Thursday, December 15, 2005

INFO: Mental Health is one of the top 10 policy resolutions from 2005 WHCoA

I am SO happy to report the WHCoA Resolution relating to mental health is in the top 10 WHCoA Resolutions announced this morning! It is #8 (out of 73) and received 929 delegate votes - that means three-quarters of the delegates cast a vote for this resolution!!

The other in the top ten, from top to bottom are:

  1. Reauthorize Older Americans Act
  2. Develop a Coordinated, Comprehensive Long-Term Care Strategy
  3. Insure that Older Americans Have Transportation Options
  4. Strengthen and Improve Medicaid
  5. Strengthen and Improve Medicare
  6. Support Geriatric Education and Training for all Health Care Professionals, Paraprofessionals, Health Profession Students and Direct Care Workers (YEAH!)
  7. Promote Innovative Models of Non-Institutional Long-Term Care
  8. OURS!
  9. Attain Adequate Numbers of Healthcare Personnel in All Professions Who are Skilled, Culturally Competent, and Specialized in Geriatrics (YEAH!)
  10. Improve State and Local Based Integrated Delivery Systems to Meet 21st Century Needs of Seniors

Our psychologist delegates including APA President, Ron Levant, Norm Abeles, John Cavanaugh, Suzann Ogland-Hand, Margaret Hastings, and Mick Smyer, and the National Coalition on Mental Health and Aging represented us well! More at


Deborah DiGilio, MPH Aging Issues Officer Office on Aging American Psychological Association 750 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20002-4242 (202) 336-6135 (202) 336-6040 FAX