Friday, September 19, 2008

INFO: Re: Action Alert! House Vote on Parity Expected on Monday!!

Date: September 19, 2008

To: SPTA and Division Federal Advocacy Coordinators

APAGS Coordinators

From: Marilyn Richmond, J.D., Assistant Executive Director for Government Relations

American Psychological Association Practice Organization

Cc: Katherine Nordal, Ph.D., Executive Director for Professional Practice

SPTA Executive Directors

SPTA Directors of Professional Affairs


Re: House Vote on Parity Expected on Monday

With Congress scheduling to adjourn at the end of next week, action is heating up in Washington around mental health parity. As we reported earlier this week, Senate leaders announced their intention to push forward a bipartisan tax extender package including the historic parity agreement. However, because not all revenue losses in that tax bill are offset, there is determined resistance to passing the bill among House Democrats who do not wish to waive the “pay-as-you-go” rules.

As a result, House leaders have informed us that the parity agreement will be considered on Monday, September 22 as a stand-alone bill, “The Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008”. The bill will be considered on the suspension calendar, which prohibits the offering of any amendments but requires a 2/3 majority for passage. House leaders are launching this second, additional track to avoid parity’s progress being stalled by the controversy on the tax extenders bill. Should we win the House vote, the Senate may take up the free-standing parity bill in the closing hours of the session next week. Your Representative needs to hear from you NOW to support the vote on mental health and addiction parity on September 22.


All U.S. Representatives


Call your Representative NOW

using the toll-free Parity Hotline: 1-866-PARITY-4 (1-866-727-4894)

The Parity Hotline reaches the Capitol Hill Switchboard, which can connect callers to their Representative when specifically requested by name or their ZIP code is provided.


I am a constituent calling to ask Congressman/woman __________ to vote YES on mental health and addiction parity legislation when it is considered on September 22.

Jeff Cook

Director, Field and State Operations

APA Practice Organization

750 First Street, NE

Washington, DC 20002

(202) 336-5875 (Office)

(202) 336-5797 (Fax) (Email)