Friday, February 08, 2013

CONFERENCES: Human Development conference proposals due March 1

The Society for the Study of Human Development invites submissions for its 8th Biennial Meeting November 3-5, 2013 at the Fort Lauderdale Beach and Spa Resort, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.


SSHD is an International U.S. based multidisciplinary society with a central mission of taking an integrative, interdisciplinary approach to theories, research, and applications of Developmental Science across the life-span/life-course.


This year's conference theme is Rethinking Developmental Science across the Life-span/Life-course: Theory, Methods, and Applications.


Deadline for submissions (Posters/Symposia) is March 1, 2013.


Visit the conference website here for more information.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

INFO: Introduction to COAD


Tim Wachtel, founder of the Center for Optimal Adult Development (COAD), has asked that I share the following information with our members. Here is the message he asked me to deliver:

Please take a few moments to visit the website for The Center for Optimal
Adult Development ( They are a nonprofit in service to
all of us with interests in Adult Development. Their website contains
several free resources including a Book List, Online Articles,
Presentations, and more; all stored within the Knowledge Center section of
their website. Their purpose involves honoring all of the women & men who
have served the Adult Development profession over the past decades and to
share with practitioners of adult developmental services all of the
empirical knowledge our community has cultivated over the years.

Patricia A. Parmelee, PhD
President, APA Division 20 - Adult Development & Aging
Director, Center for Mental Health and Aging
Professor, Department of Psychology
The University of Alabama
207 Osband Hall, Box 870315
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
205 348 1499 (voice)
205 348 7520 (fax)
From: Tim Wachtel []
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 10:05 AM
To: Parmelee, Patricia
Subject: RE: Introduction to COAD

Dear Pat,

Per your suggestion, I am providing you a brief paragraph for you to post to
your listservs regarding COAD:

Please take a few moments to visit the website for The Center for Optimal
Adult Development ( They are a nonprofit in service to
all of us with interests in Adult Development. Their website contains
several free resources including a Book List, Online Articles,
Presentations, and more; all stored within the Knowledge Center section of
their website. Their purpose involves honoring all of the women & men who
have served the Adult Development profession over the past decades and to
share with practitioners of adult developmental services all of the
empirical knowledge our community has cultivated over the years.

Thanks Pat.


-----Original Message-----
From: Parmelee, Patricia []
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 5:02 PM
To: Tim Wachtel
Subject: RE: Introduction to COAD

Tim, apologies for the delay. End of semester is always crazy, and Division
20 folks are still filtering back into the office.

I have shared information about COAD with some members of our Executive
Committee. Unfortunately, they agree with my initial assessment there
doesn't seem to be much of an avenue for shared ventures. As I read the
website, it is largely a series of subscription resources for paying
members/affiliates. There is certainly some good information to be had
th.ere, but I don't see much way that Division 20 as a group could
collaborate with you on these ventures.

What I can do is post a brief message from you to our listserv, inviting
members to visit your website. If you think that would be helpful, please
forward the paragraph to me and I will share it with our listmaster.

I'm sorry I can't be more positive about liaisons with Division 20, but do
wish you the best in this venture.

Patricia A. Parmelee, PhD
President, APA Division 20 - Adult Development & Aging Director, Center for
Mental Health and Aging Professor, Department of Psychology The University
of Alabama
207 Osband Hall, Box 870315
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487<
205 348 1499 (voice)
205 348 7520 (fax)
From: Tim Wachtel []
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 2:44 PM
To: Parmelee, Patricia
Subject: RE: Introduction to COAD

Dear Pat,

It has now been one month since I sent you a proposal for opportunities to
partner/collaborate between our organizations; specifically COAD and APA.
Where do you stand on some of the ideas I suggested? Are you willing to move
forward or, at least, share a phone call?


Timothy J. Wachtel
Founder & CEO
The Center for Optimal Adult Development Denver, Colorado USA
Ph: 720 432 2623
Tweet Me: @WachtelTim
Visit us on Facebook
See our LinkedIn profile

An international community for evidence-supported Adult Development
professionals and the single largest resource of optimal adult development
knowledge and sharing

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Wachtel []
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 1:01 PM
To: 'Parmelee, Patricia'
Subject: RE: Introduction to COAD

Certainly. I appreciate the opportunity to elaborate. As you have already
seen by visiting our website, we are primarily a resource center for those
with interests in adult development; whether professor, practitioner,
scholar, general public, etc. We seek to help advocate the field by sharing
resources about AD throughout the world, by providing AD authors greater
visibility, and by helping to bridge the gap between research and practice.
Therefore, we are not limited to one organization, journal, theory,
practice, country, etc. We are a not-for-profit.

