Tuesday, June 30, 2009

INFO: APA Member Benefits

From Tabitha Brown, tbrown@apa.org:


Take the APA Member Benefits Survey and you will be automatically entered to WIN a $350 APA gift certificate to be used towards APA products (dues, 2010 convention registration, publications, divisions, etc!); take advantage of your APA Member Benefits by getting savings and discounts on products and services for your, your family and your practice; visit the APA Affinity Pavilion during the APA Convention to get your free gifts, savings cards and product information!


*If you have Adobe Reader you will not be able to save the completed survey. Please click the Print Screen button on your keyboard to save and e-mail a screen capture of the survey.


Tabitha R. Brown

Director, Membership & Affinity Marketing

American Psychological Association

750 First Street, NE

Washington, DC 20002-4242

(202) 336-5576 TEL

(202) 216-7628 FAX




Monday, June 29, 2009

STUDENTS: APF Annette Urso Rickel Foundation Dissertation Award

From Hannah Cooper, hcooper@apa.org:

request for Applications

Annette Urso Rickel Dissertation Award for Public Policy


The American Psychological Foundation (APF) provides financial support for innovative research and programs that enhance the power of psychology to elevate the human condition and advance human potential both now and in generations to come.


The APF Annette Urso Rickel Foundation Dissertation Award for Public Policy supports dissertation research on public policy, which has the potential to improve services for children and families facing psychosocial issues. Examples of eligible topics include but are not limited to issues with at-risk populations, prevention of child abuse, services for youth in the criminal justice system, effectiveness of school programs for children with psychological issues, using psychology in public policy to improve math and science education, and promoting healthy parenting.



The scholarship amount is $1,000. 

Goals of the Program:

§         Encourage talented psychology students to focus on public policy issues

§         Encourage work that has the potential to improve children and family services

Eligibility: Applicants must be graduate students in psychology enrolled full time and in good standing in a graduate program in psychology at a regionally-accredited university or college located in the United States or Canada. Applicants must also have:

§         Approval of dissertation proposal by the dissertation committee prior to application;

§         No record of having received either an APA or APF dissertation award

APF encourages applications from individuals who represent diversity in race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, and sexual orientation.

To Apply:

Submit a Dissertation summary, including a brief description of the research design and budget (three-page limit, font size no smaller than 11); letter of recommendation from a faculty advisor and current CV online at http://forms.apa.org/apf/grants/ by November 1, 2009.  For more information, visit www.apa.org/apf.

Questions about this program should be directed to the Foundation at (202) 336-5843 or foundation@apa.org.  

Saturday, June 27, 2009

JOBS: University of Alabama, Department of Psychology

Visiting Position in Clinical Child or Social Psychology, The University of Alabama


The Department of Psychology at The University of Alabama has been recognized for its academic and research strengths by the University and has been given supplementary funding to expand. We have an immediate opening for a visiting faculty position at the assistant professor level in either Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology or Social Psychology starting August 16, 2009.  We anticipate that the department will have tenure track positions in both programs the following academic year (beginning August 2010).  The successful candidate for the visiting position will contribute to both the teaching and research missions of the department. 


Candidates should have completed or be nearing completion of a doctoral program in Psychology.  For the clinical child position, completion of an APA or CPA-accredited internship is required.  Responsibilities include teaching a 2-2 course load of undergraduate and/or graduate courses and conducting independent research/collaborating with current faculty. 


The University of Alabama, founded in 1831, is the flagship campus of a three campus system. The University is located in Tuscaloosa, a city of 100,000 that was named an All America City by the National Civic League. Applications should include a letter outlining qualifications, research interests, teaching philosophy, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and potential fit with the department. Additionally, applications should include a current vita and 3 letters of recommendation. Application review will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Apply online at https://facultyjobs.ua.edu. Go to search postings and enter requisition number 0801780.  All materials should be submitted online, except letters of recommendation.  These should be mailed to Beverly Thorn, Chair Designate, Department of Psychology, The University of Alabama, Box 870348, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0348 and can be emailed to bthorn@as.ua.edu. Minority and women candidates are especially encouraged to apply. The University of Alabama is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. For more information about our department, please visit us on the web at http://psychology.ua.edu, or contact Beverly Thorn at 205-348-5024 or bthorn@as.ua.edu


