Thursday, August 19, 2010

STUDENTS: Randy F. Gerson Memorial Scholarship - Request for Proposals

I have pasted the RFP at the bottom of this email. Debbie  


Deborah DiGilio| Director, Office on Aging
Public Interest Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: (202) 336-6135 |  Fax: (202) 336-6040
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From: Division 45 Announcement List [mailto:DIV45ANN@LISTS.APA.ORG] On Behalf Of Cooke, Keith
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 11:44 AM
Subject: [DIV45ANN] Randy F. Gerson Memorial Scholarship - Request for Proposals


The American Psychological Foundation (APF) is now accepting applications for the 2011 Randy F. Gerson Memorial Scholarship, which is awarded to pre-doctoral students for graduate student projects in family and/or couple dynamics, and/or multi-generational processes.  Attached you will find the formal Request for ProposalsThe deadline for applications is February 1, 2011.


Thank you for your time.



Kim Palmer Rowsome


Kimberly Palmer Rowsome

Program Officer

American Psychological Foundation

750 First Street, NE

Washington, DC 20002

P: (202) 336-5622 I F: (202) 336-5812 I E:

APF: Psychology, Philanthropy





American Psychological Foundation (APF) Mission and Funding

APF provides financial support for innovative research and programs that enhance the power of psychology to elevate the human condition and advance human potential both now and in generations to come.  It executes this mission through a broad range of scholarships and grants.  For all of these, it encourages applications from individuals who represent diversity in race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, and sexual orientation.


The Randy Gerson Memorial Grant is awarded to pre-doctoral students for their work in selected areas of psychology.  Its description, application requirements, and procedures appear below.



The program awards grants for graduate student projects in family and/or couple dynamics, and/or multi-generational processes.  Work that advances theory, assessment, or clinical practice in these areas is eligible.


Program Goals
-          Advance systemic understanding in the above topic areas through empirical, methodological, or theoretical contribution

-          Encourage talented students toward careers in specified areas


 Funding Specifics

-          One annual grant of $6,000


Eligibility Requirements

-          Graduate student in psychology enrolled full-time and in good standing at an accredited university

-          Demonstrated competence in area of the proposed work

-          IRB approval must be received from host institution before funding can be awarded if human participants are involved


Evaluation Criteria

-          Conformance with stated program goals

-          Magnitude of incremental contribution in topic area

-          Quality of proposed work

-          Applicant’s competence to execute the project


Proposal Requirements

-          Description of proposed project to include goal, relevant background, target population, methods, anticipated outcomes, and dissemination plans

Format: not to exceed 7 pages (1 inch margins, no smaller than 11 point font)

-          Timeline for execution

-          Full budget and justification (indirect costs not permitted)


Submission Process and Deadline 

Submit a completed application online at by February 1, 2011.



Questions about this program should be directed to Kim Palmer Rowsome, Program Officer, at