Sunday, January 30, 2011

CONFERENCES: 2011 Adult Development Symposium

Call for Submissions, January 31, 2011 Deadline

2011 Adult Development Symposium, Tuesday, March 29 and Wednesday, March 30, 2011
8:00am to 10:00pm

Pre-conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, SRCD Biennial Meeting

For information, go to

Submit your proposaL to
Ask questions at

Presentations will address positive adult development from all disciplines.  Positive adult development refers to development starting in late adolescence and continuing through  life.  The focus is on expanded capabilities and changes that improve the quality of life.

Topic areas include:  Measurement, Models and Methodological Issues; Professional Development; Altruism, Attachment, and Alienation; Periods, Seasons and Non-stage Development; Stage Change; Cultural and Societal Development.

March 29th in halls 4 & 5, March 30 to be determined

1201, boul. René-Lévesque ouest , West
Montréal, (Québec)  H3B-2L7, Canada

(800) 325-3535
(514) 878-2000
Subway: Station Bonaventure

My Best,  Michael Lamport Commons, Ph.D. Assistant Clinical Professor  Department of Psychiatry Harvard Medical School Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 234 Huron Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138-1328  Telephone (617) 497-5270 Facsimile   (617) 491-5270 Cellular (617) 320–0896

Thursday, January 27, 2011

AWARDS: Call for Nominations for APA Master Lecture and Distinguished Scientist Lecture Programs

From Rachel Martin,
Master Lecturers and Distinguished Scientist Lecturers: Call for nominations

The APA Board of Scientific Affairs (BSA) is soliciting nominations for speakers for the 2012 Master Lecture Program and the 2012 Distinguished Scientist Lecture Program.

The Master Lecture Program supports up to five psychological scientists to speak at the APA Annual Convention.  For the 2012 Convention, to be held in Orlando, FL, August 2-5, 2012, speakers will be selected in the following areas:

-developmental psychology
-learning, behavior, and action
-psychopathology and treatment
-social and cultural psychology

The Distinguished Scientist Lecture Program supports up to three psychological scientists to speak at Regional Psychological Association meetings to be held in 2012.  Speakers must be actively engaged in research, with expertise in any area.

Selected speakers receive an honorarium of $500 and up to $1,000 reimbursement for travel expenses.  All nominees should be excellent public speakers.  BSA will review all nominations at its 2011 spring meeting.  Nominations may be for either or both the Distinguished Lecture Program or the Master Lecture Program.  See the BSA website for lists of previous Master Lecture speakers and Distinguished Lecture speakers.

To nominate a psychologist for either or both programs, please submit the name of the nominee and their CV by e-mail or fax (202-336-5953) to Rachel Martin. Self-nominations are welcome. Nominations must be received by February 18, 2011.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

INFO: Call for Manuscript Submissions, International Journal of Aging and Human Development

Call for Manuscript Submissions – International Journal of Aging and Human Development
Special Issue – Transitions over the Life Course and Healthy Aging

The Journal is seeking manuscripts examining the influence of life transitions on healthy aging outcomes.  Empirical as well as theoretical/conceptual submissions are being solicited that focus on the relationship between transitions throughout the life course and behavioral, environmental and/or social factors that operate at any point across the healthy aging continuum - from prevention and management of age-prevalent diseases and conditions, including chronic disease, to positive aging and wellness.  Life transitions of interest include but are not limited to family caregiving, retirement, job loss/changes, loss and bereavement, changes in marital status (marriage, widowhood, divorce, remarriage) among other life changes. Manuscripts that report on longitudinal analyses connecting developmental markers and transitions in young and middle adulthood to late life health outcomes are encouraged but all submissions consistent with the criteria specified above will be considered.  All papers should explicitly include a discussion of implications for healthy aging theory, research, policy and/or practice.

Manuscripts should be restricted to no more than 25 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font (including tables, figures, and references).  Please consult the Journal’s “Instructions for Authors” for additional information.

Submission Deadline: June 30, 2011

Direct submissions and inquiries to:

Michael Caserta, PhD – Guest Editor
Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program – College of Nursing
University of Utah
10 S 2000 E, #5175
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
(801) 581-3572

INFO: Invitation to Division 20 members to apply to Leadership Institute


From: Miles-Cohen, Shari []
Sent: Mon 1/24/2011 10:38 AM
To: Cameron Camp
Subject: Invitation to Division 20 members to apply to Leadership Institute

Dear Dr. Camp:


Recently the Women’s Programs Office (WPO) released the Call for Applications for the 4th annual APA CWP Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology (LIWP), whose mission is to empower, prepare, and support women psychologists as leaders to promote positive in institutional and organizational life and to increase the diversity, number, and effectiveness of women psychologists as leaders.  After three successful years, the LIWP is expanding, doubling the size of the incoming class to 60 women psychologists.  And for the first time, we are seeking applications from mid-career women psychologists who work in academic, academic medical, clinical, or consulting settings. 

