Thursday, February 18, 2010

CONFERENCES: (Revised) OSU Summer Institute on Research Methodology using Mplus and Stata

Revised information regarding the summer institute:
2010 Summer Institute on Research Methodology,
Oregon State University

July 13, 2010: Introduction to Mplus
July 14, 2010:  Latent Growth Curve Modeling Using Mplus
July 15, 2010: Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling using Stata
About the Summer Institute
The Summer Institute on Research Methodology will be held July 13 to 15, 2009 on the Oregon State University campus, hosted by the College of Health and Human Sciences (HHS). Research methodology is central to health and human sciences. The complexity of developmental, social, and health processes requires rigorous attention to measurement, sampling, design, and statistical analysis.
Introductory and advanced coursework using Mplus and Stata will be offered during the Institute. Participants are expected to be comfortable with multiple regression and have some familiarity with factor analysis. No knowledge of Mplus or Stata is assumed.  These two courses can be taken independently or combined. Applied examples will be used throughout the workshops, with hands-on analysis experience.
Dr. Alan Acock is the chief presenter for the Summer Institute on Research Methodology. Dr. Acock is the University Distinguished Professor for Family Science and the Knudson Chair for Family Policy & Research. He has authored a leading book on Stata and is on the editorial board of the Journal of Structural Equation Modeling. Dr. Acock has numerous publications involving advanced statistical applications in the social sciences. He will be the co-instructor of the one day workshop on multilevel analysis using Stata and the instructor of the two day workshop on Mplus.

Dr. Acock will be assisted by Isaac Washburn.  Isaac is finishing his dissertation, which includes advanced applications of multilevel and longitudinal modeling in Prevention Science.  He has substantial Ph.D. Level course work in Statistics and additional background in econometrics. He will be the co-instructor for the one-day workshop on multilevel analysis using Stata.

Mplus and Longitudinal Modeling Using Mplus – Dr. Alan Acock

July 13, 8:30 to 5:00—No background using Mplus or any other SEM package is necessary.  This first day will introduce Mplus and cover exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling, and Latent Class/Latent Profile analysis.

July 14, 8:30 to 5:00 – Introduction to growth curves and their use with time invariant and time varying covariates. Growth mixture modeling will be introduced. This workshop will also introduce growth curves with binary and count variables.

Those who are not interested in growth curves may choose to register for day one only. Those who have a background in Mplus and are interested in growth curves only may elect to register just the second day.
Multilevel & Longitudinal Models using Stata  - Dr. Alan Acock & Isaac Washburn

July 15, 8:00 to 5:00—Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling is the new entry point for major research projects. Stata offers exceptional capabilities for this type of analysis and is much simpler to use than the alternative software. This one-day workshop assumes no background in Stata. From 8-9:30 we will introduce Stata. The rest of the day we will introduce multilevel and longitudinal modeling using Stata. Topics include an introduction to multilevel analysis, intraclass correlation, dyadic analysis including the Actor-partner Interdependence Model will be included. We will also cover longitudinal modeling with an emphasis on intervention applications. This workshop will include model estimation commands and graphics commands. We will also introduce these applications when the data is categorical.
Registration fees are as follows:        2 day Mplus course:     $325
                                        1 day Mplus course:     $175
                                        1 day Stata course      $175
                                        3 days – both courses   $400
(Graduate students: $250 for the 2 day Mplus course;  $125 for the 1 day Mplus course; $125 for the one day Stata course; 3 days, both courses – all three days $300).
These fees include all workshop materials, use of a laptop computer containing all relevant software and programs (each shared between two individuals), lunch and coffee breaks every day, and one dinner reception. Please register using the online form available on the website.
Please see the 2010 Summer Institute website ( for details regarding course materials, faculty, registration, travel and accommodations, and contact information.
Further information regarding the College of Health and Human Sciences Methodology Core can be found at: .
Rena Thayer
Assistant for Executive Associate Dean, Dr. Jeff McCubbin
and Administrative Assistant for OSU IMPACT
College of Health and Human Sciences
123 Women's Building
Corvallis OR  97331-6802
Fax 541-737-4230