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

INFO: Applied Multilevel Modeling and SEM workshop

Applied Multilevel and Structural Equation Modeling Workshop

Dates: August 10 -12
Location: Department of Psychology, North Carolina State University

For more information please visit:


Overview: This 3-day workshop is designed for the researcher who wishes to expand their statistical toolkit to include advanced modeling techniques but who may feel intimidated by statistics or may not have the time or resources to devote to a week long class. The 3-day workshop is divided into two different but complementary workshops: the first day and a half focuses on Multilevel Modeling and the second day and a half focuses on structural equation modeling including confirmatory factor analysis and latent growth curve modeling. Both workshops will be conducted in computer labs and consist of lecturing and hands-on practice with running models. The overarching goal of both classes is straightforward and pragmatic: You will learn when, why, and how to do each of the analyses using your own data.

Audience: Researchers in social sciences, education, and other applied fields.

Multilevel Modeling: August 10 (8:00am - 5:00 pm) -- August 11 (8:00am -12:00 pm)

Latent Variable Modeling: August 11 (1:00pm - 5:00 pm) -- August 12 (8:00am -5:00 pm)

Price: The price for either class separately is $300, and the price for both classes is $500. The total cost includes all class handouts/materials and readings posted prior to class. In addition, you will access the instructors via email prior to the workshops to assist you in preparing your data set so that you may analyze it on the first day. If you do not have appropriate data, the instructors will provide you with practice datasets.

AWARDS: Gold Medal Awards

From Hannah Cooper, hcooper@apa.org:

The American Psychological Foundation (APF) is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the 2010 APF Gold Medal Awards for Life Achievement in Psychology.

The Gold Medal Awards for Life Achievement are bestowed in recognition of a distinguished career and enduring contribution to psychology. The Awards are conferred in four categories:

§         Gold Medal Award for Life Achievement in the Science of Psychology recognizes a distinguished career and enduring contribution to advancing psychological science.

§         Gold Medal for Life Achievement in the Application of Psychology recognizes a distinguished career and enduring contribution to advancing the application of psychology through methods, research, and/or application of psychological techniques to important practical problems.

§         Gold Medal Award for Life Achievement in Psychology in the Public Interest recognizes a distinguished career and enduring contribution to the application of psychology in the public interest.

§         Gold Medal Award for Life Achievement in the Practice of Psychology recognizes a distinguished career and enduring contribution to advancing the professional practice of psychology through a demonstrable effect on patterns of service delivery in the profession.

Amount:  APF Gold Medalists receive a mounted gold medal, and an all-expense paid trip to the APA annual convention, where the award is presented.

Eligibility: Psychologists who are 65 years or older, normally residing in North America.

The application deadline is December 1, 2009.


For more information, including the nomination procedures, please visit http://www.apa.org/apf/gold.html.  



Hannah Cooper
American Psychological Foundation (APF)
750 First Street NE
Washington, DC 20002

Phone: (202) 336-5873
Fax: (202) 336-5812
E-mail: hcooper@apa.org


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

INFORMATION: Re: Information Alert! House Committees Include Psychology's Top Medicare Priority


For your information - see below.

Dr. M. Arnold, PhD, RN Licensed Psychologist - Registered Nurse Psychological Services, Behavioral Health  Counseling, Consultation and Education Focused on the Needs of Older Adults Western Suffolk/Eastern Nassau Counties, LI, NY Long Term Care Settings (631) 271-9863  "It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom.  It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken  and the wisest might err." Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)  “It is better to know the patient who has the disease than it is to know the disease which the patient has.”  Hippocrates (460 BC - 377 BC) 

