I am involved with a project in the UK which would involve providing visits to museum to persons with dementia currently living at home. The funders have asked if this program would lead to increased length of stay in the home/delayed placement in a nursing home. I don’t know of any studies that have looked at these 2 variables per se to see if they are correlated (if you have a reference, I will give you my second born), but there may be studies which look at quality of relationship between adult children and parents with dementia, attitudes about dementia in caregivers, etc. as these relate to NH placement (and how changing one might factor might influence the other). Of course, any psychosocial non-pharm intervention that can be conceptually related to enhanced environmental experiences and delayed placement in a NH would be great. Please provide me any assistance A.S.A.P. (grant agency will want responses tomorrow!!). Welcome to my world.
Best wishes,
Cameron Camp
News and information distributed to the American Psychological Association's Division 20 (Adult Development and Aging) Listserv
Thursday, October 07, 2010
INFO: Need info for project providing museum visits to persons with dementia currently living at home
Dear Colleagues,