Thursday, May 15, 2008

INFO: call for papers, special issue of journal Memory on silence and memory

Call For Papers: Special Issue on Silence and Memory

Memory researchers often focus on what is spoken, but silences are also important elements in memory. Recent work suggests that what is not told, not rehearsed, and not spoken has implications for later memory, self, and identity. Moreover, that work further suggests that those implications are evident for both individuals and groups. We are seeking contributions to a special issue of Memory considering the implications of silence for memory. We are interested in a wide range of contributions, ranging from laboratory and experimental work to theoretical considerations, and on phenomena ranging from retrieval-induced forgetting to cultural and social factors that influence the nature of silences. Interested individuals should submit their manuscripts through the manuscript central website:, and note that the submission is intended for the special issue on Silence and Memory. For full consideration, manuscripts are due December 31, 2008. Questions should be directed to the guest editors: Monisha Pasupathi ( ) and Kate McLean ( All manuscripts will be subject to editorial and peer-review before acceptance for the special issue.