia, palliative end-of-life care for older people, anthropological issues of aging, environmental design and housing for the elderly, social work and the aged, and caregiver issues. The Abramson Center for Jewish Life, located in Horsham, Pa., is a private, nonprofit provider of services to seniors that include nursing care, assisted living, adult day care, counseling and referral services, as well as aging research.

Questions about the Lawton Digital Archive can be directed to Rachel R. Resnick at librarian@abramsoncenter.org; 215-371-1333;

Rachel R. Resnick, MS, Research Librarian Polisher Research Institute Abramson Center for Jewish Life (Formerly Philadelphia Geriatric Center) 1425 Horsham Road North Wales, PA 19454-1320 215-371-1333 (phone) 215-371-3015 (fax) rresnick@abramsoncenter.org PAUPHA on Docline; SPGCP on AccessPA