News and information distributed to the American Psychological Association's Division 20 (Adult Development and Aging) Listserv
Monday, April 27, 2009
CONFERENCES: 2010 Cognitive Aging Conference
AWARDS: Division Student and Professional/Faculty Awards
Dear Division 20 colleagues,
You still have time to apply for the 2009 Division 20 Awards. We have decided to extend the deadline for all Division 20 awards until May 21st.
Please send student award material (which includes the Retirement Research Foundation Student Awards for Completed Research and for Research Proposals at the undergraduate, masters, doctoral and postdoctoral level)to Dr. Avron Spiro at
Please send other award material (which includes the John Santos Distinguished Program Development in Clinical Gerontology Award, Baltes Distinguished Research Achievement Award, Retirement Research Foundation M. Powell Lawton Career Achievement Award in Applied Gerontology, Retirement Research Foundation /Division 20 Mentorship Award, and the Springer Early Career Achievement Award in Research on Adult Development and Aging) to Becca Levy at
The Division 20 website provides more information about the specific awards.
If possible, please send all of your award material in one pdf document to help us with the review process. Also, please put “APA Division 20 Award” in the e-mail heading.
We look forward to receiving your award applications.
Becca Levy Ron Spiro
Awards Committee Chair Awards Committee Co-Chair
CONFERENCES: APA Convention Run and Walk -- Saturday, August 8, 2009
Subject: | APA Convention Run and Walk Application -- Saturday, August 8, 2009 |
Date: | Wed, 8 Apr 2009 10:27:43 -0400 |
From: | Cooke, Keith <> |
The 31st Annual Running Psychologists' APA 5K Ray's Race and 3K Walk will be held at the APA Convention. This will take place SATURDAY, August 8, 2009, at 7:00 AM. See for more information. If you have any questions, please contact Lucinda Seares-Monica, PsyD,, or Janet Cain, PhD, at
INFO: CDC Caregiving documents released
Lisa C. McGuire, Ph.D. Healthy Aging Program Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Division of Adult and Community Health 4770 Buford Highway Mailstop K-45 Atlanta, GA 30341
770-488-6350 (Direct) 770-488-5360 (Office) 770-488-8488 (Fax)
CONFERENCES: OSU 2009 Summer Institute on Research Methodology
2009 Summer Institute on Research Methodology,
July 7: Introduction to Mplus
July 8-10: Latent Growth Curve Modeling using Mplus
About the Summer Institute
The Summer Institute on Research Methodology will be held July 7 to 10, 2009 on the
Introductory and advanced courses are offered by the Methodology Core over a period of four days (one day – introductory course; three days – advanced course) during the summer months. The 2009 introductory course provides instruction in the use of Mplus. Participants are expected to be comfortable with the General Linear Model. The advanced course focuses on the analysis of change using Mplus and will assume prior experience with Mplus, which may be obtained in the introductory course. These two courses can be taken independently or combined. The courses are team taught and draw on the faculty expertise in the
July 7: Introduction to Mplus (Alan Acock). Participants will learn how to use the Mplus software.
July 8-10: Latent Growth Curve Modeling using Mplus (Alan Acock, Lesa Hoffman, Fuzhong Li). This workshop will introduce latent growth curve and longitudinal multilevel modeling using the Mplus software, and will extend to time-varying predictors, binary and count outcomes, and growth mixtures (i.e., group differences in trajectories).
Registration fees are as follows: Mplus course: $175
Growth Models course: $425
Both courses: $500
(Graduate students: $125 – introductory course; $275 – advanced course; both courses – $350)
These fees include all workshop materials, use of a laptop computer containing all relevant software and programs (each shared between two individuals), lunch and coffee breaks every day, and one dinner reception on July 8th. Please register using the online form available on the website.
Please see the 2009 Summer Institute website ( for details regarding course material, faculty, registration, travel and accommodation, and contact information.
