New Issue of Research in Human Development
Guest Edited by Richard Settersten, Oregon State University
The Society of the Study of Human Development is pleased to announce that the latest issue of Research in Human Development, “The Consequences of Fatherhood in Men’s Lives” (Vol. 7, #2), has just been published. The issue was developed by guest editor Richard Settersten of Oregon State University, and includes a theoretical overview article and three empirical papers built around the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth and its offshoots. The papers explore the consequences of fatherhood for men’s personal growth and identity, social relationships, health and well-being, and work and education.
For information about the SSHD and RHD, visit
The Consequences of Fatherhood for Men’s Lives (Introduction), Richard A. Settersten, Jr.
Fatherhood as a Hidden Variable in Men’s Development and Life Courses, Richard A. Settersten, Jr., Doris Cancel-Tirado
Consequences of Fatherhood for Young Men’s Relationships with Partners and Parents, Jaslean J. La Taillade, Sandra Hofferth, Vanessa R. Wight
Young Fathers at Work: The Influence of Parental Closeness and Contact on Employment, Kevin Roy, Colleen K. Vesely, Megan Fitzgerald, Nicolle Buckmiller Jones
Beyond the Wage Premium: Fatherhood and Asset Accumulation, Jeffrey Dew, David J. Eggebeen
Richard A. Settersten, Jr., Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences
Oregon State University
Milam Hall 322
Corvallis, Oregon 97331
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