Wednesday, January 19, 2011

INFO: Nominations sought for Division 20 Executive Committee

Dear Colleagues,

I¹m writing to ask you to nominate someone or consider running yourself for
an elected office of the Executive Committee of Division 20. This is an
important and meaningful way to serve your division. We are seeking
nominations for the following offices of the Executive Committee:

Members-at-Large (2)
Council Representative

Visit the Division website for descriptions of the positions, their
responsibilities, and terms at

If you would like to nominate someone or self-nominate, please send your
name and contact information to me at and use ³D20
Nominee² as subject header.

Thanks you for your attention to this important function of Division 20!


Jane Berry
D20 Elections Chair
Jane M. Berry
Associate Professor and Chair
MacEldin Dunn Trawick Professorship in Psychology
Department of Psychology
University of Richmond
Richmond, VA 23173
804.289.8130 (office)
804.287.1905 (fax)