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Postdoctoral Fellowship in Self-Regulation in Emerging Adults with Type 1 Diabetes
Postdoctoral fellow is needed for a 5-year NIH (NIDDK) funded study examining how cognitive abilities may limit late adolescents’ ability to regulate diabetes problems and adhere to the diabetes regimen across emerging adulthood and how parental involvement may compensate for low abilities. Fellows will receive mentoring from a collaborative and interdisciplinary team of investigators in the Department of Psychology at the University of Utah with expertise in pediatrics, developmental, clinical, and quantitative psychology. Candidates with experience in any of these fields are encouraged to apply. A background in multilevel modeling and longitudinal analyses is highly desirable as extensive existing data are available for independent projects. The fellowship is a one-year renewable post-doctoral fellowship. Applications will be accepted until position is filled; position could start January 1, 2012, with flexibility in the start date. To apply please send the following: curriculum vitae, letter describing current research interests and sample research publications to Cindy Berg, Ph.D. at
Cynthia A. Berg
380 S. 1530 E.
Department of Psychology
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
801-581-5380; 801-581-8239; 801-581-5841 (FAX)