Of the 68 APA members who have been selected to participate in the program so far, you will be pleased to know that 2 are Division 20 members—Drs. Lydia Buki and JoNell Strough.  While I can make no guarantees about future selections, I hope you will encourage other mid-career women psychologists who are members of your division to apply to the program. The application deadline is March 7, 2011 and you can link to the application materials by visiting Please contact me if you have any questions or require additional information. Thank you.


Shari Miles-Cohen



Shari E. Miles-Cohen, Ph.D. | Senior Director, Women’s Programs Office
Public Interest Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: (202) 336-6156 |  Fax: (202) 336-6117

email: |

Description: APA Logo


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JOBS: Post-Doctoral Fellowship-Center for Chronic Disease Outcomes Research at the Minneapolis VA

Please see the announcement below for an exciting new post-doctoral opportunity at the Minneapolis VA:


Dr. Gaugler,

I am the post-doctoral fellowship director at the Center for Chronic Disease Outcomes Research at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center.  We are currently recruiting for our 2011 fellow (typically starting in fall) and I thought I'd send this to you in hopes you might know a good candidate.  This year, our ideal candidate would be someone interested in studying post-deployment health issues, which we broadly define as mental health, substance use disorders, physical disability and other chronic conditions veterans face due to the exposure to war.   We are also keenly interested in the effects these conditions have on families and family caregivers of veterans and the care and support they provide.  We would be very open to qualitative researchers, as well as those with strong quantitative skills, and to those interested in developing and testing treatment interventions.  If you happen to know any doctoral students or recent graduates who might be interested in this fellowship, please feel free to have them visit our webpage to learn more ( or to contact me at or the associate fellowship director, Diana Burgess at

Joseph E. Gaugler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, McKnight Presidential Fellow
Center on Aging, School of Nursing
Coordinator of Research Initiatives, Center for Gerontological Nursing
University of Minnesota
6-153 Weaver-Densford Hall, 1331
308 Harvard Street S.E.
Minneapolis, MN  55455
Phone: 612-626-2485
Cell Phone: 651-605-5611
Fax: 612-625-7180

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

INFO: Please help Division 20 increase its membership for 2011!

Dear members of the APA Division 20 List-Serv,

As we begin a new year, and we are hoping to match or exceed our total membership from last year!  If you have not renewed your membership, please consider doing so or joining as a new member!  As a long-time member of the Division myself, membership has allowed me to enjoy the multitude of professional benefits of Division 20 including job opportunities, faculty development, research training, and networking contacts that will help me throughout my career.

Please visit the APA Division 20 membership page ( and fill out an application to join as a new member or a renewed member.  The membership page also provides a wealth detail of why membership in Division 20 is such a great professional opportunity.
In response to the need to create flexible membership options and encourage more robust participation in Division 20, we are excited to announce two new membership categories for new or current members:

1.  Professional affiliates are persons who, due to their proficiency in areas related to the mission of the Division, can contribute to the Division's objectives but do not hold membership in the American Psychological Association.

2.  International affiliates are also proficient in areas related to the mission of the Division and can contribute to the Division's objectives, but reside in a country outside of the United States.  International affiliates do not have to hold membership in the American Psychological Association to join Division 20.

Dues for both Professional and International Affiliates are the same as Divisional dues for full members (e.g., $44 per year), and confer many of the same benefits as Full Members, including subscriptions to Adult Development & Aging News as well as Psychology and Aging.  However, to reiterate: one does not have to join APA itself in order to be an Affiliate of Division 20!

To join as a Professional or International Affiliate, please go to  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at the email or numbers below.

If you are a member, you will note on the APA Division 20 membership page that we have designed new brochures.  If you would like some brochures to post in your office or share with colleagues, please let me know and I would be happy to mail you some.  Please spread the word and encourage your colleagues to join.

If you have any questions, or if there is anything I can do to help facilitate your membership in APA Division 20, please do not hesitate to contact me!


