Tuesday, April 24, 2007

AWARDS: Call for Science Award Nominations


June 1, 2007 is the deadline for submitting nominations for the 2008 APA Scientific Awards Program. Even though the deadline date is approaching, I am sending this reminder to encourage you to submit any last minute or late nominations. If you would like to submit a nomination after the deadline, please contact me at swandersman@apa.org or (202) 336-6000. To obtain nomination forms and more information, you can go to the Science Directorate web page (www.apa.org/science/sciaward.html).

I encourage nominations for the Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology that recognizes excellent young psychologists. For the 2008 program, nominations of persons who received doctoral degrees during and since 1998 are being sought in the areas of: · animal learning and behavior, comparative

· psychopathology

· health

· developmental

· cognition/human learning

The categories should be interpreted broadly and are not meant to be exclusive; all areas of psychology are of sufficient merit to be considered for awards.

To submit a nomination for the Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology, you should provide a letter of nomination, the nominee's current vita with list of publications, and up to five representative reprints.

The Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award honors psychologists who have made distinguished theoretical or empirical contributions to basic research in psychology. The Distinguished Scientific Award for the Applications of Psychology honors psychologists who have made distinguished theoretical or empirical advances in psychology leading to the understanding or amelioration of important practical problems.

To submit a nomination for the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award and the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award for the Applications of Psychology, you should provide a letter of nomination; the nominee's current vita with list of publications; the names and addresses of several scientists who are familiar with the nominee's work; a list of ten most significant and representative publications, and at least five reprints representative of the nominee's contribution (reprints, preferably in electronic form).

Send your nominations to: Suzanne Wandersman, Science Directorate, American Psychological Association, 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 or by email to swandersman@apa.org.