       Urgent        Action        Required    X    For Your        Information  APA Practice Organization Information Alert  Date:               June 23, 2009  To:                  SPTA and Division Federal Advocacy Coordinators  APAGS Coordinators  From:             Marilyn Richmond, J.D., Assistant Executive Director for Government Relations 		  American Psychological Association Practice Organization  Cc:                  Katherine Nordal, Ph.D., Executive Director for Professional Practice SPTA Executive Directors SPTA Directors of Professional Affairs CAPP  Re:                  House Committees Include Psychology's Top Medicare Priority  On Friday, three key House committees, the Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce, and Education and Labor Committees, released their joint draft of health care reform legislation, which includes Medicare provisions.  I am pleased to inform you that the committees have included psychology's top Medicare priority - a two-year extension of the 5% psychology payment restoration previously passed as part of the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) in 2008.  The provision would ensure approximately $60 million will continue to support Medicare psychotherapy services that would otherwise have been cut as a result of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) five-year review rule.  This is a critically important first step to ensure our provision is included in any final legislation Congress adopts and sends to the President.  The draft bill also includes other positive developments for practitioners and their patients, including a proposed revision of the current payment formula to prevent the 21% Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) cut from taking effect in 2010.  Based on projections from CMS, services would be expected to receive a 1% update in 2010.  The draft would also remove the discriminatory cap on inpatient psychiatric hospital stays, building on MIPPA's phased-in implementation of copayment parity and bringing the Medicare program closer to full parity between mental and physical health.  Unfortunately, the draft does not amend the Medicare "physician" definition to include psychologists, but APAPO will keep pushing for this change to remove unnecessary and inappropriate physician supervision of psychologists' services.  The Practice Organization is concerned about a provision in the bill that would authorize the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to establish Medicare medical home models under the leadership of physicians or nurse practitioners who would coordinate and arrange for care with other providers.  APAPO is particularly concerned that the draft language contains few details about how beneficiaries would access the services of other health care professionals, including psychologists who provide critical testing and assessment services.  The Practice Organization seeks a fully inclusive model, such as the HELP Committee model discussed below, and at the minimum is requesting that psychologists be made eligible to provide these services.  Senate Action  On the Senate side, the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee has begun formal consideration of its health care reform bill, the Affordable Health Choices Act (AHCA).  I am pleased to report to you that the HELP Committee's draft features psychology's top health care reform priorities - inclusion of mental health/substance use in insurance benefit packages and integration of psychologists and psychological services into primary care.  Your grassroots support has been critical to ensuring key Congressional committees understand the importance of these provisions to psychologists and their patients.  While the HELP Committee has yet to release any details of a public plan option, the AHCA would establish state-administered "gateways" in which insurers would compete to provide health plans to individuals who do not have employer-based coverage and are not otherwise qualified for Medicare, Medicaid or other similar coverage.  Both the AHCA and the House tri-committee draft require these plans to include mental health and substance use benefits.  The federal parity law, the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008, and state parity laws would apply to such plans in the larger group (50 or more employees) market.    The AHCA also sets out a new grant program to establish community-based, multi-disciplinary, inter-professional "health teams" to facilitate better primary care services.  These patient-centered health teams, which would include psychologists and other mental health providers, would be designed to work together to provide patients with coordinated and integrated care, with priority given to those with chronic diseases or conditions, and access to a continuum of health care services, including referrals for mental and behavioral health services.   On June 16, APA Chief Executive Officer Norman B. Anderson, Ph.D., expressed APA's support for the bill to committee leaders in a letter that can be viewed here: http://www.apapractice.org/apo/legislative_advocacy/apa_supports_affordable.GenericArticle.Single.articleLink.GenericArticle.Single.file.tmp/Affordable%20Health%20Choices%20Letter.pdf <http://www.apapractice.org/apo/legislative_advocacy/apa_supports_affordable.GenericArticle.Single.articleLink.GenericArticle.Single.file.tmp/Affordable%20Health%20Choices%20Letter.pdf>  .  APAPO continues to work with the committee to make additional technical amendments that would benefit psychologists and their patients as the "mark-up" process moves forward over the next few weeks.    At the same time, the Senate Finance Committee is also preparing to consider health care reform legislation, which like the House bill will include Medicare provisions.  The Finance Committee measure is expected to include provisions directly related to Medicare reimbursement and is now likely to be considered after the recess scheduled for June 27 through July 5.  APAPO is working hard to ensure the bill contains our top Medicare priority, extension of the 5% psychology payment restoration, as well as inclusion of psychologists in the "physician" definition.  We will keep you posted as these important issues move forward in the coming weeks.    Jeff Cook, J.D. Director of Field & State Operations American Psychological Association Practice Organization 750 First Street, NE Washington, DC  20002 (202) 336-5875 (Office) (202) 336-5797 (Fax) jcook@apa.org (Email)

INFO: 2009 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) Program Reminder


Please see the message below regarding participating in the 2009 PQRI program.

