Wednesday, January 02, 2013

INFO: Request for Proposals for Special Issue on Social Perception and Aging

Dear Colleagues:


We seek submissions for a special issue on "Social Perception in Adulthood and Old Age" for the APA journal Psychology and Aging.

There have been many advances recently in the study of perception of self and others, including topics like theory of mind, age-related stereotypes, outgroup stereotypes, interpersonal judgments and interpersonal accuracy. While much of this work has taken place in mainstream social psychology, a growing body of work asks to what extent these processes of social perception vary across age groups.

In this special issue, we will highlight cutting-edge research on social perception and aging. To keep the topic focused on social perception in a narrow sense, we will not include studies primarily focused on perception of emotion, or motivation for social perception, as these have received relatively more prominent treatment in the aging literature to date compared to other forms of social perception.

Please submit a tentative title, an abstract of 250 words and an outline of the paper of no more than 1000 words by February 15, 2013. Articles will be due August 1, 2013. Please send your proposals to both of us, at and

Please keep in mind that all submitted manuscripts will go through the standard Psychology and Aging review process, and only papers that would be accepted to the journal in general will be accepted for the special issue. However, we believe that putting a number of excellent papers together on the topic will increase visibility and impact.

Please let us know if you have questions; we looking forward to seeing your submissions for this special issue.


Alexandra Freund and Derek Isaacowitz


Derek M. Isaacowitz, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
Northeastern University
360 Huntington Avenue, 125 NI
Boston, MA 02115
Phone: (617) 373-3846
Fax: (617) 373-8714