Tuesday, January 31, 2012

STUDENTS: Janet Hyde Graduate Student Research Grant

From: Cooke, Keith [mailto:kcooke@apa.org]

Janet Hyde Graduate Student Research Grant


Proposals are being sought for Hyde Graduate Student Research Grants. These grants, each up to $500, are awarded to doctoral psychology students to support feminist research. The grants are made possible through the generosity of Janet Shibley Hyde, Ph.D., who donates the royalties from her book, Half the Human Experience, to this fund. Past recipients of Hyde Graduate Student Research Grants are not eligible to apply. Because the purpose of this award is to facilitate research that otherwise might not be possible, projects that are beyond the data analysis stage are not eligible.


Please send all application materials attached to a single e-mail message to both of the Hyde Award Co-chairs at the following addresses by March 15th (or September 15th for the fall deadline):

Dr. Mindy J. Erchull, merchull@umw.edu and Dr. Olivia Moorehead-Slaughter, oms@parkschool.org  



1. Cover page with project title, investigator's name, address, phone, fax, and e-mail address

2. A 100-word abstract

3. A proposal (5-pages maximum, double-spaced) addressing the project's purpose, theoretical rationale, and procedures, including how the method and data analysis stem from the proposed theory and purpose. [References are not included in this 5-page limit.]

4. A one-page statement articulating the study's relevance to feminist goals and importance to feminist research.

5. The expected timeline for progress and completion of the project (including the date of the research proposal committee meeting). The project timeline should not exceed two years.

6.  A faculty sponsor's recommendation, which includes why the research cannot be funded by other sources. This letter should be attached to the e-mail with the application materials. Please do not send it separately.

7. Status of IRB review process, including expected date of IRB submission and approval. Preference will be given to proposals that have received approval.

8. An itemized budget (if additional funds are needed to ensure completion of the project, please specify sources).  Funds cannot be used for tuition, living expenses, or travel to present research at a conference.

9. The applicant's curriculum vitae

10. All sections of the proposal should be typed and prepared according to APA style (e.g., please use 12-point font)


Proposals that fail to meet the guidelines described above will not be reviewed.


Review Process

A panel of psychologists will evaluate the proposals for theoretical and methodological soundness, relevance to feminist goals, applicant's training and qualifications to conduct the research, and feasibility of completing the project.


Other Requirements

Only one application will be accepted per student, for each application deadline.  Applicants who are involved in multiple projects that meet the submission requirements should choose the project that best fits the evaluation criteria (see “Review Process”).


Within 24 months of receipt of the grant, recipients are expected to submit to the Hyde committee co-chairs a complete and final copy of the research document (e.g., a copy of the thesis, dissertation or journal manuscript based on the sponsored research), along with a 500-word abstract for publication in Division 35 newsletter.  In addition, grant recipients shall acknowledge the funding source in the author's notes in all publications. Hyde award winners will be announced at the APA convention during Division 35 Social Hour. The names of the Hyde award winners may also be posted in Division 35 newsletter as well as on Division 35 web page and listserv.


Questions and other communications may be sent to the committee co-chair:

Mindy J. Erchull, Ph.D. Co-Chair, Hyde Research Award Committee, Department of Psychology, University of Mary Washington, 1301 College Avenue, Fredericksburg, VA 22401-5300. Phone: (540) 654-1557. E-mail: merchull@umw.edu




Mindy J. Erchull,  Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
University of Mary Washington
1301 College Avenue
Fredericksburg, VA 22401-5300
540-654-1557 (phone)
540-654-1836 (fax)


INFO: Update to Minority and Cross Cultural Aspects of Neuropsych Assessment

In 2002, I edited Minority and Cross Cultural Aspects of Neuropsychological Assessment (ISBN 90-265-1830-7) for Swets and Zeitlinger. A recent discussion with the Series Editor about an update to this 2002 book prompted this email. The 2002 book included sections on African/Black Americans, Asian/Pacific Islanders, Hispanic/Latino, Native American, Rural/Elderly/Saudi Arabia along with an Introduction and Epilogue/Future Directions. If you, your colleagues and/or your students would be interested in submitting a chapter on these or other groups, let me know. I am sure I left out some minority groups in 2002 that would now be a welcome addition. A short description of your possible chapter would be helpful as well as the specific group(s) you are interested in writing about. Chapters can empirical, theoretical, or both.


F. Richard Ferraro, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Chester Fritz Distinguished Professor
Director, General/Experimental Ph.D. Program, Fellow, National Academy of Neuropsychology Dept. Psychology - University of North Dakota Corwin-Larimore Rm. 215
319 Harvard Street Stop 8380
Grand Forks, ND 58202-8380
701-777-2414 (O)
701-777-3454 (FAX)

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If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.