Further information regarding the
Friday, April 24, 2009
CONFERENCES: Latent Variable Methods in Aging Research Workshop: Longitudinal Data Analysis
The focus of this year's Latent Variable Methods (LVM) in Aging Research Workshop workshop will be using Mplus software to conduct longitudinal data analysis from July 29th-July 31st, 2009 at Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.
This workshop is targeted to researchers interested in general latent variable methods in applied longitudinal data analysis in aging. The goal of the workshop is to provide an overview and opportunity for first-hand experience doing analyses using Mplus software. Methods of emphasis include latent growth modeling, retest effect modeling, dual change score modeling, and latent growth mixture modeling. The format of the course will be two didactic sessions in the morning and a hands-on training/demonstration session in the afternoon. In the afternoon sessions, workshop participants repeat and expand upon worked examples presented in the morning sessions. The workshop is led by applied researchers who use Mplus in their day-to-day research.
If you are interested, further information is attached and available through this link: or
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INFO: CARF Call for Comments - Home & Community Services Standards
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 09:34:27 -0400 From: "Winkelman, Elizabeth" <> Subject: FW: CARF Call for Comments - Home & Community Services Standards To: Thread-topic: CARF Call for Comments - Home & Community Services Standards Thread-index: Acm93+LUP3sHHyXdTKuMtOKfGwt6ygBfumawAABVbOABX7qcIA== Authentication-Results:; dkim=neutral (message not signed) header.i=none X-IronPort-Anti-Spam-Filtered: true X-IronPort-Anti-Spam-Result: AlABAOhc8UnA59e1kWdsb2JhbACCOxiGWo0fAQEBAQkLCgcRBaowCZAUgi8SgTMFh2c X-IronPort-AV: E=Sophos;i="4.40,241,1239001200"; d="scan'208,217";a="103597639" X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: Original-recipient: rfc822; X-OriginalArrivalTime: 24 Apr 2009 13:34:28.0209 (UTC) FILETIME=[640DEE10:01C9C4E1] Dear Dr. Zelinski, I am forwarding below a call for comments from CARF on �Home and Community Services Standards.� Comments may be submitted by individual psychologists and/or Division 20 directly per the instructions below. If you or Division 20 would like to recommend specific language for inclusion in a possible response on behalf of APA, please send your recommendations to me by Friday, May 1. If Division 20 does submit comments to CARF, I�d very much appreciate receiving a copy. Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions. Best regards, Elizabeth _____________________________________ Elizabeth Winkelman, JD, PhD Director, Regulatory Development American Psychological Association Practice Directorate 750 First Street NE, 4th Floor Washington, DC 20002 202-336-6171
From: Keri Sanders - CARF IAC Liaison [] Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 11:36 AM To: Winkelman, Elizabeth Subject: CARF IAC Field Review![]()
Home and Community Services Standards for IAC ReviewDear International Advisory Council Members: We invite you to participate in the IAC field review of the standards for Home and Community Services.This field review closes on Wednesday, May 6th .If you would like individuals from your organization/association to also complete this field review, please forward this message to them. If you have any questions about this survey, please feel free to contact me at or ext. 147. Thank you for your time and input! Sincerely, Keri Sanders IAC Liaison
CARF International 4891 East Grant Rd. | Tucson, Arizona 85712 | 888.281.6531 If you no longer wish to receive our IAC communications emails, you may unsubscribe here.
Liz Zelinski, PhD Rita and Edward Polusky Chair in Education and Aging Professor of Gerontology and Psychology Leonard Davis School of Gerontology University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-0191 Voice: 213.550.6725 fax: 213.740.5694
Thursday, April 23, 2009
JOBS: Postdocs in Language Processing at U Illinois
Post-Doctoral Positions in Language Processing
The NIH-funded Training Program in Language Processing at the University of Illinois expects to have openings for two post-doctoral trainees beginning after 1 July 2009. The appointments will be for one year with the possibility of extension to a second year. Only US citizens or permanent residents are eligible. We encourage applications from those with doctoral degrees in linguistics, computer science, and neuroscience, as well as psychology and related fields.