Joe Gaugler
Membership Chair
APA Division 20
Joseph E. Gaugler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, McKnight Presidential Fellow
Center on Aging, School of Nursing
Coordinator of Research Initiatives, Center for Gerontological Nursing
University of Minnesota
6-153 Weaver-Densford Hall, 1331
308 Harvard Street S.E.
Minneapolis, MN  55455
Phone: 612-626-2485
Cell Phone: 651-605-5611
Fax: 612-625-7180

Monday, January 24, 2011

JOBS: Editor Nominations, Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences

Editor Nominations 

Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences

The Gerontological Society of America's (GSA) Publications Committee is seeking nominations for the position of Editor of the Psychological Sciences section of the Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences.

The Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences publishes articles on any aspect of the psychological science of adult development and aging. Appropriate topics include, but are not limited to, attitudes, clinical psychology, cognition, education, emotion, health psychology, human factors, interpersonal relations, neuropsychology, perception, personality, physiological psychology, psychometric tests, psychopathology, sensation, and work. Manuscripts that relate the psychology of aging to neighboring disciplines are also appropriate. The journal publishes four types of articles: 1) articles reporting original research; 2) brief reports; 3) invited reviews and position papers; and 4) theoretical or methodological contributions.

The position will become effective January 1, 2012.  The Editor makes appointments to the journal's editorial board and develops policies in accordance with the scope statement prepared by the Publications Committee and approved by Council.  The Editor works with reviewers and has the final responsibility for the acceptance of articles for his/her journal using the online platform, Manuscript Central.  The editorship is a voluntary position.  Candidates must be dedicated to developing a premier scientific journal.

Nominations and applications may be made by self or others, but must be accompanied by the candidate's curriculum vitae and a letter of intent.  All nominations and applications must be emailed to Judie Lieu at by March 15, 2011.  Questions about the position may be addressed to any member of the search committee: Tom Hess (Chair;, Liz Stine-Morrow (, and Sue Whitbourne (


Thomas M. Hess

Department of Psychology
754 Poe Hall
North Carolina State University
Box 7650
Raleigh, NC  27695-7650

Office Phone: (919) 515-1729
Fax: (919) 515-1716

Adult Development Lab Homepage:


Sunday, January 23, 2011

INFO: Special Issue on Behavioral Longevity

Dear Colleagues:

The deadline for submitting a manuscript to the Special Issue on Behavioral Longevity is approaching quickly.  Please consider submitting your most recent work.  I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Peter Martin, Director
Gerontology Program
1096 LeBaron Hall
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011
Phone: 515-294-5186
FAX: 515-294-0449

Behavioral Factors of Longevity
Call for Papers, Journal of Aging Research
The majority of studies on longevity have focused on biological and health-related aspects of longevity. While biology and health undoubtedly play an important role in determining the length and quality of life, there are also a number of important social, psychological, and behavioral factors associated with longevity. Recent research has demonstrated that distal experiences such as education and childhood economic conditions as well as proximal behaviors such as exercise, nutritional behaviors, coping with stress, and social support are all important components in determining longevity and quality of life among very old people.
We invite investigators to contribute original research and review articles that will complement already established knowledge of biological and health factors associated with long life. We are especially interested in articles that focus on behavioral factors of longevity and quality of life in very old age. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
·         Distal family influences on longevity and quality of life
·         Distal life events as influences on longevity and quality of life (e.g., early or late marriage, childbirth, etc.)
·         The influence of environmental supports on longevity and quality of life, including social supports, economic supports, and housing
·         The influence of individual characteristics on longevity and quality of life, such as personality, gender, ethnicity, and religiosity
·         Studies emphasizing the importance of adaptational skills such as activity, coping, and cognitive skills
·         Research involving health behaviors such as nutritional behaviors or exercise
·         Studies involving mental health and life satisfaction in very late life.
·         Impact of cognition–dementia on adaptation, mental health, and quality of life
·         Models of psychosocial predictors on adaptation and longevity, or compare and contrast psychosocial with biomedical predictors
Before submission authors should carefully read over the journal's Author Guidelines, which are located at Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the journal Manuscript Tracking System at according to the following timetable:
Manuscript Due
February 15, 2011
First Round of Reviews
May 15, 2011
Publication Date
August 15, 2011
Lead Guest Editor
  • Peter Martin, Gerontology Program, Human Development and Family Studies Department, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA
Guest Editors
  • Leonard W. Poon, Institute of Gerontology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA
  • Bo Hagberg, Department of Psychology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden

Thursday, January 20, 2011

INFO: Updating the Graduate Student Guide

Dear faculty who are teaching/mentoring graduate students,

We are updating the Division 20's Guide to Graduate Studies Handbook. Make sure your program is represented!