I suppose I viewed the mission of Div20 as being more than just lifespan
development, rather a mixture of educators and others with interests in AD
theory & practice; with particular emphasis on the aging component of AD.
Perhaps I have been off-base on this presumption. Still, my thoughts for the
past few yrs concerning collaboration between our orgs (also communicated to
last year's Div20 leadership) has been to form an alliance to better educate
individuals concerning evidence-supported adult development. There are, of
course, a multitude of various media channels in which this can occur.

One specific suggestion for partnership between our orgs is to involve you
in our service offerings we provide the AD community. I have a distribution
list of over 4500 individuals in the AD field who have written journal
articles pertinent to interdisciplinary topics in Adult Development. We keep
everyone up-to-date on the latest [open access] news, articles, papers,
presentations, blogs, etc introduced to our website for their own knowledge
and personal/career growth. This year, we also introduced several products
which have become quite popular. You may find them here:

You may find some of these products of interest, as might your Div20
members. Although, if your group is only interested in "lifespan
development", then it might be overkill for them. If you believe they would
be interested in any of the offerings, (1) we could possibly arrange a
partnership where Div20 Members automatically qualify for a xx% discount on
the products. Your members could also (2) write articles for our e-Magazine
we plan to have online next year, with an annotation of their affiliation
with APA. We could also assist you by (3) featuring any books, articles, or
papers written by your members; we would only request you to commit to
advertising your org name and logo with us. We currently have over 40
APA-published books on our website, (4) having APA assist in sponsoring our
Book List on our website would be nice. I would also like to also chat with
someone in your Public Advocacy division regarding partnering, (5) perhaps
you can provide a good contact source.

These are some random thoughts. I would appreciate your input as well.



Timothy J. Wachtel
Founder & CEO
The Center for Optimal Adult Development Denver, Colorado USA
Ph: 720 432 2623
Tweet Me: @WachtelTim
Visit us on Facebook
See our LinkedIn profile

An international community for evidence-supported Adult Development
professionals and the single largest resource of optimal adult development
knowledge and sharing

-----Original Message-----
From: Parmelee, Patricia []
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 11:18 AM
To: Tim Wachtel
Subject: RE: Introduction to COAD

Tim, thanks for your follow-up and apologies for the delay in responding. I
have visited your website, and guess that my first question is, how would
you see COAD partnering with Division 20? As you know, we are a fairly
loosely organized professional group comprising APA members with interest in
lifespan development. Your website seems quite interesting but I am not
sure how you would see our organization working with you. Can you elaborate
a little, please?

Pat Parmelee
Patricia A. Parmelee, PhD
President, APA Division 20 - Adult Development & Aging Director, Center for
Mental Health and Aging Professor, Department of Psychology The University
of Alabama
207 Osband Hall, Box 870315
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487<>
205 348 1499 (voice)
205 348 7520 (fax)

From: Tim Wachtel []
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 9:33 AM
To: Parmelee, Patricia
Subject: RE: Introduction to COAD

Dear Dr. Parmelee,

I am following up with you from a previous invitation I sent to you. I would
deeply enjoy the opportunity to chat with you about our organization, its
mission, and how we desire to provide greater prominence and recognition to
the field of Adult Development. If interested in talking with us, please
provide a time convenient with your schedule.


Timothy J. Wachtel
Founder & CEO
The Center for Optimal Adult Development Denver, Colorado USA
Ph: 720 432 2623
Tweet Me: @WachtelTim
Visit us on
See our LinkedIn<> profile

An international community for evidence-supported Adult Development
professionals and the single largest resource of optimal adult development
knowledge and sharing

From: Tim Wachtel []
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 9:52 AM
To: ''
Subject: Introduction to COAD

Dear Dr. Parmelee,

I would enjoy an opportunity to talk with you about the mission of our
organization and to discuss a potential collaboration between COAD and
APA-Div 20. Please provide some times that would be convenient with your