Dr. M. Arnold, PhD, RN Licensed Psychologist - Registered Nurse Psychological Services, Behavioral Health  Counseling, Consultation and Education Focused on the Needs of Older Adults Western Suffolk/Eastern Nassau Counties, LI, NY Long Term Care Settings (631) 271-9863  "It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom.  It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken  and the wisest might err." Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)  “It is better to know the patient who has the disease than it is to know the disease which the patient has.”  Hippocrates (460 BC - 377 BC)

rom: Cebuhar, Barbara (CMS/OEA) [mailto:Barbara.Cebuhar@cms.hhs.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 10:22 AM
To: Butler, Susie E. (CMS/OEA)
Subject: 2009 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) Program Reminder


2009 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) Program Reminder


It is not too late to start participating in the 2009 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) and potentially qualify to receive incentive payments.  A new half-year reporting period begins on July 1.  If you have not yet started, you can begin by reporting either:


·        Three individual 2009 PQRI measures for at least 80% of applicable Medicare Part B FFS patients seen between July 1, 2009 and December 31, 2009 through a qualified 2009 PQRI registry. To qualify for a half-year incentive (some registries may allow an eligible professional to submit data to them from the start of 2009 thus being able to report for the entire year); or


·        A measures group through claims or a qualified 2009 PQRI registry.; depending on the sample method selected for a measures group, you could qualify for:

o       A half-year incentive by reporting the measures group on 80% of applicable Medicare Part B FFS patients seen between July 1, 2009 and December 31, 2009 or

o       A full-year incentive by reporting the measures group on 30-consecutive patients. 


A list of qualified registries for the 2009 PQRI can be found on the CMS PQRI “Reporting” section page at http://www.cms.hhs.gov/PQRI on the CMS website. 


Eligible professionals do not need to sign-up or pre-register to participate in the 2009 PQRI.  Submission of quality data codes for individual PQRI measures to CMS through a qualified registry or for a measures group through claims or a qualified registry will indicate intent to participate. 


Although there is no requirement to register prior to submitting the data, there are some preparatory steps that professionals should take prior to undertaking PQRI reporting.  CMS has created a tip sheet titled, “Satisfactorily Reporting 2009 PQRI Measures,” that provides information about how to get started with PQRI reporting.  To access this tip sheet and all available educational resources on the 2009 PQRI please visit, http://www.cms.hhs.gov/PQRI/  on the CMS website.  Eligible professionals are encouraged to visit the PQRI webpage often for the latest information and downloads on PQRI. 


AWARDS: Charles L. Brewer Distinguished Teaching of Psychology Award

From Hannah Cooper, hcooper@apa.org:

The American Psychological Foundation (APF) is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the 2010 APF Charles L. Brewer Distinguished Teaching of Psychology Award.  The award recognizes a significant career of contributions of a psychologist who has a proven track record as an exceptional teacher of psychology.


Nominees must demonstrate the following dimensions:


  • Demonstrated influence as a teacher whose students became outstanding psychologists: names and careers of nominee's students and evidence of influence as a teacher of them.
  • Development of effective teaching methods and/or teaching materials.
  • Engagement in significant research or other creative activity on teaching.
  • Development of innovative curricula and courses: description and sample of innovation and evidence of its successful utilization.
  • Outstanding performance as a teacher in and outside the classroom: student ratings, enrollment figures, evaluative observation by colleagues, teaching awards, other forms of prior recognition.
  • An especially effective trainer of teachers of psychology: description of the contributions and evidence of effectiveness.
  • Outstanding teaching of advanced research methods and practice in psychology (advanced undergraduate, graduate, or other): description of classroom and mentoring roles.
  • Responsible for administrative facilitation of outstanding teaching: description of administrative actions and results on teaching programs; evaluation by others of actions and results.

Amount: The awardee will receive a plaque, $2,000, and an all-expense paid round trip to the APA annual convention, where the award is presented. Awardees are also invited to give a special address.


The application deadline is December 1, 2009.


For more information, including the nomination procedures, please visit http://www.apa.org/apf/brewer.html.  


Hannah Cooper

American Psychological Foundation (APF)

750 First Street NE

Washington, DC 20002

Phone: (202) 336-5873

Fax: (202) 336-5812

E-mail: hcooper@apa.org

Monday, June 22, 2009

Help Division 20 membership grow!


