I am very pleased to announce a special issue of Research in Human Development entitled “Resilience Across the Life Span,” honoring Prof. Emmy Werner. (Guest editors C. Aldwin and M. Cunningham). The issue examines resilience at different stages of the lifespan, ranging from adolescence through late life, from multi-disciplinary perspectives, both empirically and theoretically. It can be accessed at: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~db=all~content=g926310941.
Resilience Across the Life Span: A Tribute to Emmy E. Werner
Carolyn M. Aldwin; Michael Cunningham; Amanda L. Taylor
The Importance of Family: The Impact of Social Support on Symptoms of Psychological Distress in African American Girls
Angelique Trask-Tate; Michael Cunningham; Lucinda Lang-DeGrange
High Hope and Low Regard: The Resiliency of Adolescents' Educational Expectations While Developing in Challenging Political Contexts
Brian Tinsley; Margaret Beale Spencer
The Long-Term Effects of World War II Combat Exposure on Later Life Well-Being Moderated by Generativity
Monika Ardelt; Scott D. Landes; George E. Vaillant
Resilience: Promoting Well-Being Through Recovery, Sustainability, and Growth
Alex J. Zautra; Anne Arewasikporn; Mary C. Davis
My thanks to all who contributed to this special issue honoring Emmy Werner.
Carolyn Aldwin, Ph.D., Editor
Research in Human Development
Dept. of Human Development & Family Sciences
312 Milam Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
541 737-2024; 737-1076 (fax)
Love all, trust a few, harm none -- All's Well That Ends Well