Monday, November 02, 2009

INFO : Data needed for a meta-analysis on the relationship between subjective memory and memory performance

Dear colleagues,

We are conducting a meta-analysis on the relation between beliefs that a person shares about his/her memory capacity and his/her memory performances. For this purpose, we are looking for any unpublished (or in press) manuscripts or data (as well as doctoral dissertations) that contains a measure of the relationship between these variables. We are interested in any measure than can be used in order to evaluate memory self-efficacy (Memory Self-efficacy Questionnaire, performance prediction, “Capacity” subscale of the Metamemory in Adulthood Questionnaire, “Remembering Past Events” subscale of the Memory Functioning Questionnaire, and any other subjective measures and self-assessment of memory) with the exception of Frequency of forgetting assessments. In any case such measure must be associated with a memory performance assessment, whatever it is.

If you have such data, I would highly appreciate if you could make them available to us. We need information about the sample and study design as well as a description of the memory self-efficacy measure(s) and memory performance task(s) and a correlation table with all dependent and independent variables of interest (if no correlation table available, you can send any statistical test results).

IMPORTANT : We made a previous call for unpublished data in October 2007. Thus, you may have already sent data for inclusion in this meta-analysis. In this case, please do not reply to this new call. However, if you have new data that could be included in the meta-analysis, we would greatly appreciate your contribution.

If you want to contribute data to our meta-analysis, please send them to Marine Beaudoin  ( before November 20, 2009.

Thank you very much for your cooperation,

Marine Beaudoin
Olivier Desrichard
Laboratoire Inter-universitaire de Psychologie
Chambéry, France

--  Marine Beaudoin Maître de Conférences Laboratoire Inter-universitaire de Psychologie : Personnalité, Cognition, Changement Social Département de Psychologie UFR LLSH Université de Savoie 73000 Chambéry Bureau (office) 613 Phone : (+33 4) 79 75 83 12