**Applications Invited for the 2008 APA Dissertation Research Awards**
To assist science-oriented doctoral students of psychology with the costs of conducting dissertation research, the American Psychological Association Science Directorate sponsors an annual competition for funding. This award program features 30-40 grants of $1,000 each, and several larger grants of up to $5,000. Projects in any area of psychology are eligible. Funds may be requested for expenses that are directly related to the dissertation research such as participant incentives and equipment.
Awards are provided to students whose dissertation research reflects excellence in scientific psychology. Each department of psychology may forward up to three applications per year for consideration for this award program. In order to be eligible for an award, by the application deadline students must have had their dissertation proposals approved by their dissertation committees but must not yet have received their doctoral degree. Award recipients will be listed in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science Agenda.
The deadline for Dissertation Research Award application packets to arrive at the Science Directorate is September 15, 2008. Complete information about this exciting opportunity can be found at: www.apa.org/science/dissinfo.html