As a long-time and proud member of Division 20 I have enjoyed a multitude of
professional benefits of Division 20 including job opportunities, faculty
development, research training, professional mentorship, and networking
contacts. These benefits have helped me throughout my career, and that is
why serving as Membership Chair for Division 20 has been such a special

I hope that you are willing to share the benefits of Division 20 membership
with your students and colleagues. One of our goals on the Executive
Committee has been to try and identify 2-3 new members each! If you are not
already a member, please visit the APA Division 20 membership page
(http://apadiv20.phhp.ufl.edu/join.htm) and fill out an application. The
membership page provides a wealth detail of why membership in Division 20 is
such a great professional opportunity. You will become a member upon our
receipt of your online application and a payment fo $44 payable to Division
20. If you are already a member, please feel free to share the APA Division
20 membership page link with your colleagues or students.

We extend special membership fees for students. Student affiliates who do
not want the Journal receive their first year of membership free. Student
affiliates who want the journal should send $26. After the first year, the
student affiliate rate is $12 without the journal and $27 with the journal.

We are also pleased to announce a new membership benefit! Springer
Publishing Company is now providing APA Division 20 members with a 20%
discount for any book at http://www.springerpub.com. We thank Sheri W.
Sussman at Springer for working with us to provide this benefit to D20
members. For more information, please contact swsussman@springerpub.com.
Please feel free to contact me to acquire the special discount code.

Please note that we have designed attractive new brochures to help stimulate
our outreach efforts. If you would like some brochures to post in your
office or share with colleagues, please let me know and I would be happy to
mail you some.

If you have any questions, or if there is anything I can do to help
facilitate your membership or others in APA Division 20, please do not
hesitate to contact me!


Joe Gaugler
Membership Chair
APA Division 20


Joseph E. Gaugler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, School of Nursing, Center on Aging
McKnight Presidential Fellow
Coordinator of Research Initiatives, Center for Gerontological Nursing
University of Minnesota
6-153 Weaver-Densford Hall,1331
308 Harvard Street S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Phone: 612-626-2485
Cell Phone: 651-605-5611
Email: gaug0015@umn.edu
Fax: 612-625-7180

Electronic messages can be misdirected or intercepted by unintended parties.
The University of Minnesota can not and does not guarantee the
confidentiality of messages sent over the Internet. Messages sent to or
received from work e-mail accounts also may be monitored or viewed by your
employer. If you have received this communication in error, please notify
the sender immediately and delete the information.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joseph E. Gaugler" <gaug0015@umn.edu>
To: <psyaging-L@lists.ufl.edu>
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 5:38 PM
Subject: INFO: Help Division 20 membership grow!

> Hello,
> As a long-time and proud member of Division 20 I have enjoyed a multitude
> of professional benefits of Division 20 including job opportunities,
> faculty development, research training, professional mentorship, and
> networking contacts. These benefits have helped me throughout my career,
> and that is why serving as Membership Chair for Division 20 has been such
> a special privilege.
> I hope that you are willing to share the benefits of Division 20
> membership with your students and colleagues. One of our goals on the
> Executive Committee has been to try and identify 2-3 new members each! If
> you are not already a member, please visit the APA Division 20 membership
> page (http://apadiv20.phhp.ufl.edu/join.htm) and fill out an application.
> The membership page provides a wealth detail of why membership in Division
> 20 is such a great professional opportunity. You will become a member
> upon our receipt of your online application and a payment fo $44 payable
> to Division 20. If you are already a member, please feel free to share
> the APA Division 20 membership page link with your colleagues or students.
> We extend special membership fees for students. Student affiliates who do
> not want the Journal receive their first year of membership free. Student
> affiliates who want the journal should send $26. After the first year,
> the student affiliate rate is $12 without the journal and $27 with the
> journal.
> We are also pleased to announce a new membership benefit! Springer
> Publishing Company is now providing APA Division 20 members with a 20%
> discount for any book at http://www.springerpub.com. We thank Sheri W.
> Sussman at Springer for working with us to provide this benefit to D20
> members. For more information, please contact swsussman@springerpub.com.
> Please feel free to contact me to acquire the special discount code.
> Please note that we have designed attractive new brochures to help
> stimulate our outreach efforts. If you would like some brochures to post
> in your office or share with colleagues, please let me know and I would be
> happy to mail you some.
> If you have any questions, or if there is anything I can do to help
> facilitate your membership or others in APA Division 20, please do not
> hesitate to contact me!
> Sincerely,
> Joe Gaugler
> Membership Chair
> APA Division 20
> _____________________
> Joseph E. Gaugler, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor, School of Nursing, Center on Aging
> McKnight Presidential Fellow
> Coordinator of Research Initiatives, Center for Gerontological Nursing
> University of Minnesota
> 6-153 Weaver-Densford Hall,1331
> 308 Harvard Street S.E.
> Minneapolis, MN 55455
> Phone: 612-626-2485
> Cell Phone: 651-605-5611
> Email: gaug0015@umn.edu
> Fax: 612-625-7180
> http://www.nursing.umn.edu/FacultyandStaff/GauglerJoseph.html
> _____________________
> Electronic messages can be misdirected or intercepted by unintended
> parties. The University of Minnesota can not and does not guarantee the
> confidentiality of messages sent over the Internet. Messages sent to or
> received from work e-mail accounts also may be monitored or viewed by your
> employer. If you have received this communication in error, please notify
> the sender immediately and delete the information.

