Dear Colleagues,
Nominations are being sought for the Disaster Response Network Advisory Committee. The criteria and process for the nomination arein the attachment. Please let me know if you have an interest inserving and I will forward this to Neil Charness, current president,who will make nominations on behalf of Division 20.
Best regards, Liz Stine-Morrow President-elect, APA Div 20
Dear Presidents of APA Practice Divisions:
Pasted below is a Call for Nominations for two positions on the Disaster Response Network (DRN) Advisory Committee. The deadline for submitting nominations is Tuesday, January 31st. Please let me know if you have trouble opening the enclosed attachment. Thank you.
Marguerite I. Schroeder
Director, APA's Disaster Response Network
750 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002
Ph. 202-336-5902 or 1-800-374-2723
Fax 202-336-5797
TO: Psychological Association Executive Directors & DRN Coordinators from the North Central states of: ND, SD, NE, MN, IA, MI, IL, WI, IN, OH Psychological Association Executive Directors & DRN Coordinators from the South Central states of: KS, OK, TX, AR, LA, MS, AL, TN, KY, MO and Presidents, APA Practice Divisions
FROM: Margie Schroeder Director, APA's Disaster Response Network Practice Directorate
DATE: January 18, 2006
SUBJECT: Call for Nominations - North Central and South Central Regional Representatives to APA's Disaster Response Network Advisory Committee
Submission Deadline: Tuesday, January 31st, 2006
Nominations are being sought for two positions, the North Central and South Central representatives to APA's Disaster Response Network (DRN) Advisory Committee. APA's DRN Advisory Committee is composed of 5 members from different geographical regions with staggered, 3-year terms. The committee is responsible for assisting Practice Directorate staff in designing and implementing the activities of APA's Disaster Response Network. APA's Committee for the Advancement of Professional Practice (CAPP) maintains oversight of the DRN and selects the Advisory Committee members.
Nominations may be submitted by state DRN Coordinators (coordinators may nominate themselves), by State Association Executive Directors, or by Presidents of APA Practice Divisions.
CAPP voted in September 2003 to adopt the attached "Procedure for Appointing DRN Advisory Committee Members" that identifies criteria for eligible candidates and the criteria CAPP will use in evaluating the candidates. Please refer to this procedure in preparing your nomination.
The nominations will be considered by CAPP'sNominations Subcommittee and voted on by CAPP at its February 3-5, 2006 meeting.
Please submit the attached form and supporting documentation by Tuesday, January 31st, 2006. Thank you.
c: Katherine C. Nordal, PhD, Chair, CAPP Roz Dorlen, PsyD, CAPP liaison to the DRN
Procedure for Appointing DRN Advisory Committee Members (Adopted by CAPP, September 2003)
Applicants must meet the following criteria before being presented to CAPP for review
· APA Member
· Serving as DRN Coordinator in their state (licensed, have taken the ARC DMHS1 training, and are a DRN member).
· Practicing in a state within the region being considered for a newly appointed Advisory Committee member.
· Provide the contact information for two references: one from their local Red Cross chapter and one from their state psychological association.
· By submitting an application, candidate is willing to:
o Meet by conference call approximately once a month for a three-year period. Participate on strategy-related conference calls in times of national disaster.
o Occasionally prepare and review draft documents, make recommendations to program policies and procedures, and prepare brief presentations on aspects of the DRN program for the APA Convention, Practice Directorate's State Leadership Conference, or other conferences.
o Represent and speak on behalf of APA's DRN program as appropriate at conferences, meetings, etc.
o Communicate with and represent the ideas/concerns of the state coordinators in their region.
Criteria for CAPP to consider in evaluating candidates
· Established record of disaster mental health response experience.
· Demonstrated experience as a leader and team player.
· Has a cooperative relationship with APA and its affiliated disaster response organizations, i.e. State Psychological Associations, ARC, etc.
Nominee: ________________________________________________________________
Nominee currently serves as DRN coordinator for: ________________________________ (State)
Please list and provide the contact information for two individuals (one from the nominee's local Red Cross chapter and one from the nominee's state psychological association) who have agreed to be references for the nominee:
Name of individual submitting nomination: __________________________________________
Please attach a biographical sketch or vitae for the nominee and any relevant information regarding his/her disaster mental health work. ____________________________________________________________________________
The attached "Procedure for Appointing DRN Advisory Committee Members" may assist you in preparing your nomination materials.
Please submit all nomination materials no later than Tuesday, January 31, 2006 to:
Margie Schroeder, Director, APA DRN American Psychological Association 750 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20002-4242
******************************************************* Elizabeth A. L. Stine-Morrow -- Professor of Educational Psychology, -- Psychology, and the Beckman Institute -- 226 Education Building -- 1310 S. Sixth Street -- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign -- Champaign, IL 61820 --
(217) 244-2167 (office) -- (217) 244-7931 (CRC lab) -- (217) 244-7336 (Beckman lab) -- (217) 244-7620 (fax) -- *******************************************************