Saturday, June 25, 2011

INFO: Please help Division 20 increase its membership for 2011!

Dear members of the APA Division 20 List-Serv,

As we continue through 2011, we are hoping to match or exceed our total membership from last year!  *We are only about 28 members shy our 2010 membership totals!*  If you have not renewed your membership, please consider doing so or joining as a new member!  As a long-time member of the Division myself, membership has allowed me to enjoy the multitude of professional benefits of Division 20 including job opportunities, faculty development, research training, and networking contacts that will help me throughout my career.

Please visit the APA Division 20 membership page ( and fill out an application to join as a new member or a renewed member.  The membership page also provides a wealth detail of why membership in Division 20 is such a great professional opportunity.
In response to the need to create flexible membership options and encourage more robust participation in Division 20, we are excited to announce two new membership categories for new or current members:

1.  Professional affiliates are persons who, due to their proficiency in areas related to the mission of the Division, can contribute to the Division's objectives but do not hold membership in the American Psychological Association.

2.  International affiliates are also proficient in areas related to the mission of the Division and can contribute to the Division's objectives, but reside in a country outside of the United States.  International affiliates do not have to hold membership in the American Psychological Association to join Division 20.

Dues for both Professional and International Affiliates are the same as Divisional dues for full members (e.g., $44 per year), and confer many of the same benefits as Full Members, including subscriptions to Adult Development & Aging News as well as Psychology and Aging.  However, to reiterate: one does not have to join APA itself in order to be an Affiliate of Division 20!

To join as a Professional or International Affiliate, please go to  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at the email or numbers below.

If you are a member, you will note on the APA Division 20 membership page that we have designed new brochures.  If you would like some brochures to post in your office or share with colleagues, please let me know and I would be happy to mail you some.  Please spread the word and encourage your colleagues to join.

If you have any questions, or if there is anything I can do to help facilitate your membership in APA Division 20, please do not hesitate to contact me!


Joe Gaugler
Membership Chair
APA Division 20
Joseph E. Gaugler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, McKnight Presidential Fellow
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Applied Gerontology
School of Nursing, Center on Aging
University of Minnesota
6-153 Weaver-Densford Hall, 1331
308 Harvard Street S.E.
Minneapolis, MN  55455
Phone: 612-626-2485
Cell Phone: 651-605-5611
Fax: 612-625-7180