Thank you,

Timothy J. Wachtel
Executive Director
The Center for Optimal Adult Development Denver, Colorado USA
Ph: 720 432 2623
Tweet Us: @optimaladult
Visit us on
See our LinkedIn<> profile

An international community for evidence-supported Adult Development
professionals and the single largest resource of optimal adult development
knowledge and sharing



The post is as follows: "A workshop on working with grieving people will be held in Columbia, MD on March 15, presented by myself and two colleagues. For details see "CE workshop link" on: www.griefcareprovider. 6 CE's available for psychologists, social workers, licensed professional counselors and APC certified chaplains."
"This program is designed to support your growth in comfort, knowledge and clinical methods for working with grieving people - and extend the skill level of your practice by helping you to:
* Develop a foundation for understanding human grief from both a personal and theoretical basis.
* Learn general and specific aspects of clinical interventions for working with grieving adults, children and adolescents.
* Learn the features of both typical and atypical grief for adults as well as for children and adolescents."

J. Shep Jeffreys, EdD, FT
Licensed Psychologist, Columbia, MD

Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine;
Affiliate Assistant Professor, Pastoral Counseling,
Loyola University Maryland;
Director, The Jeffreys Institute For the Study of Loss and Bereavement;
Department of Psychiatry,
Howard County General Hospital;
Grief Psychologist,
The Family Center, Columbia, MD.

AWARDS: Call for nominations for Developmental Health Award (APA - Div 20 & 38)

The Aging and Health Committee of the American Psychological Association is soliciting nominations for the recipient of the 2013 Developmental Health Award, which will be given at the APA Convention. This award was established in 1996. Eight awards have been given: M. Powell Lawton (1997), Janice Kiecolt-Glaser (1999), Howard Leventhal (2001), Richard Schulz (2003), Karen Rook (2005), Ilene Siegler (2007), Margaret Gatz (2009), and Carolyn Aldwin (2011). This biennial award recognizes individuals who have made scholarly contributions to the fields of health and aging.

Members of Divisions 20 and/or 38 can nominate candidates for the award. Each nomination should be accompanied by a 100-200 word summary of the nominee's credentials, and reasons why the nominee should be recognized with this award. Nominations should be submitted to the Committee Chair, Cay Anderson-Hanley at by February 22, 2013. Nominations and supporting summaries will be compiled and sent to members of the Aging and Health Committee. Members of the Committee will vote for the award recipient. When the recipient has been determined, an announcement will be sent to the listservs of Divisions 20 and 38. The recipient will give an invited address at the Award Ceremony at APA in Honolulu, August 2013.

We encourage you to submit nominations of worthy scholars whose work bridges the fields of health and aging.



Cay Anderson-Hanley, PhD

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology

Union College

Schenectady, NY 12308

518-388-6355 ph

518-388-6177 fax



Tuesday, February 05, 2013

INFO: FINAL NOTICE! The listserv is moving!


A month or so ago, we announced that this listserv will be migrating to an APA-sponsored group. Text of that message is reproduced below. This is an update and FINAL NOTICE that the new listserv will go live on
FEBRUARY 14, 2013 -- a week from this Thursday. Please be sure that your Division 20 membership is up to date in order to remain active on this very valuable group messaging system.

Here's the text of the original announcement:

Over the next few weeks, this listserv will migrate from the University of Florida to the APA servers. This will mean some changes for current listserv subscribers, so please take a moment to read over this email.

As you likely know, there is already an APA-sponsored listserv that is read-only for formal Division announcements. In addition, our Division Services rep, Chad Rummel, has kindly offered to take over management of this UFL-sponsored, informal listserv as well. Thus, we will continue to have TWO listservs: one for official announcements from the Division only, the other for informal information/interaction among members.

That last word is important: the new listserv will be *FOR DIVISION 20 MEMBERS ONLY.*

If your Division 20 membership is current, you need do nothing: you will be automatically enrolled in the new listserv when it moves over to APA. However, some subscribers to this listserv are *not* Division 20 members. If you'd like to continue participating in the listserv, you will need to join the Division, at our newly reduced rate of $20/year. Here are some links for your use in ensuring that you "stay with the group":

Become a Division 20 member (new members):
Renew membership (current members):
Student and affiliate member renewals:

This listserv is a great resource, and it has flourished under the mastery of Lise Abrams and, before her, Michael Marsiske . We look forward to lightening their load a bit, and to continuing to share information and ideas among our members.