Applicants may work in areas such as language comprehension and production, language acquisition, cognitive neuroscience, and computational modeling. Faculty involved in the training program include Renee Baillargeon, Kathryn Bock, Kiel Christianson, Jennifer Cole, Gary Dell, Kara Federmeier, Cynthia Fisher, Susan Garnsey, Brian Ross, Chilin Shih, Elizabeth Stine-Morrow, and Duane Watson. The Psychology Department and the Beckman Institute provide advanced technical facilities for carrying out research, including magnetic resonance imaging, optical imaging, electrophysiological recording, eye tracking (both fixed and head-mounted), speech processing, a high-fidelity driving simulator, and electromagnetic articulography. Please send a statement of interest, a CV, and three letters of reference to Materials may also be sent by mail to Kathryn Bock, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois, 405 N. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801. Applications will be considered immediately and will be reviewed until the positions are filled.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
INFO: CDC mental health document released
CDC's Healthy Aging Program recently released our 2nd Issue Brief in The State of Mental Health Aging series. The 2nd Issue Brief describes 3 selected evidence-based interventions for community-dwelling older adults.
The 1st Issue Brief (released in late 2008) presents national-level data on 6 indicators of mental health for adults 50 years old and older.
Warm regards, Lisa Lisa C. McGuire, Ph.D. Health Scientist Healthy Aging Program Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Division of Adult and Community Health 4770 Buford Highway Mailstop K-45 Atlanta, GA 30341 770-488-6350 (Direct) 770-488-5360 (Office) 770-488-8488 (Fax)
OTHER: Include Psychology in Health Care Reform
-- Dr. M. Arnold, PhD, RN Licensed Psychologist - Registered Nurse Psychological Services, Behavioral Health Counseling, Consultation and Education Focused on the Needs of Older Adults Western Suffolk/Eastern Nassau Counties, LI, NY Long Term Care Settings (631) 271-9863
"It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err." Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
"It is better to know the patient who has the disease than it is to know the disease which the patient has." Hippocrates (460 BC - 377 BC)
Monday, April 20, 2009
JOBS: Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships, University of South Florida
Post-doctoral Research Fellowships
The Department of Aging and Mental Health Disparities, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health
Institute (FMHI), College of Behavioral and Community Sciences, University of South Florida (USF)
invites applications for two postdoctoral research fellowships. Each 2-year fellowship will provide
research and academic training designed to develop a research program based on a
multidisciplinary approach to mental health services and policy research (2nd year renewal contingent
upon satisfactory progress during the 1st year).
Applicants must have completed a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degree when they begin the fellowship
and have a demonstrated record of research experience or interest in mental health services and
policy research; preferred areas of focus include disparities, disaster-related mental health, or
interventions for depression. Commitment to a career in research is extremely important. Starting date
is negotiable within 2009. Base salary begins at $35,000 plus healthcare benefits.
Faculty in the Department of Aging and Mental Health Disparities conduct research, program
evaluation, knowledge dissemination, education and consultation to address the mental health and
support system needs of older adults and to address behavioral health disparities in Florida and
nationally. The Louis de la Parte Institute is housed in the College of Behavioral and Community
Sciences at the University of South Florida, a Research I University (, and the
ninth largest university in the United States. The University’s diverse population reflects the ethnic and
cultural heritage of the Tampa Bay region. A teaching, research, service and training institution, FMHI,
through its collaboration with community providers and academic programs and departments at USF,
serves as a bridge between the University and the public health systems. The Department of Aging
and Mental Health Disparities has close involvement with university consortia in aging, health
disparities, community-based participatory research, and implementation science. For more
information about the Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute and the Department of Aging
and Mental Health Disparities, visit: Additional questions about the position should
be directed to Hannah Mark-Serieux (
Review of applications will begin immediately and the search will remain open until the positions are
filled. Applicants should submit a CV, one letter of recommendation, up to three representative
publications or manuscripts, and a cover letter detailing research interests and experience, and career
goals to Hannah Mark-Serieux (
USF is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, equal access institution. For disability
accommodations contact Hannah Mark-Serieux at 813/974-4453 at least five (5) working days in
advance of need. Final hiring is contingent upon university approval.
