Tuesday, February 05, 2013

INFO: FINAL NOTICE! The listserv is moving!


A month or so ago, we announced that this listserv will be migrating to an APA-sponsored group. Text of that message is reproduced below. This is an update and FINAL NOTICE that the new listserv will go live on
FEBRUARY 14, 2013 -- a week from this Thursday. Please be sure that your Division 20 membership is up to date in order to remain active on this very valuable group messaging system.

Here's the text of the original announcement:

Over the next few weeks, this listserv will migrate from the University of Florida to the APA servers. This will mean some changes for current listserv subscribers, so please take a moment to read over this email.

As you likely know, there is already an APA-sponsored listserv that is read-only for formal Division announcements. In addition, our Division Services rep, Chad Rummel, has kindly offered to take over management of this UFL-sponsored, informal listserv as well. Thus, we will continue to have TWO listservs: one for official announcements from the Division only, the other for informal information/interaction among members.

That last word is important: the new listserv will be *FOR DIVISION 20 MEMBERS ONLY.*

If your Division 20 membership is current, you need do nothing: you will be automatically enrolled in the new listserv when it moves over to APA. However, some subscribers to this listserv are *not* Division 20 members. If you'd like to continue participating in the listserv, you will need to join the Division, at our newly reduced rate of $20/year. Here are some links for your use in ensuring that you "stay with the group":

Become a Division 20 member (new members): http://memforms.apa.org/apa/cli/divapp/
Renew membership (current members): http://www.apa.org/membership/renew.aspx
Student and affiliate member renewals: http://memforms.apa.org/apa/cli/divapp/

This listserv is a great resource, and it has flourished under the mastery of Lise Abrams and, before her, Michael Marsiske . We look forward to lightening their load a bit, and to continuing to share information and ideas among our members.

If you have questions, please feel free to drop me a line.

Patricia A. Parmelee, PhD
President, APA Division 20 - Adult Development & Aging
Director, Center for Mental Health and Aging
Professor, Department of Psychology
The University of Alabama
207 Osband Hall, Box 870315
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
205 348 1499 (voice)
205 348 7520 (fax)