Tuesday, June 07, 2011

AWARDS: Deadline for Lawton Award Extended until June 17th

Please note that the deadline for submissions to the Lawton Award for Distinguished Contribution Award in Applied Gerontology is extended until June 17, 2011.  Please consider nominating a colleague or yourself.
The Distinguished Contribution Award in Applied Gerontology is presented in honor of the memory of M. Powell Lawton to recognize those whose contributions have improved the quality of life of older persons.  The contributions being honored include developing or implementing a program, practice, policy, or treatment that has had or will have the great potential to improve the lives of older adults.  Nominees need not be members of Division 20, but they must be nominated and endorsed by a Division member.

The award will be presented during the Division 20 Business Meeting at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association.

Nomination materials (to be submitted electronically only) should be directed to the Chair of the Awards Committee and should include the following:
  • A letter of nomination (by a Division 20 member) describing the nominee's role in the contribution(s) being recognized;
  • Evidence of the positive impact of the contribution(s) on older persons;
  • A current CV of the nominee;
  • A brief statement by the nominee of his or her current work and future plans;
  • 2 or more endorsements, at least one of which must be by a Division 20 member.

All materials should be e-mailed (preferably bundled into one file ), by June 17, 2011, to:

Lisa McGuire: 

Please type, "LAWTON AWARD SUBMISSION"  on the subject line of the email

Questions should be addressed to Dr. McGuire at
Cory Bolkan & Lisa McGuire
Awards Committee Co-Chairs
Lisa C. McGuire, Ph.D.
Research Team Leader
Division of Injury Response
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
4770 Buford Highway
Mailstop F-62
Atlanta, GA 30341

770-488-4031 (DIR)
770-488-1478 (Direct)
404-660-1109 (Cell)
770-488-3551 (Fax)