AWARDS: Please Post on Division Listserv: Board of Scientific Affairs Call for Award Nominations



From: Wandersman, Suzanne [mailto:SWandersman@apa.org]
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 12:56 PM
To: dksimonton@ucdavis.edu; wpickren@pace.edu; cautinr@mville.edu; khollis@mtholyoke.edu; mmcdanie@artsci.wustl.edu; vjdark@iastate.edu; Marcy Andberg; sgwest@asu.edu; jbovaird2@unl.edu; M.PAPINI@TCU.EDU; ckakin1@uky.edu; mecain@ksu.edu; nancy.eisenberg@asu.edu; ggoodman@ucdavis.edu; brownell@pitt.edu; pgdevine@facstaff.wisc.edu; funder@citrus.ucr.edu; biernat@ku.edu; jgbeck@memphis.edu; SOBELLM@NOVA.EDU; jlinton@hsc.wvu.edu; acolella@tulane.edu; doug.reynolds@ddiworld.com; mmcphail@valtera.com; Aldwin, Carolyn; pparmelee@ua.edu; lmsmiller@ucdavis.edu; jswarm@fuse.net; dgm@uiuc.edu; hfeng@clemson.edu; hughesc@uncw.edu; eajacobs@siu.edu; rbevins1@unl.edu; aliguori@wfubmc.edu; william.stoops@uky.edu; eklonoff@sunstroke.sdsu.edu; astanton@ucla.edu; mlumley@wayne.edu; wkbickel@vt.edu; sjnixon@ufl.edu; amee@mail.utexas.edu
Subject: Please Post on Division Listserv: Board of Scientific Affairs Call for Award Nominations




I would appreciate you posting the following links to the Board of Scientific Affairs Calls for Nominations on your division's listserv. 


APA Board of Scientific Affairs Meritorious Research Service Commendation (deadline is March 1, 2012)  http://www.apa.org/science/about/psa/2012/01/meritorious-research.aspx


APA Board of Scientific Affairs Culture of Service Awards for university and college departments and individuals (deadline is April 1, 2012)  http://www.apa.org/science/about/psa/2012/01/culture-service.aspx



Please share the call for nominations with your colleagues.  We are trying to generate as many nominations as we can.  Thanks for your help.



Suzanne Wandersman
Director for Governance Affairs
Science Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242
(202) 336-6000
(202) 336-5953 FAX

Monday, January 30, 2012

JOBS: Geriatric and Rehabilitation Psychology Post-Doctoral Fellowship Position




The Geriatric and Rehabilitation Psychology fellowship at Rush University Medical Center offers specialized training in rehabilitation and geropsychology through direct clinical service on an inpatient acute medical rehabilitation unit, day rehabilitation program, outpatient individual and group psychotherapy, neuropsychological assessment, and research [this position is offered pending final approval of funding]. The one- or two-year position involves 70% time in clinical activities (meeting IL licensure requirements), and 30% time in research.  Didactics in gerontology, rehabilitation, Geriatric Interdisciplinary Team Training, health psychology, and neuropsychology are offered.  A combination of options may be tailored to fellow's interests and career goals. 


Rush University Medical Center has a 45-bed CARF-accredited and commended acute rehabilitation unit, including CARF accredited Stroke Program, with a growing focus on stroke and TBI populations.  Our expanding Day Rehabilitation program provides intensive, interdisciplinary outpatient rehabilitation for adults with a variety of disabilities.  Psychology is an integral member of each of the rehabilitation teams and provides comprehensive services to patients and families.


Rush University Medical Center is a nonprofit, academic medical center in the heart of Chicago that encompasses a 613-bed hospital serving adults and children, the 61-bed Johnston R. Bowman Health Center and Rush University. Rush University is home to one of the first medical colleges in the Midwest and one of the nation's top-ranked nursing colleges, as well as graduate programs in allied health, health systems management and biomedical research. The Medical Center also offers more than 70 highly selective residency and fellowship programs in medical and surgical specialties and subspecialties.


Candidates must have a doctoral degree in clinical or counseling psychology with an APA-accredited internship.  Candidates should also have some experience in assessment and treatment of older adults, acute rehabilitation patients, and/or individuals with chronic diseases and acquired disabilities.  Position available September 1, 2012.  Competitive salary and benefits package. 


Please contact Erin Emery, Ph.D. at erin_emery@rush.edu to inquire about the position.


To apply:  Please email CV and cover letter to Dr. Emery at erin_emery@rush.edu. Applications will be reviewed as they are received.  Please have three letters of support emailed directly from letter writers to Dr. Emery.  All graduate work must be completed prior to beginning the fellowship. 


Erin E. Emery, Ph.D.