For directors of programs not currently listed: Complete the short form that you can download the word document from here: with as much detail as you can, and your program will be included in the next iteration of the listings.  Fill out all fields.  "Not applicable" fields should be indicated as "n/a", and not left blank.

 For directors of programs already listed: Please update your information using the same .doc template that you can find here: 
You can find your current information in the handbook that is located here: 
You may cut and paste some of your previous information from the earlier guide to the form.  Please do not complete only those fields that have changed; please fill in all fields, indicating non-applicable fields with �n/a�.

Once completed, email your information to:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

INFO: Nominations sought for Division 20 Executive Committee

Dear Colleagues,

I¹m writing to ask you to nominate someone or consider running yourself for
an elected office of the Executive Committee of Division 20. This is an
important and meaningful way to serve your division. We are seeking
nominations for the following offices of the Executive Committee:

Members-at-Large (2)
Council Representative

Visit the Division website for descriptions of the positions, their
responsibilities, and terms at

If you would like to nominate someone or self-nominate, please send your
name and contact information to me at and use ³D20
Nominee² as subject header.

Thanks you for your attention to this important function of Division 20!


Jane Berry
D20 Elections Chair
Jane M. Berry
Associate Professor and Chair
MacEldin Dunn Trawick Professorship in Psychology
Department of Psychology
University of Richmond
Richmond, VA 23173
804.289.8130 (office)
804.287.1905 (fax)

INFO: Awards Committee Chair Needed

Dear Colleagues,

I need to fill a vacancy on our division AWARDS committee. Ron Spiro has done an excellent job for us in the past, and has our thanks. I need to find a person to take his postion on the Executive Committee of our division. Jacqui Smith will be able to provide some assistance, but the new member of the Executive Committee will be primarily responsible for finding persons to receive our division’s awards. If you would be interested in helping us in this, I and the division would be most appreciative. Also, if you know of a junior faculty member who could benefit by having this “Service to a national organization” on the vita, please put them in touch with me.

Best regards,

Cameron Camp

APA Div. 20 President


Cameron J. Camp, Ph.D.
Director of Research and Product Development
Hearthstone Alzheimer Care
130 New Boston Street, Suite 103
Woburn, MA  01801
(440) 829-4927

INFO: Fredda Blanchard-Fields Memorial Conference: Registration & Hotel Information

This email contains registration and hotel information about the Memorial Conference for Fredda Blanchard-Fields to be held at Georgia Tech's Conference Center and Hotel on March 11-12, 2011. This 2 day event will feature talks about emotion, social cognition, and aging -- topics that Fredda devoted her research career to studying.  The program features talks by experts in these areas, including former students and postdocs of Fredda.  For additional information, including a preliminary conference program, you can go to the Georgia Tech Psychology webpage at Registration for this conference is free of charge.  To register for the conference, go to the following link:

If you require hotel accommodations in Atlanta during the conference, we have booked a block of rooms at the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center where the conference will be held. To reserve a room in this block, please go to the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center website here: Conference hotel block. The block of rooms is reserved for Thursday and Friday (3/10 & 3/11) nights at a rate of $115 per night. If you are interested in extending your stay beyond those nights, they are happy to extend the group rate for an additional night, but they ask you to contact the reservation desk directly at 404-838-2100. If you have difficulty accessing the hotel block through the link above, you can go directly to the hotel and conference center's website (, clicking on the link entitled "Group Booking," and entering the password for our group of rooms - "fredda0311."

The deadline for booking hotel rooms in the group block is February 10th, so if you plan to stay at the hotel and would like to do so at the discounted group rate, please book your hotel room soon.

Thanks, Chris

Christopher Hertzog
Professor of Psychology

Friday, January 14, 2011

JOBS: Postdoc in Language Processing

Post-Doctoral Position in Language Processing

The NIH-funded Training Program in Language Processing at the University of Illinois expects to have an opening for one post-doctoral trainee beginning after 1 July 2011. The appointment will be for one year with the possibility of extension to a second year. Only US citizens or permanent residents are eligible. We encourage applications from those with doctoral degrees in linguistics, computer science, and neuroscience, as well as psychology and related fields.

