Thursday, January 28, 2010

INFO: JEPA Special Issue on Human Performance in Health Care

SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY: APPLIED on HUMAN PERFORMANCE IN HEALTH CARE. Manuscripts that address issues related to applied experimental psychology and human performance in all aspects of health care will be considered.

Human error and safety in health care systems has been a focus of national concern since the 1999 Institute of Medicine report. That report also emphasized the critical role of human factors issues as both a contributor to medical error that threatens safety, and as an approach to mitigating error and improving safety. Theories and methods related to human performance and cognition have played an increasingly important role in guiding research related to health care, error, and system safety.

We invite manuscripts that describe empirical research that investigates any aspect of health care with implications for understanding and improving health care processes and practices. An ideal submission will describe work that meets the following criteria:

1) The work is motivated by and contributes to theories of human performance (relevant to cognitive or other psychological processes);

2) The work is experimental in the sense that it provides evidence for causal influences underlying the findings and provides the reader some certainty in the interpretation of the causal influences; multi-experiment studies may be important for providing such evidence. Observational methods may also be appropriate, so long as the study design provides compelling suggestions of causal factors.

3) The work produces findings that have immediate and obvious practical relevance. Employing participants (e.g., providers or patients) and tasks that are representative of actual health care contexts are especially sought.

Topics of interest for the special issue are not constrained and might include: the impact of information technology on practitioner workload, evaluation of the design of health care displays (e.g., patient monitoring), impact of operator factors (e.g., fatigue, situation awareness) or task-related factors (e.g., interruptions) on error or other aspects of performance, teamwork processes in critical care, or patient self-care.

If you are interested in contributing to this special issue, please email both of the editors for the special issue: Dan Morrow ( and Frank Durso ( by May 15, 2010. Include a tentative title and brief summary of the planned manuscript. The letter of intent is optional. All solicited manuscripts will be peer-reviewed and required to meet the standards of any JEP:A manuscript. The deadline for submissions is September 1, 2010. The special issue will be published mid 2011.

Papers should be submitted through the JEP:Applied online web portal:
Please indicate in your cover letter that you wish for the paper to be considered as part of the special issue on Human Performance in Health Care

Dan Morrow, Professor
Beckman Institute
Human Factors Division

Willard Airport-One Airport Road, Q5, MC-394
Savoy, IL 61874
Tel. 217-244-8757 (HFD)
217-244-1828 (Beckman)
Fax 217-244-8647