More information about the Department of Aging and Mental Health Disparities can be found on our
website (
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
JOBS: University of Southern California multidisciplinary postdoc opening
Postdoctoral research fellowships in gerontology are available at the University of Southern California. These fellowships are provided by a grant from the National Institute on Aging. Trainees may be in the Departments of Sociology, Psychology, Neuroscience, Preventive Medicine, Economics or in the School of Gerontology. We are specifically looking for postdocs with a background that will allow them to develop a significant research profile based on a multidisciplinary approach to aging. Our research focus is on physical and mental health changes with aging. All Trainees take part in a regular seminar and course work that appropriately develops multidisciplinary research competence. Monthly stipends, health insurance, some tuition, and related expenses will be provided to qualified applicants. Postdoctoral trainees must have completed a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degree.
All candidates should forward a letter of interest, identification of a potential mentor, complete curriculum vitae, graduate transcript, GRE scores, representative papers or publications (if available), and at least three letters of recommendation to: Eileen M. Crimmins, Director of Training, Andrus Gerontology Center, University of Southern California, 3715 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0191. Address questions to ( More information can be found on our website:
Minority applicants are encouraged to apply.
Please contact any of the following preceptors:
Eileen Crimmins (Gerontology and Sociology)
Leslie Bernstein (Preventive Medicine)
Helena Chui (Gerontology and Neurology)
Caleb Finch (Gerontology/Neurobiology/Biology)
Margaret Gatz (Psychology)
Bob Knight (Gerontology and Psychology)
Valter Longo (Gerontology and Biology)
Wendy J. Mack (Preventive Medicine)
Mara Mather (Gerontology and Psychology)
John J. McArdle (Psychology)
Thomas McNeill (Cell and Neurobiology)
Jon Pynoos (Gerontology)
Merril Silverstein (Gerontology and Sociology)
John Strauss (Economics)
Kathleen H. Wilber (Gerontology)
Elizabeth Zelinski (Gerontology and Psychology)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
INFO: CONA Nominations and CONA Award
of Psychology and Aging. This award for outstanding achievement is presented annually to recognize psychologists and friends of psychology who have made significant contributions to the mission of CONA.All nominations must include a current curriculum vitae of the candidate and three letters of reference. Reference letters should indicate
the categories in which the candidate has made contributions related to aging (Science, Practice, Policy, Education,
Public Interest, Public Affairs, APA). Additionally, letters should address the nominee's leadership activities, contributions, and scope of influence that advance knowledge for and about older adults and aging issues, foster understanding of older adult's lives, and improve the status of older adults. Nominations are solicited by CONA on a yearly basis with a June 15th deadline for receipt of nominations. The award is presented at the APA Convention.
The Committee on Aging (CONA) also seeks two full members of APA with specialization in aging issues to serve a three-year term beginning January 2010 and ending December 2012. CONA, a six-member Committee, places priority on maintaining representation within the Committee's membership that reflects the diversity of psychology and society, including (a) individuals with experience in research, clinical training and practice, policy and advocacy, and education; (b) early- and mid-career psychologists and those who are retired or employed less than full time; and (c) diversity with respect to ethnicity, culture, age, gender, ability, sexual orientation, and geographic location.
