News and information distributed to the American Psychological Association's Division 20 (Adult Development and Aging) Listserv
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
JOBS: University of North Dakota Psychology Dept.
The Psychology Department at the U. North Dakota is recruiting onetenure-track and 3 non-tenure-track assistant professors for Fall2009. Area of expertise for the tenure-track position is open; theteaching load is 2/2. Each of the non-tenure-track positions willcarry a 3/2 teaching load (both online and traditional instruction)and research or professional practice expectations. Area of expertiseis open. These positions will initially be annual appointments withthe possibility of future multi-year contracts based on performanceand budget. The department has approx. 400 undergrad majors andoffers two Master's and two Ph.D. programs. The clinical Ph.D.program has been continuously accredited since 1969 and houses thelargest and most successful Indians into Psychology DoctoralEducation program in the country. Salaries are competitive.Requirements for all positions are a Ph.D. in Psychology by 8/15/09,evidence of effective teaching, and evidence of scholarly promise.Those applying for the non-tenure-track positions may substituteprofessional, for scholarly, promise. Review of applications willbegin December 1, 2008; applications accepted until the positions arefilled. Send a letter of application, current CV, graduatetranscript, and 3 original letters of recommendation to Jeffrey N.Weatherly, Psychology Department, University of North Dakota, GrandForks, ND, 58202-8380. Applicants should identify the position forwhich they are applying. UND is an Affirmative Action/EqualEmployment Opportunity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
F. Richard Ferraro, Ph.D.Professor of PsychologyChester Fritz Distinguished ProfessorDirector, General/Experimental Ph.D. ProgramFellow, National Academy of NeuropsychologyDept. Psychology - University of North DakotaCorwin-Larimore Rm. 215319 Harvard Street Stop 8380Grand Forks, ND 58202-8380701-777-2414 (O)701-777-3454 (FAX)