Applicants may work in areas such as language comprehension and production, language acquisition, cognitive neuroscience, and computational modeling.  Faculty involved in the training program include Renee Baillargeon, Kathryn Bock, Sarah Brown-Schmidt, Kiel Christianson, Jennifer Cole, Gary Dell, Kara Federmeier, Cynthia Fisher, Susan Garnsey, Brian Ross, Chilin Shih, Elizabeth Stine-Morrow, and Duane Watson. The Psychology Department and the Beckman Institute provide advanced technical facilities for carrying out research, including magnetic resonance imaging, optical imaging, electrophysiological recording, eye tracking (both fixed and head-mounted), conversational interaction, speech processing, a high-fidelity driving simulator, and electromagnetic articulography. Please send a statement of interest, a CV, and three letters of reference to Materials may also be sent by mail to Kathryn Bock, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois, 405 N. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801. Applications will be considered immediately and will be reviewed until the position is filled.

Elizabeth A. L. Stine-Morrow
Professor of Educational Psychology, 
     Psychology, and the Beckman Institute
226 Education Building
1310 S. Sixth Street
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Champaign, IL 61820

(217) 244-2167 (office)
(217) 244-7931 (CRC lab)
(217) 244-7336 (Beckman lab)
(217) 244-7620 (fax)

Check out our new webpage....

INFO: CECP 2012 Call for Nominations

From Keith Cooke,

2012 Call for Nominations


The Committee on Early Career Psychologists (CECP) is seeking nominations for two representatives to serve a three-year term (2012-2014):

APA Divisions Representative:

  • Represent early career members in the Divisions of the American Psychological Association (APA)
  • Serve as CECP liaison to the Committee on APA/Division Relations (CODAPAR) and as the point of contact for relationships with the APA divisions and affiliated groups.
  • Work closely with the State, Provincial and Territorial Associations Representative to manage and direct activities of the Early Career Psychologist Leadership Network (ECPLN), including collaborations with the ECPLN Steering Committee.  The ECPLN is an online forum for early career members to discuss early career priorities, convention programming ideas, strategies for increasing recruitment, retention, and involvement of early career members, and to provide feedback on early career initiatives and activities
  • Attend and actively participate in CODAPAR’s annual Division Leadership Conference
  • Develop initiatives and programs focused on the needs of early career members in divisions
  • Promote and support activities, projects, and programs that foster joint membership and participation between early career members and divisions
  • Serve as a liaison to the Membership Board and help advise the board on successful recruitment, retention, and engagement efforts aimed at early career professionals
  • Responsible for contributing to CODAPAR’s online newsletter re CECP activities and highlighting division’s best practices in early career member involvement
  • Write a report of activities for the Fall consolidated meeting for distribution to the committee and inclusion in CECP’s annual report


Science Representative:

  • The Science Representative must have work experience as a psychological scientist and have leadership experience. 
  • Also must have the ability to develop and support projects focused the needs of early career members in psychological science and research,
  • Assist in scientific activities to advance psychological science and promote early career relations, contributions, and approaches in scientific psychology with other APA groups and scientific bodies. 
  • In addition, this individual will be required to attend and actively participate in APA’s annual Science Leadership Conference.
  • Applicants for the science slate will be evaluated on scientific activities and leadership experience.


Candidates must be an APA member within seven years’ receipt of their doctorate degree on January 1, 2012.

In addition, you must be able to attend mandatory committee meetings; one in the spring, and two in the fall.  Some committee members may be asked to attend additional meetings depending on their position.  Meeting expenses are reimbursed by APA. 

Although not reimbursed, committee members are highly encouraged to attend APA’s annual convention and participate in developing early career programming for the convention.  The committee works extensively through listserv and email. Applicants should expect to spend a minimum of five hours per week engaged in committee activities.


All candidates should include:

1. Statement of Interest from the nominee  

2. Current Curriculum Vitae

3. One Letter of Recommendation


Nomination materials must be received by March 15, 2011.  Applicants will be notified in July 2011.

Send nominations via email, mail, or fax to:         Kraig Ronald Scott

American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002

Fax: (202) 216-7628

CECP seeks to represent the interests and concerns of early career psychologists throughout APA.  For more information about the committee and other early career resources, please visit the APA early career website at  

If you have any questions, please contact the current Chair, Oksana Yakushko, PhD at

CONFERENCES: 2011 Call for Applications to the Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology

From Keith Cooke,

From: Miles-Cohen, Shari
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 1:56 PM
To: Cooke, Keith
Subject: please forward to divisions


The APA Committee on Women in Psychology is pleased to invites applications from  mid-career women psychologists in clinical, consulting, academic, or academic medicals settings to apply for the 4th annual Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology.  Please access the call for applications directly at



