Tuesday, November 15, 2011

STUDENTS: Graduate Openings in the Cognitive Science of Teaching and Learning

The Cognitive Science of Teaching and Learning division in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Illinois has graduate openings for Fall 2012.

Learning in its many forms -- across life contexts and through the life span -- is the central to health and well-being. Faculty in the Cognitive Science of Teaching and Learning division in Educational Psychology conduct basic and applied research on the cognitive science of learning and effective instruction.  Students in our program take coursework in three foundational areas of inquiry, (1) basic principles of learning and their application to instruction, (2) psycholinguistics, reading, discourse, and learning from text, and (3) sociocultural contexts for learning; and engage in mentored research with faculty. Interdisciplinary collaboration is encouraged. Active areas of research currently include science and math education, language comprehension, bilingualism, collaborative reasoning, reading and literacy through the adult life span, health literacy, and cognitive aging and enrichment. 

More information can be found at http://education.illinois.edu/edpsy/index.html, or contact Liz Stine-Morrow at eals@illinois.edu.

Deadline on online application: December 1, 2011

Elizabeth A. L. Stine-Morrow
Professor of Educational Psychology, 
     Psychology, and the Beckman Institute
226 Education Building
1310 S. Sixth Street
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Champaign, IL 61820

(217) 244-2167 (office)
(217) 244-7336 (lab)
(217) 244-7620 (fax)