If you have questions, please feel free to drop me a line.

Patricia A. Parmelee, PhD
President, APA Division 20 - Adult Development & Aging
Director, Center for Mental Health and Aging
Professor, Department of Psychology
The University of Alabama
207 Osband Hall, Box 870315
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487<>
205 348 1499 (voice)
205 348 7520 (fax)

JOBS: Postdoc Fellowship in Aging and Health--Penn State


The Pennsylvania State University's Center for Healthy Aging ( invites applications for a postdoctoral fellow to help carry out NIH-funded studies of daily stress and chronic illness in midlife and older adulthood. This is an opportunity for an emerging scholar to engage with a productive team of investigators who use intensive longitudinal methods (e.g., ecological momentary assessment and longitudinal panel studies) to examine individual and dyadic processes in adult health and development. Primary responsibilities will include data management and analysis; preparation of manuscripts, grant proposals, and conference presentations; and participation in interdisciplinary research groups that design new studies. The fellow will have opportunities to publish, and access to exceptional resources to facilitate his or her independent research. Qualified individuals will have a Ph.D. in the social, behavioral or health sciences; relevant research e!
xperience; strong statistical and writing skills; and the capacity to work closely with others. The appointment will be for one year, with likely funding for at least one additional year depending on productivity. The position provides salary and benefits consistent with those for NIH postdoctoral fellows. To apply, please send (1) a letter of application indicating research interests, career goals, and experience; (2) a curriculum vita; and (3) three letters of professional reference to Ann Shuey, Center for Healthy Aging, 422 Biobehavioral Health Building, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. This post-doctoral position is scheduled to begin in September 2013. For more information, please contact Drs. Martin Sliwinski (, Lynn Martire (, or David Almeida ( . Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportun!
ity and the diversity of its workforce.

Lynn M. Martire, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Human Development & Family Studies
Penn State University
422 Biobehavioral Health Building
University Park, PA 16802
(voice) 814.865.7374
(FAX) 814.863.9423

Faculty Affiliate, Penn State Center for Healthy Aging

Monday, February 04, 2013

INFO: NIA 2013 Summer Institute





The NIA 2013 Summer Institute, now in its 27th year, is soliciting applications for an intensive introduction to aging research. This workshop for investiga­tors new to aging research is focused on current issues, research methodologies, and funding opportunities. The Summer Institute on Aging Research is one of the premier short-term training opportunities for new investigators.  New researchers are defined as those who have received the M.D., Ph.D. or other doctoral level degree.  This is an invaluable introduction to the diverse fields of research ranging from basic biology to neuroscience, behavioral and social science, and geriatrics and clinical gerontology. The Summer Institute affords participants unparalleled access to NIA and NIH staff in an informal setting. 


The 2013 Summer Institute will be held July 14-19 in Bethesda, Maryland*. Support is available for travel and living expenses.


Applications are due March 22, 2013.


Offered by the NIA Office of Special Populations, researchers with an interest in health disparities research are encouraged to apply.  Applicants from diverse backgrounds, including individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities and women are always encouraged to apply for NIH support.  Applicants must be U.S. citizens, non-citizen nationals, or permanent residents.


Please view more information on the NIA web site:


A link to the online is also provided on this web page.


Please feel free to circulate the above message to potential applicants.


For more information, please contact:


Mrs. Andrea Griffin-Mann

Office of Special Populations
National Institute on Aging
National Institutes of Health


*Pending final NIH approval






Deborah A. DiGilio| Director, APA Office on Aging

Public Interest Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: 202-336-6135 |  Fax: 202-336-6040





P Please consider the environment before printing this email.




CONFERENCES: INFO: 2013 Elder Maltreatment & Care Symposium Registration is now OPEN



Deborah A. DiGilio| Director, APA Office on Aging

Public Interest Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: 202-336-6135 |  Fax: 202-336-6040





P Please consider the environment before printing this email.
















2013 Elder Maltreatment & Care Symposium

Friday, March 8 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. ET


Attendees are invited to participate via Webinar or in person at The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in Baltimore, Md.

Intended audience: elder maltreatment key experts, stakeholders, researchers and medical professionals



The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is hosting an Elder Maltreatment Symposium. The purpose of this symposium is to solicit input from stakeholders to assist CMS in further development of Measure #181: Elder Maltreatment Screen and Follow-Up Plan, as part of the Physician Quality Reporting System.