Selected candidates are required to attend two committee meetings each year in Washington, DC, with expenses reimbursed by the APA. The Committee will meet on March 19-21 and September 24-26, 2010; March 25-27 and September 23-25, 2011; and March 30-April 1 and October 5-7, 2012. Members are encouraged to attend a CONA meeting held during the APA Convention at their own expense. CONA is a working committee with ongoing time sensitive and consuming projects that require members' attention. Members are expected to participate in frequent email discussions and bi-monthly conference calls, work on Committee priorities between meetings, provide consultation to the Director of the APA Office on Aging, and participate in policy advocacy activities. Nomination materials should include a current curriculum vitae and a letter from the nominee indicating their commitment to serve on CONA and highlighting specific competencies, interests, and potential contributions to the work of CONA.! Letters of support from other APA governance groups and divisions, state psychological associations, or other organizations are desirable but not required. Prior applicants are encouraged to reapply.
The CONA mission statement, full calls for nominations, past award recipients, and an overview of CONA's activities and members since its inception are available at: <> . The deadline for nominations is September 1, 2009
Applications and supporting materials for both the award and committee nominations should be sent to: Deborah DiGilio, Director of the Office on Aging, American Psychological Association, 750 First Street NE, Washington, DC, 20002-4242 or <> .
Monday, April 13, 2009
JOBS: Post-doc, Emotion Lab, Brandeis University
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Psychology, or equivalent degree from a foreign institution, by the time of starting the position. Strong background in experimental methods and statistics is essential. Previous experience with any of the following is desirable but not required: eye tracking, psychophysiology research, multi-level modeling, Matlab programming.
If you are interested in this position, please send a cover letter describing your background, research interests and long-term goals, as well as a CV and reprints of any published or in-press papers via email to Please also arrange to have at least 2 letters of reference sent to that email address. While email is preferred, paper applications can be sent to:
Derek M. Isaacowitz Department of Psychology Brandeis University MS 062 Waltham, MA 02454-9110
Further information about the lab can be found at:
Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Brandeis encourages applications from minorities and women.
-- Derek M. Isaacowitz, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Psychology and Volen National Center for Complex Systems Brandeis University MS 062 Waltham, MA 02454-9110 Phone: (781) 736-3308 Fax: (781) 736-3291
Friday, April 10, 2009
POSTDOC: MacArthur Foundation Network on Transitions to Adulthood
For more information, visit
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
JOBS: University of Richmond, Department of Psychology
Monday, April 06, 2009
WORKSHOP: Multilevel and Modeling Workshop
Dates: August 10 -12 Location: Department of Psychology, North Carolina State University
For more information please visit:
Overview: This 3-day workshop is designed for the researcher who wishes to expand their statistical toolkit to include advanced modeling techniques but who may feel intimidated by statistics or may not have the time or resources to devote to a week long class. The 3-day workshop is divided into two different but complementary workshops: the first day and a half focuses on Multilevel Modeling and the second day and a half focuses on structural equation modeling including confirmatory factor analysis and latent growth curve modeling. Both workshops will be conducted in computer labs and consist of lecturing and hands-on practice with running models. The overarching goal of both classes is straightforward and pragmatic: You will learn when, why, and how to do each of the analyses using your own data.
Audience: Researchers in social sciences, education, and other applied fields.
Multilevel Modeling: August 10 (8:00am - 5:00 pm) -- August 11 (8:00am -12:00 pm)
Latent Variable Modeling: August 11 (1:00pm - 5:00 pm) -- August 12 (8:00am -5:00 pm)
Price: The price for either class separately is $300, and the price for both classes is $500. The total cost includes all class handouts/materials and readings posted prior to class. In addition, you will access the instructors via email prior to the workshops to assist you in preparing your data set so that you may analyze it on the first day. If you do not have appropriate data, the instructors will provide you with practice datasets.
-------------------------------------------------------- Jason C. Allaire Assistant Professor Department of Psychology North Carolina State University Box 7650 Raleigh, NC 27695-7801
Office Phone: (919) 513-7394 Fax: (919) 515-1716
Developmental Program: Lab: --------------------------------------------------------