Saturday, December 10, 2011

INFO: RHD -- Special Double issue on G X Environment Interplay!

I’m very pleased to announce the current issue of Research in Human Development, the flagship journal of the Society for the Study of Human Development.


Gene X Environment Interplay: Genetics, Epigenetics, and Environmental Influences on Development

Guest Editors: Kay L. Wanke, Ty Partridge, Toni Antonucci


Table of Contents


1.       Advancing Research in Gene-Environment Interplay: Can Developmental Science Lead the Way? Kay L. Wanke &Michael L. Spittel


  1. The Failure of Biogenetic Analysis in Psychology: Why Psychology is not a Biological Science        Gary Greenberg,
  2. Some Key Issues in the Study of Gene-Environment Interplay: Activation, Deactivation, and the Role of Development

S. Alexandra Burt,


  1. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Studying Gene Environment Interactions: From Twin Studies to GWAS and Back

Danielle M. Dick,


  1. Still Missing

Eric Turkheimer,


  1. Methodological Advances toward A Dynamic Developmental Behavioral Genetics: Bridging the Gap

Ty Partridge,


7.       Relational Developmental Systems and Quantitative Behavior Genetics: Alternative or Parallel Methodologies?

        Willis F. Overton,


Please feel free to forward this announcement!


Carolyn M. Aldwin, Ph.D.
Editor, Research in Human Development
Director, Gerontology Program

Human Development & Family Sciences

School of Social & Behavioral Health Sciences

College of Public Health & Human Sciences
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR  97330
541 737-2024; 541 737-106 (fax)