Interested parties are invited to participate, either on-site at CMS headquarters in Baltimore, Md., or via Webinar. The meeting is open to the public; however attendance is limited for both on site and Webinar participation. Please register for this event early as registration will close when attendance capacity has been met.


The symposium will be held on March 8, 2013, from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (E.S.T) in the main auditorium of the Central Building of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244–1850



Meeting Registration and Request for Special Accommodations Deadline:

For security reasons, registration and requests for special accommodations must be completed no later than 5 p.m. E.S.T. on Friday, February 22, 2013. Note that registration may close earlier than this date if maximum capacity has been met.


Registration is now open. Anyone interested in attending the meeting or participating by Webinar must register by completing the online registration at


CMS anticipates posting an audio download and/or transcript of the symposium on the CMS Web site, and, following the meeting.


Note: in the event of inclement weather, this symposium is subject to cancellation. Should the need arise for event cancellation, registrants will be notified via e-mail as soon as possible




Saturday, February 02, 2013

INFO: SAMHSA/AoA/APA Webinar: Caregivers as Partners and Clients of Behavioral Health Services

I am very happy to announce that APA is partnering with SAMHSA and AoA to offer the following webinar. I would like to thank Drs. Coon, Jacobs and Qualls for planning and presenting.  APA partnered with AoA in a highly successful webinar in 2011, and we are glad to have the opportunity again.  Please distribute the below announcement broadly to your aging and health service provider colleagues.




Deborah A. DiGilio| Director, APA Office on Aging

Public Interest Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: 202-336-6135 |  Fax: 202-336-6040














Announcing Behavioral Health Older Americans Technical Assistance Center&apos;s Webinar Series

Caregivers as Partners and Clients of Behavioral Health Services

Wednesday, February 13, 2013
2:30-4:00 PM EDT

Greg Link
Aging Services Program Specialist
Administration for Community Living
Washington, DC

Sara Honn Qualls, PhD
Kraemer Family Professor of Aging Studies
Director, Gerontology Center
University of Colorado
Colorado Springs, CO

Barry Jacobs, PsyD
Director of Behavioral Sciences
Crozer-Keystone Family Medicine Residency Program
Springfield, PA

David Coon, PhD
Associate Vice Provost and Professor
College of Nursing & Health Innovation
Arizona State University
Phoenix, AZ

In the U.S. today approximately 48 million people serve as caregivers to someone age 60 and over with chronic health and/or behavioral health conditions. Caregivers play a critical role in caring for older adults with mental health and substance use disorders. This webinar will discuss the role of caregivers in caring for older adults with behavioral health problems such as depression, anxiety and alcohol and prescription drug misuse/abuse. This webinar will also explore the mental health impact that the caregiving role has on lives of caregiver themselves, such as stress, anxiety and depression as well as increased risk for various chronic conditions. Evidence-based programs and available resources, such as the American Psychological Association's Caregiver Briefcase, that address the behavioral health needs of caregivers will be discussed during this webinar. This webinar was developed in partnership with the American Psychological Association.

To register, go here.

Once the host approves your registration request, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions for joining the meeting.

You will receive audio call in information when you log-on to the webinar.


This webinar series provides

A special opportunity to learn about critical behavioral health conditions and problems affecting older adults and their caregivers, including alcohol and prescription medication misuse and abuse, suicide, depression, and anxiety as well as evidence-based prevention and treatment programs to address these problems. For archived webinars from this series, visit the Administration on Aging (AoA) web site.

Who Should Attend

The Aging Services Network, behavioral health service providers, the five SAMHSA/CHMS-funded Enhance Older Adult Behavioral Health Services grantees, and other programs implementing behavioral health programming for older adults—including staff, consultants, grantee organization leaders, and local partner organizations.


  • To enhance the attendees' understanding of substance abuse and mental health issues affecting older adults and their caregivers.
  • To gain knowledge about evidence based programs (EBP) targeting older adults and caregivers at risk for substance abuse and mental health problems and EBP implementation strategies.


For more information, contact Donna Siu at JBS International, Inc. at or 240-645-4898.

This webinar series has been developed by the Older Americans Behavioral Health Technical Assistance Center, Adminstration on Aging, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

