Thursday, May 31, 2007

JOBS/STUDENTS: Postdoc, Neuroeconomics of aging

POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP IN NEUROECONOMICS OF AGING. A postdoctoral fellowship is available at Duke University for the neuroscientific study of changes in economic decision making across the lifespan. The fellow will collaborate on NIH-funded research that spans several interdisciplinary units at Duke: the Center for Neuroeconomic Studies, the Brain Imaging and Analysis Center, the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, and the Center for Aging. Research will involve the integration of methods from functional neuroimaging, behavioral economics, and cognitive psychology. Thus, this position will provide broad training in a diverse, collaborative, and intellectually stimulating environment. Duke has state-of-the-art experimental facilities that include 3T and 4T research-dedicated MRI scanners, behavioral testing facilities that include physiological monitoring, eye tracking, and substantial computational infrastructure. Candidates should have a Ph.D. or M.D. and have relevant research experience that might include, but is not limited to, functional neuroimaging methods, neuroscience of aging, neuroeconomics, or economic decision making. Salary will be commensurate with experience.

Candidates should send a CV, a statement of research skills and interests, and a list of 3 references to: Dr. David Madden, Brain Imaging and Analysis Center, Box 3918, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, 27710 ( Duke University is an equal opportunity employer. Additional information on these positions is available at

============================================ David J. Madden, Ph.D. Box 2980 Duke University Medical Center Durham, NC 27710

Ph: (919) 660-7537 FAX: (919) 668-0453

Email: URL:
