Wednesday, June 22, 2011

CONFERENCES: ISSBD 2012 Next Summer in Canada

The International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development
(ISSBD) was established in 1969. It is the largest international
organization of researchers studying human development across the
lifespan, with over 1100 members from 60 countries. Previous ISSBD
conferences have been held in Europe, North America, South America,
Asia, Australia, and Africa.

In about a year (July 8 - 12, 2012), the 22nd Biennial Meeting of
ISSBD will be held in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Edmonton (a booming
metropolitan area of over 1 million) flanks a large winding river
sourced by glaciers in the Canadian Rockies. ISSBD 2012 is the first
ISSBD conference ever held in western Canada/USA, and will be hosted
by the University of Alberta. For further information see ( ).

The ISSBD 2012 Call for Proposals is now open and we invite you to
submit proposals for presentations of research on any aspect of
development in any segment of the lifespan. Research on adult
development and aging is of special interest. Proposals should be
submitted by September 30, 2011. Notifications of acceptance will be
sent by about December 15, 2011.

Highlights of the conference include numerous and varied invited
addresses and other events.

Five Keynote Speakers are:
Dr. Michael Meaney, McGill University, Canada
Opening Ceremony Speaker (Award-winning research integrates stress,
maternal care, epigenetic and genetic expression, and human development)

Prof. Kaarin Anstey, Australian National University, Australia
Optimizing cognitive development over the life course and preventing
cognitive decline: Findings from longitudinal research

Dr. Ellen Bialystok, York University, Canada
Bilingualism in development: Implications for language and cognitive ability

Dr. Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Columbia University, United States
Growing up in families and neighbourhoods: When do both matter?

Prof. Marinus H. van IJzendoorn, University of Leiden, Netherlands
For better and for worse: Determinants of children's differential
susceptibility to the environment

Nine Invited Addresses by prominent lifespan developmental researchers
from around the world will be delivered by: Drs. Patricio Cumsille
(Chile), Ruth Feldman (Israel), Shoji Itakura (Japan), Çiðdem
Kaðitçibaþi (Turkey), Margie Lachman (USA), Kofi Marfo (USA/Africa),
Katariina Salmela-Aro (Finland), Hua Shu (China), and Ursula
Staudinger (Germany).

Two Invited Addresses in the new series "State of the Art in Lifespan
Developmental Methods" will be delivered by Drs. Todd Little (USA) and
Martin Sliwinski (USA).

Other traditional highlights include a gala opening ceremony and
reception, Early Career Scholars events, pre-conference workshops, and
opportunities for field trips and tours (including the Canadian
Rockies). The ISSBD 2012 banquet will be held in historic Fort
Edmonton Park, an outdoor living exhibition celebrating the western
North American heritage of the region.