INFO: TOMORROW June 23 IS Eldercare Wkforce CALL IN DAY

Tomorrow, June 23, is National Eldercare Workforce Alliance Call-in Day.  APA is a member of the interdisciplinary Eldercare Workforce Alliance (www.eldercare.org) who is sponsoring this call in.  EWA members will be making Hill visits tomorrow in conjunction with Call-in Day.  


The Switchboards will be open 9am and 6pm ET.


HERE’S WHAT TO DO TOMORROW: Dial: 800-958-5374 and say the name of your Representative. If you are not sure of your Representative’s name, go to www.house.gov and insert your zip code in the upper left hand corner to find it. 


Note: We are targeting Representatives on the House Ways & Means, Energy & Commerce, and Education & Labor committees. If your Representative is not on one of the committees working on health reform, the message will say:  "We are not directing calls to your Representative for today's Eldercare Workforce campaign.”  


Here is a sample message for your call (Please feel free to personalize/add to):


“Hello.  My name is ________, I am a psychologist and I live in (city/state).  I believe that a strong eldercare workforce is essential to health reform.  I urge support of:

·         H.R. 468, the Retooling the Health Care Workforce for an Aging America Act of 2009

·         H.R. 1457, the Geriatrics Loan Forgiveness Act of 2009

·         Expansion of the Geriatrics Health Professions Education and Training Programs under Titles VII and VIII of the Public Health Service Act

·         Greater federal minimum wage and overtime protection for 1.5 million home care workers under the Fair Labor Standards Act.


Thank you."


Thanks for helping us with this!  Debbie


Deborah DiGilio| Director, Office on Aging
Public Interest Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: (202) 336-6135 |  Fax: (202) 336-6040
email: ddigilio
@apa.org | www.apa.org/pi/aging

APA Logo


P Please consider the environment before printing this email.











Thursday, June 18, 2009

CONFERENCES: Detailed APA Division 20 Program for the 2009 Toronto Convention

Detailed Division 20 program for the 2009 Convention

Becky Allen and Phil Allen (program co-chairs)

See: http://apadiv20.phhp.ufl.edu/Div_20_Convention_Detailed_Program_2009.doc

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

CONFERENCES: Div 20 APA conference information

APA 2009 Division 20 Program Blurb for Newsletter-June Version

Please join your Division 20 colleagues at the APA convention in Toronto, which will take place August 6-9th. In addition to the presidential address (Dr. Elizabeth Zelinski –Saturday August 8th 3:00 to 3:50 pm) and the Baltes address (David Hultsch - Friday August 7th 3:00 to 3:50 pm), four outstanding scientists will be giving invited addresses covering topics illustrating the breadth of interests within Division 20. We also have six symposia presentations, with one co-sponsored by Division 55 (American Society for the Advancement of Pharmacotherapy) and one co-sponsored by Division 21 (Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology).

The Division 20 Social Event will take place on Friday August 7th at a Toronto Blue Jays baseball game (7 pm). This will allow more interaction among Division 20 colleagues and graduate students than a traditional restaurant setting would permit—and it is more inexpensive than many Toronto restaurants. The cost is $20 (US) per ticket. To obtain this special rate, we need to purchase at least 50 tickets, and preferably over 100. Please send in your requests and checks by June 30, 2009 to Philip Allen, Department of Psychology, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325-4301 (this covers the ticket price but not food such as hot dogs or soda). We hope to see you in Toronto on August 7th at the game!

