Wednesday, January 26, 2011

INFO: Call for Manuscript Submissions, International Journal of Aging and Human Development

Call for Manuscript Submissions – International Journal of Aging and Human Development
Special Issue – Transitions over the Life Course and Healthy Aging

The Journal is seeking manuscripts examining the influence of life transitions on healthy aging outcomes.  Empirical as well as theoretical/conceptual submissions are being solicited that focus on the relationship between transitions throughout the life course and behavioral, environmental and/or social factors that operate at any point across the healthy aging continuum - from prevention and management of age-prevalent diseases and conditions, including chronic disease, to positive aging and wellness.  Life transitions of interest include but are not limited to family caregiving, retirement, job loss/changes, loss and bereavement, changes in marital status (marriage, widowhood, divorce, remarriage) among other life changes. Manuscripts that report on longitudinal analyses connecting developmental markers and transitions in young and middle adulthood to late life health outcomes are encouraged but all submissions consistent with the criteria specified above will be considered.  All papers should explicitly include a discussion of implications for healthy aging theory, research, policy and/or practice.

Manuscripts should be restricted to no more than 25 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font (including tables, figures, and references).  Please consult the Journal’s “Instructions for Authors” for additional information.

Submission Deadline: June 30, 2011

Direct submissions and inquiries to:

Michael Caserta, PhD – Guest Editor
Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program – College of Nursing
University of Utah
10 S 2000 E, #5175
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
(801) 581-3572