2011 Call for Applications to the Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology

4th Annual Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology

The American Psychological Association Committee on Women in Psychology (CWP) announces its Fourth Annual Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology (LIWP) to be held on Tuesday, August 2, and Wednesday, August 3, 2011, in Washington, DC. This year in addition to accepting approximately 30 mid-career women psychologists who work full time in academic or academic medical settings, we will also be accepting approximately 30 mid-career women psychologists who work primarily in clinical or consulting settings. While there will be some overlap in the curriculum, there will also be separate sessions for each of the groups. This is a competitive process, and you must  complete the application for the group with which you most clearly identify.
The overall mission of the LIWP is to empower, prepare and support women psychologists as leaders to promote positive changes in institutional, organizational and practice settings as well as APA and State, Provincial, and Territorial Associations (SPTA) governance, and increase the diversity, number, and effectiveness of women psychologists as leaders. The program’s mission supports APA’s goal to advance psychology as a science and profession and as a means of promoting health, education and human welfare.

Institute Objectives

1.     Ensure that mid-career and senior women in psychology have the knowledge and skills necessary to compete for leadership/senior management positions in academic, practice, and other professional settings as well as APA and SPTA governance.

2.     Enhance the number and effectiveness of women psychologists holding leadership positions in academic, practice, and other professional settings as well as APA and SPTA governance.

3.     Increase the diversity of women psychologists in academic, practice, and other leadership positions as well as APA and SPTA governance.

4.     Create networks of women psychologists in leadership/senior management positions in varied professional settings including APA and SPTA governance.

5.     Document the career movement, professional advancement as well as the perceived impact of the LIWP among participants.

Who Should Apply

Mid-career (10-20 years post-doctoral degree) women psychologists who are APA members with demonstrated leadership experience, strengths and goals:

(a) holding either full-time, paid faculty appointments at the associate professor or clinical associate professor level or above in academic or academic medicine settings


(b) working  20 or more hours per week primarily in clinical or consulting settings. If you are in a clinical setting, you must be a licensed psychologist to apply to the LIWP.

Women of color, lesbian and bisexual women, transgender women, and women with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Program Components

Highly interactive, skills-focused workshops with experts in the field. The core curriculum includes:

  • Leadership Models
  • Mid-Career Management, Goal Setting and Planning
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Mentoring Networks, including gender and diversity issues

Previous Institutes and Web seminars during the year have also addressed:

  • Sustaining and Funding a Research Program
  • Fiscal, Program, and Personnel issues
  • Managing Work-Life Balance
  • Strategic Planning
  • Dealing with Difficult People

Individuals who participate will leave with clearly defined professional goals, identify next steps towards promotion and leadership positions, and have the opportunity to join a monthly mentoring forum for mid-career women in psychology.

Applications and supporting materials (CV or resume and letter of recommendation) are due by 5 p.m. Eastern time on Monday, March 7, 2011. Please complete EITHER:

the LIWP 2011 Application Form For Mid-Career Women in Academic and Academic Medicine Settings


the LIWP 2011 Application Form For Mid-Career Women in Clinical and Consulting Positions.

Either online application may be printed and delivered to APA via fax with accompanying documents to the APA Women’s Programs Office at (202) 336-6117, or e-mailed to the Women’s Leadership Institute .

If selected, participants will be asked to pay a $500 fee, which covers registration, program materials, and food (breakfast, lunch and snacks). In addition, participants will be invited to attend a follow-up leadership program in March 2012 at the APA headquarters in Washington, DC; participate in Web seminars on leadership issues throughout the year; and have access to a list serve for LIWP participants, faculty and staff.

Selections will be announced by Monday, May 9, 2011

For additional information, please review the frequently asked questions or contact Shari Miles-Cohen, PhD, Senior Director, Women’s Programs Office

1.     Via snail-mail at American Psychological Association, 750 First St. NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242

2.     Via phone at (202) 336-6044

3.     Via e-mail

The American Psychological Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology has been generously funded by APA Board of Directors, the APA Council of Representatives, the APA Women’s Programs Office, the National Institutes of Health Office of Research on Women’s Health, Psychologists in Independent Practice, the Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Psychology, the Society for the Psychological Study of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Issues, the Society for the Psychology of Women, and the Women’s Caucus of the APA Council of Representatives.



Shari E. Miles-Cohen, Ph.D. | Senior Director, Women’s Programs Office
Public Interest Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: (202) 336-6156 |  Fax: (202) 336-6117

email: |

Description: Description: APA Logo