Helena Chui and Kevin Petway, Division 20’s graduate student representatives, have secured Dr. Michael Gilewski (a Division 20 fellow who practices in neuropsychological rehabilitation and who is also involved in multisite applied research) as the guest speaker for the Graduate Student Conversation Hour on Friday August 7th from 5-5:50 pm

We hope to see you in Toronto in August! ---Phil Allen and Becky Allen (Division 20 Program co-chairs).

Thursday, June 11, 2009

CONFERENCES: CE in Geropsychology

Please share this information with colleagues who may be interested in working with older adults and their families.…

The APA Committee on Aging and the Office on Continuing Education will once again offer an all day preconvention CE workshop, What Psychologists Should Know About Working with Older Adults at the 2009 APA Convention in Toronto. More information about the workshop is available at http://www.apa.org/pi/aging/ce-workshop.pdf.

The workshop is also offered as an online continuing education offering through the APA Online Academy. To register for the online offering, go to: http://webclients.captus.com/apa/catalog.htm

Deborah DiGilio| Director, Office on Aging Public Interest Directorate American Psychological Association 750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 Tel: (202) 336-6135 | Fax: (202) 336-6040 email: ddigilio@apa.org | www.apa.org/pi/aging

APA Logo

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INFO: Eldercare Workforce Alliance National Call-in Day

On Tuesday, June 23 (between 9 am – 6 pm, ET), APA will join other members of the Eldercare Workforce Alliance (EWA), in a National Call-in Day to send a clear message to Congress: A Strong Eldercare Workforce is Essential to Real Health Reform.

Toward the end of next week, prior to Call-in day, we will send out another message with logistical information, including an 800# (that will connect to a voice-activated system), call-in instructions, and a sample script.

This effort is targeted to Representatives on the House Ways & Means, Energy & Commerce, and Education & Labor committees. We will be urging Congress to include the following measures in health reform:

à Increase the federal match for all long-term care services funded under Medicaid, which will give states incentives to increase these vital services.

à Expand the Geriatrics Health Professions Education and Training Programs under Titles VII and VIII of the Public Health Service Act to increase the supply of essential healthcare professionals.

à Extend greater federal minimum wage and overtime protection under the Fair Labor Standards Act to 1,500,000 home care workers.

à Provide loan forgiveness for professional training in geriatric care.

à Support appropriate care coordination services under Medicare and Medicaid.

à Provide training and support for direct-care workers and family caregivers.

We are very excited to be part of this collaborative effort to bring attention to this issue and I hope that you will join us in making our voices heard!

Please click here (www.eldercareworkforce.org) for more information on the Eldercare Workforce Alliance and its legislative priorities. Thank you.

Deborah DiGilio| Director, Office on Aging Public Interest Directorate American Psychological Association 750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 Tel: (202) 336-6135 | Fax: (202) 336-6040 email: ddigilio@apa.org | www.apa.org/pi/aging

APA Logo

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Tuesday, June 09, 2009

JOBS: postdoctoral fellowship in cognitive aging at Georgia Tech

The Cognitive Aging Program in the School of Psychology at Georgia Institute of Technology will have an opening for a postdoctoral Fellow on its NIH-sponsored training grant starting as soon as November 1, 2009. Postdoctoral trainees work with core faculty members in the Cognitive Aging Program including: Fredda Blanchard-Fields - social cognition, emotion regulation, everyday problem solving; Audrey Duarte – neuroscience of memory; Arthur Dan Fisk - attention, human factors, applied cognition; Christopher Hertzog - memory, metacognition, intelligence; Wendy A. Rogers - human factors, applied cognition, attention and learning; Anderson D. Smith - episodic memory, animal models; Daniel H. Spieler – attention, language processing, modeling; Paul Verhaeghen – attention, speed of processing, working memory. There are also other faculty members affiliated with our training program who can collaborate with postdoctoral fellows. More information about faculty interests and! the School of Psychology can be located at http://www.psychology.gatech.edu. Fellowships are restricted to U.S. citizens or permanent residents. To apply, please send a vitae, publications, a letter of application identifying possible matches to faculty mentors, and three reference letters to Christopher Hertzog; School of Psychology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Atlanta, GA 30332-0170. Applications received before September 1, 2009 are preferred, but candidates will be evaluated until the position is filled. The Georgia Institute of Technology is a unit of the University System of Georgia and is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.