Monday, October 29, 2007

CONFERENCES: APA 2008 Submission Reminder and Request for Reviewers

***CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS AND REVIEWERS FOR APA 2008 CONVENTION*** Mara Mather and Derek Isaacowitz, co-chairs of the Division 20 program for 2008, invite you to submit proposals for the APA 2008 Convention. We are biased, but Boston is great in the summer!

Convention Information:

When: August 14 (Thursday) - August 17 (Sunday) (Note: unlike 2007, we are back to a Thursday-to-Sunday conference schedule)

Where: **Boston**

Deadline for submissions: 11:59pm, EST, Monday, December 3rd, 2007.

Website for submissions:

The call for programs is on-line at

We encourage submission of posters and/or symposia.


There will be a competition for best student poster. The student must be the senior or sole author. The winner will receive $250, a certificate of recognition,and a ribbon on the poster.


Division 20 members are needed to serve as reviewers. If you are interested in serving in this capacity, please contact Mara at or Derek at by November 15, and provide your contact information and areas of expertise. Also, if you are a relatively new PhD (or know someone who's not on the listserve), we encourage participation in the review process.

Looking forward to seeing you in Boston!!


Derek M. Isaacowitz, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology and

Volen National Center for Complex Systems Brandeis University MS 062

Waltham, MA 02454-9110

Phone: (781) 736-3308

Fax: (781) 736-3291