Director of Geriatric and Rehabilitation Psychology

Project and Clinical Director, BRIGHTEN Program

Rush University Medical Center

Assistant Professor, Rush University

Department of Behavioral Sciences

710 S. Paulina St., Suite 431

Chicago, IL  60612

(312) 942-6294


President, APA Division 12/II, Society of Clinical Geropsychology

Everything is connected; nothing lasts; you are not alone.  -Lewis Richmond

INFO: APS Postdoc Exchange Making Connections





Dear Carolyn,


I am writing to introduce you to the APS Postdoc Exchange and ask that you distribute the following announcement about it to the members of APA Division 20: Adult Development and Aging through the organization’s listserv. (If you need the announcement in a different format, please let me know.)


The Exchange is a free and searchable service created to better connect postdoctoral programs with candidates. It has been a wonderful success in its first few months of operation with over 140 postdoc positions from around the world posted since its launch. Currently, the Exchange features more than 100 exciting opportunities for postdoctoral placement. To search those postings or place a free listing, click here.


The Exchange is an excellent resource for our field and a great opportunity to advertise postdoc, fellowship, and internship positions. It is a tremendous benefit for students seeking opportunities in our field and related disciplines around the world.


Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.





Brian Weaver

Director of Marketing


PS. I encourage you to share this announcement with any colleagues and students outside of your organization who you think will benefit from the APS Postdoc Exchange.








APS Postdoc Exchange Connects

Candidates with Postdoc Opportunities


The new free and searchable APS Postdoc Exchange offers a better way to advertise postdoctoral openings to candidates across all of psychological science and related disciplines.  


The Postdoc Exchange provides a more direct connection between those offering postdoctoral positions and those searching for them, something that is now often done by word of mouth. We hope this also encourages placing postdocs from different countries.


Postdoc Exchange Home   l   Search Listings

Place Listing   l   FAQ


Please take a look at this new online resource and send us your feedback. And feel free to share this e-mail with anyone who may be seeking a postdoc position or who has a position available.






Thursday, January 26, 2012

INFO: [DIV48] Philippine Relief Appeal


Dear fellow leaders in APA Divisions:


I am writing to inform you of our Society's efforts to help fund an important humanitarian project. Contributions are being sought to help survivors in the Philippine southern islands following serious flooding and loss of life there last month. I request that you share our announcement of this effort with your members. A distinguished member of our Society, Dr. Cristina Montiel, is organizing a relief effort with her fellow psychologists in the Psychology Department of the Ateneo de Manila University. Dr. Montiel is the recipient of our highest award, the Ralph K. White Lifetime Achievement Award, for 2011. The methods used to provide relief and support for post-flood reconstruction are drawn from Dr. Montiel's work in the Philippines and other parts of Southeast Asia. APA accounting has put in place a system that allows the Society to receive and process checks for this purpose, which will then be forwarded to Dr. Montiel's university expressly for the project. APA’s legal department has approved this method for collecting contributions.


We in the Society consider this kind of initiative extremely important. Members in APA regularly participate when there is need and our members ask for help. We hope some of your division members will join us by making contributions--no amount is too small.


Yours in peace and in working together to find solutions to the world's problems,


Julie Meranze Levitt, Past-President

The Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict and Violence: Peace Psychology Division (48), the American Psychological Association





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Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence





Philippine Relief Fund


Dear members of the Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence (Division 48) and other friends of Peace Psychology:  

In December 2011 the southern islands of the Philippines were hit by massive flooding, resulting in over a thousand deaths and thousands more traumatized survivors, many of them homeless. Many of you will remember seeing the tragic images on news broadcasts throughout the world and online.

We have been contacted by Dr Cristina Montiel, longtime Society member and 2011 recipient of the Ralph White Award, for help with relief assistance. Dr Montiel is on the faculty at Ateneo de Manila University, which has been very active in providing relief efforts.

The University is currently using emergency funding that is draining its resources. The Psychology Department staff is providing victim counseling and trauma debriefing, volunteer training, and reorganization of social services provision.

To assist in this effort, the Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence (Division 48) has set up a fund to accept contributions from members and others. Contributions will be collected in a divisional account and periodically bundled and sent to the Philippines. Sending funds in larger amounts in this way avoids some of the higher costs associated with small money transfers.  

We are hoping to send out the first donation by January 31. If you are interested in donating, please send your contribution in the form of a check to John Gruszkos, Division 48 treasurer, at the address below. Make the check out to "Division 48 Philippine relief fund".

We are unable at this point to offer receipts valid for tax purposes, but we urge you to consult with your financial advisor on this matter to find out whether your contribution will be tax-deductible.

THANK YOU for considering this request.

Julie Meranze Levitt, Ph.D
Past-President, APA Division 48

John Gruszkos, Ph.D.
Treasurer, APA Division 48


Send your contributions to:

John Gruszkos
Treasurer, APA Division 48
106C Macon Circle
Ashland, VA 23005




Volunteer Training


Post-trauma Psychosocial Intervention


This email was sent to division48@gmail.com by division48@gmail.com |  

Division 48




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