Friday, January 18, 2013

APA Board of Scientific Affairs awards

Please see text below regarding two APA Board of Scientified Affairs awards, sent out from Suzanne Wansdersman. Deadlines are imminent, so if you're interested, please jump on it!

Meritorious Research Service Commendation: Call for Nominations

The APA Board of Scientific Affairs (BSA) is soliciting nominations for the 2013 Meritorious Research Service Commendation. This commendation recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to psychological science through their service as employees of the federal government or other organizations. Contributions are defined as service to the field that directly or indirectly advances opportunities and resources for psychological science.

Nominees may be current or former employees of federal or non-federal research funding, regulatory, or other agencies. Nominations of employees of non-profit/private organizations are encouraged. Nominees may be active or retired but ordinarily will have a minimum of 10 years of service. The individual's personal scholarly achievements (i.e., research, teaching, and writing) are not considered in the selection process if independent of their service contributions.

To submit a nomination, provide the following:

· A letter of nomination that describes and supports the individual's contributions (e.g., nature of the individual's service to psychological science, positions held, program development activities). The nomination letter should be no more than two pages long.

· A curriculum vita

· Three letters of support from scientists, at least two from outside the nominee's organization

Deadline for submitting nominations is March 1, 2013. Please send nominations to Suzanne Wandersman at<>. For a list of past recipients and more information about the award, visit the Meritorious Research Service Commendation webpage:<>.


Nominate Your Department or Colleague for an APA Culture of Service Award
Departmental Award
The American Psychological Association's Board of Scientific Affairs (BSA) is soliciting nominations for the Departmental Award for Culture of Service in the Psychological Sciences. This Award recognizes departments that demonstrate a commitment to service in the psychological sciences. Departments selected for this award will show a pattern of support for service from faculty at all levels, including a demonstration that service to the discipline is rewarded in faculty tenure and promotion. Successful Departments will also demonstrate that service to the profession is an integral part of training and mentoring.

Service to the discipline includes such activities as departmental release time for serving on boards and committees of psychological associations; editing journals; serving on a review panel; or chairing an IRB. Other culture of service activities that a department would encourage include mentoring students and colleagues; advocating for psychological science's best interests with state and federal lawmakers; and promoting the value of psychological science in the public eye. The focus of this award is a department's faculty service to the discipline and not their scholarly achievements.
Both Undergraduate and Graduate Departments of Psychology are eligible. Self-nominations are encouraged.
To make a nomination, please arrange for the following to be submitted:

* A letter that describes and illustrates the department's commitment to a culture of service (e.g., nature of the department's commitment, effect on tenure and promotion, mentoring, effect on current and/or former students' activities as a result of the department's focus on service, etc.). The letter should be no more than three pages long.

* Three letters of support from individuals familiar with the department's support for a culture of service. (These letters can be from current or past faculty members or students, organization leaders, public officials, a Dean familiar with the department's service program; etc.)
Each Department selected will receive an award of $5,000 to be used for departmental activities. Nominations will only be accepted as electronic submissions to<>. Please be sure to submit the nomination as a package that includes all the required letters.
The deadline for 2013 submissions is April 1, 2013. For more information, including a list of past recipients, please visit the Culture of Service Awards webpage or contact Suzanne Wandersman (