Tuesday, December 11, 2007

AWARDS/COMMITTEES: Neal Miller Distinguished Lecture

Call for Nominations: Neal Miller Distinguished Lecture The American Psychological Association's (APA) Board of Scientific Affairs (BSA) is soliciting nominations for speakers for the 2009 Neal Miller Distinguished Lecture that is scheduled during the APA Convention in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 6-9, 2009. This annual presentation spotlights experts in neuroscience and animal research. The selected speaker receives reimbursement for his/her travel expenses, up to $1,000.

BSA is pleased to be able to dedicate time during the APA convention to neuroscience and animal research. The board honored the eminent neuroscientist Neal Miller by naming the lecture after him. Past speakers include: Neal Miller, Nancy Wexler, Larry Squire, Joseph LeDoux, Martha McClintock, Robert Adar, Linda Bartoshuk, Steven Maier, Elizabeth Gould, Edward Taub, J. Bruce Overmier, Lynn Nadel, Bruce McEwen, and Sue Carter.

Please send a vita for your nominee by email (scox@apa.org ) or fax (202-336-5953) to Stephanie Cox, APA Science Directorate, 750 First Street, N.E., Washington, DC. 20002-4242. Nominations must be received by February 15, 2008.